An apparently intoxicated Miss Nevada Katie Rees (middle) showing us how she lost her crown!

WASHINGTON TIMES – December 22, 2006:

Teenagers’ use of illegal drugs has declined significantly in the past five years, a new government study shows, although the study found a slight increase in teens abusing prescription painkillers and other legally available substances.

Comparing data from 2001 and 2006, the federal study found the number of teens who reported using marijuana within the past 30 days fell 25 percent, while past 30-day use of methamphetamine plunged 50 percent during the same five-year period.

Teen use of cigarettes, alcohol, steroids, cocaine, heroin and LSD were also down, in some cases dramatically, the report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found. Underage drinking is down more than a third since it peaked a decade ago. Past-month teen smoking is at an all-time low, with the biggest declines among 12th-graders.

  1. matt says:

    Should there be a NSFW tag?


  2. SN says:

    1. “Should there be a NSFW tag?”

    You’re working in an office the weekend before Christmas?!

  3. matt says:

    NSFH then, either works, wouldn’t want my family walking in and grilling me on what “Dvorak Uncensored” is.

  4. James Hill says:

    This is a path of least resistance story. It’s become harder for kids to get “hard” drugs in most areas of the country, so those who are looking to get high go for what is easy to get: Over-the-counter drugs.

    Regarding tobacco use, my impression is that the “you’ll stink” PSAs have impacted this generation much more than the “you’ll die” PSAs of the past. As for alcohol, my impression is that the mystery around it has vanished… and it is so easy to get that it isn’t considered risky or dangerous.

  5. ECA says:

    i REALLY dont htink its the drugs…
    Its WHAT drugs you wish them to TAKE or NOT take..
    Downers, relaxants, anything that makes you NOT want to be driving or very active would be FINE with me.
    Think it would be better then ALOT of the stuff out there.

  6. SN says:

    3. “NSFH then, either works…”

    Personally, when I’m at work or in front of my kids, I read this blog with images turned off, just to be safe.

  7. matt says:

    smart man

  8. JoaoPT says:

    As if this blog is shocking for the pictures…

    Mostly it’s the comments, but hey, my better half has only limited english reading abilities and my 6 year old barely recognizes half the alphabet, so… safe surf.

  9. Tom 2 says:

    SN is the man.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    Who’s asking and how they phrase the questions could have an effect too. Before,kids who didn’t use drugs said they did and now kids who do use drugs say they don’t? There are a lot of possible causes for such a dramatic shift, not all of them reflecting anything resembling reality. Crediting (or blaming) the government propaganda campaign might or might not be pinning the tail on the right donkey.

  11. ED (E. Volve N. D'Mocracy) says:

    Egads. The Washington Times as the source for this (or any!!) story on values, morals or ethics!!

    In first year university, my English prof, as an aside, mentioned something that I will never forget:

    Never read from junk sources because sometime, far into the future, you may remember the fact(s), but not the source and you may find yourself quoting as fact something from say The National Enquirer.

    Sage advice I suggest. Since The Washington Times was purchased by a person who actually calls himself the second coming of Christ (no really – he really does!!) and has an entire cult built around him, since this wingnut has taken over editorial control of The Washington Times, this newspaper (with its very many suspect stories) should have lost any rightful place as being quoteworthy – especially when citing opinions or “fact” that support or promote their Faux-News like tightly controlled moral and ethic based editorial issues.

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    To be exact, that “person” is the notorious Reverend Sun Myung Moon, head of what was once known as the Unification Church (now it’s the “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification”), and he didn’t purchase the paper, he founded it in 1982.

    And yes, Moon claims that he IS Christ. He is also a former employer of Tony Snow, the Asswipe-In-Chief’s current press secretary.

    Ain’t Amerika great?

    So Rhetorically Querieth The Ghoti


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