
Elf Yourself: A Gift from OfficeMax — This is a fun diversion. You upload a picture of your head — or anyone’s for that matter — and it puts it on top of a dorky dancing elf and produces a short and funny animation. Great fun.

found by William Taylor

  1. asdf says:

    I’ve made three of them. Lots of fun! Thanks. Here’s one I made for my friend Miranda.

    You can add a voice to the animation by calling a phone number. The voice is added to the animation within seconds. And it’s processed to sound like an elf. Way Cool!

    How do dey do dat?

  2. qwerty says:


    John has some fancy moves. hehe


  4. asdf says:

    It’s not funny if I use my photo. hehe

  5. RTaylor says:

    Okay mods, lets do a screen cap and replace the photo with asdf’s Pièce de résistance.

  6. Reality says:

    Oh, come on….more of you can contribute to this. Make an elf. Expose your lunacy. Don’t be a wimp.

  7. Reality says:

    Oh, come on….more of you can contribute to this. Make an elf. Expose your lunacy.

    Record it, mail it to yourself, then post the link.

  8. Peggy says:

    Can you put 2 pictures that would show on this? Mine does fine alone but would like to know if I can put two pictures dancing? Would appreciate your answer.


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