U.S. Selective Service plans to test draft machinery

The Selective Service System is planning a comprehensive test of the military draft machinery, which hasn’t been run since 1998.

The agency is not gearing up for a draft, an agency official said Thursday. The test itself would not likely occur until 2009. Meanwhile, the secretary for Veterans Affairs said that “society would benefit” if the United States were to bring back the draft and that it shouldn’t have any loopholes for anyone who is called to serve. VA Secretary Jim Nicholson later issued a statement saying he does not support reinstituting a draft.

The Selective Service “readiness exercise” would test the system that randomly chooses draftees by birth date and the network of appeals boards that decide how to deal with conscientious objectors and others who want to delay reporting for duty, said Scott Campbell, Selective Service director for operations and chief information officer.

“We’re kind of like a fire extinguisher. We sit on a shelf” until needed, Campbell said. “Everyone fears our machine for some reason. Our machine, unless the president and Congress get together and say, ‘Turn the machine on’ … we’re still on the shelf.”

  1. moss says:

    Gee, I wonder why they don’t run the test before the elections in 2008?

  2. James Hill says:

    Slow news week if you’re posting this. They test it every 10 to 12 years. That’s not a bad thing if it ever really need it.

  3. Improbus says:

    This makes me glad I will be 42 next June. Just out of range of Uncle Sam.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    It does make sense, I suppose, but in a pinch we can always use some extra Keno balls from Vegas to make the draft selections. I have nothing to fear from Keno balls because my numbers never come up 😉

  5. rctaylor says:

    DoD claims Iraq is depleting tactical resources, both material and personnel. If another hot spot occurs there may be a problem. I doubt conscripts are a solution. It would take over a year to get them battle ready.

  6. Chris says:

    If this country is going to continue to wage war around the world, I have no doubt they will eventually reinstate the draft.
    It amazes me that these people are allowed to remain in power and I STILL see pro-Bush bumper stickers.

  7. Raff says:

    What we should do is offer Mexicans who want to be U.S. citizens the opportunity to join our armed forces, and round up all the illegals and offer them the choice.. Military or deportation.

    That’d kill two birds with one stone.. If they slack off or serve poorly then they don’t get citizenship.

  8. Joey says:

    I welcome the draft. It’ll kick-start the next revolution.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – I love the attitude that others need to work very very hard to earn something that I got just by an accident of birth.

    But whatever… I say, let’s reinstate the draft now. Both men and women are to register. Gays and lesbians too. Also, rich kids and kids of politicians (often the same thing). No deferments.

    If we need to fight a war, let ALL the voters… Mothers, fathers, grandparents and kids have a stake in it.

  10. chitown says:

    oh #9, why do you dream such foolish dreams. 🙂 the draft always has , and always will be avoidable by those with power, money, connections etc. 🙁

    still it would be interesting to see how many draft age bloggers that are pressing for us to give em more hell in Iraq would find some reason why they shouldn’t be there. 🙂

  11. Please. The draft will not happen, not now, not ever. Period. Move along.

  12. venom monger says:

    This makes me glad I will be 42 next June. Just out of range of Uncle Sam.

    Are you sure? I thought they raised the age to 62 1/2.

    They’ve lowered the physical requirements, too. Apparently the obstacle courses are now wheelchair accessable.

    That’s what I heard anyway.

  13. Improbus says:

    Is 62 the new 42? I must have missed the memo.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – Thanks Rich. Your authority on the topic is unimpeachable.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    We would have less a problem with the draft if they could just put some weather stripping around the windows.

  16. Cynic Al says:

    “Everyone fears our machine for some reason.” Gee, Ya Think?

  17. DWright says:

    Now the next generation of Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys can lead the way.

  18. James Hill says:

    #15 – Well played.

    #17 – Because the next generation of… wait, there are no successful liberal talk show hosts. Who else is going to lead the way?

  19. joshua says:

    #18…James Hill….good on you…lol.

    We need the draft. Look around you, what do you see, 2 whole generations of people who think that what we have in this country happened overnight because of Celeberties and Music.
    Pie in the sky dreams of not having to go to war are just that….and until those dreams become reality, we need an Army….so, even though I think the all volunteer force is probably much more professional for the most part, maybe we do need to allow all people from 18 to 35, male, female and others to step up and help their country out.
    Or, we could go the illegal route, since they only take the jobs Americans won’t do, and let them fight for us as well as all the rest.

    If we could make the draft really fair, no buying your way out, no Doctors excuses, no notes from Mom. Just every person under 35 and over 18 doing either the military or Humanitarian service for 2 years, then I would say cool. If Jenna and Barbra had to serve right along side of Rosie Hernandez from East La…..THEN GO FOR IT.

  20. Major Jizz says:

    I think we should round up all the people that post under the name of Raff and put them into labor camps. If they don’t like it we could just throw some stones at them. Sometimes you just have to put down those fascists here and there. Raff, in my labor camp you’ll be making the finest sweaters for poor Mexican people. I have quality control too! So, watch it! No slacking! Obey your master! 🙂

  21. 14. You are absolutely correct there slugger. I do in fact understand the defense complex well enough to know how much they don’t want it, and I do know that this is more radioactive politically than abortion to know that the draft will never, EVER happen. Mark my words.


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