The Inquirer – Friday 22 December 2006:

DEVELOPERS making the long-awaited Duke Nukem:reloaded game have gone on record saying that it will not be out in January.

Rumours have been flying about the web that the game was due to be in the shops in January 3. Duke Nukem:Reloaded is probably the most delayed computer game in history.

However according to a statement posted on the developer’s website the rumours are “total lies”.

I’ve long since given up hope of ever playing this game. But at the very least I wish they’d re-release the first Duke Nukem 3D using the Doom3 engine!

  1. James Hill says:

    SN, this is what you get when you attack the gamer kiddies. I had to deal with the same shit on this blog (from a Ziff-Davis editor, no less) when I dared to point out how overrated the gaming crowd is in reference to moving PC hardware forward.

    My favorite part was running over the line of Hari-Krishnas in one shot!

    I think we can all agree this should be legal in real life.

  2. James Hill says:

    Also, Scott, your web site sucks. You fail at the Internet.

    (Welcome to Flame 101, kids.)

  3. SN says:

    32 “SN, this is what you get when you attack the gamer kiddies”

    Yeah, over at Slashdot I had perfect karma and a string of 5 score comments. However, I was temporarily banned and never went back. My offense? Pointing out the utter truth that the original Xbox was a failure because it lost 4 billion dollars. That pissed off the Xbox fanboys so they started modding down all my comments. And like I said, I was eventually banned temporarily for being a troll. Yeah, I was the troll!

    Look, this was never supposed to be a debate about Steam. I bought Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift. I loved those games and I really wanted to play Half-Life 2. But I just couldn’t do it with a clear conscience.

    If anyone is happy with Steam. That’s great. As I’ve said previously, it’s just not for me. If its any consolation, I stopped buying Microsoft’s operating systems once Product Activation was added. I’ll use W2K until I learn Linux. But I won’t buy an OS with product activation anymore than I’d buy a game with Steam.

  4. Andrew says:

    3D Realms to “Duke Nukem: Forever” is the same as Axl Rose to “Chinese Democracy”.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    First of all the Source Engine does not equal Steam. The last Vampire game used the Source engine and it didn’t use Steam. There are lots of games on Steam that don’t use the source engine.
    Source is and engine, Steam is a content delivery/drm system.

    Regarding the DRM of Steam, at least I’m able to install the game with Steam. I’ve had endless problems with DRM on other games with things like Seccurom. I bought Judge Dredd vs. Death (It was on sale!) and FEAR and I wasn’t able to get either of them installed because of the crappy copy protection on the disks. So I had to pirate them in order to get them to install. Funny how pirates were able to get around the copy protection but I bought and paid for the games and couldn’t get them to install on the 3 different disk drives on 2 different computers I tried. Sure Steam has some down sides, but at least I can play the damn games.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – So Steam does not perform automatic updates on your computer?! Valve cannot turn of your Steam games at its discretion?! You can play your Steam games whenever you want? You might want to explain how you got around these.

    Comment by SN — 12/22/2006 @ 12:39 pm

    No. Steam does not perform updates on my computer. Steam does update itself and the games that are installed through Steam. That is a benefit.

    Further, Steam runs when I run it. Not when it wants to. I turn it on to run Steam content.

    I suppose Valve can turn my games off. They haven’t and I cannot imagine why they would. But technically, I suppose they have that ability.

    And as far as being able to play whenever I like, I guess if my connection were down I’d have an issue. But it isn’t and I don’t, and if I did, it would be very temporary.

    I don’t care if you don’t play Half Life, but you are missing out. My issue is that it isn’t evil, it works, it’s mostly trouble free, and you shouldn’t put in the same catagory as a rootkit or spyware.

  7. James Hill says:

    #34 – Personally, I’ve given up on participating in Digg and Slashdot, and I only frequent because that one filter serves as a nice rundown of all the Apple stories out there. Otherwise, those sites have lost it, and demonstrate the flaw in the thinking around social networking: That all opinions are valid.

    That’s why I like this blog: Even if sometimes I get annoyed, the majority of the opinions around here are valid and can be learned from.

    #35 – If this was digg you’d get a — for stealing a comment from for your post.

  8. SN says:

    #37. “But technically, I suppose they have that ability.”

    If we can agree on that, then our argument is done. I don’t care if they ever do turn off my game. I know the chances are nil. But the fact that they have to right to turn it off is what bugs me. And it’s the same reason that Microsoft’s Product Activation bugs me. It’s not a pragmatic criticism. It’s a principled criticism.

    Stopping pirates and piracy is a noble goal. Taking away rights from your legitimate users and screwing them over is not.

  9. Scott Gant says:

    Actually, when I was looking to filter out someones posts, I wasn’t referring to SN. Honestly, his posts are humorous. Plus he’s a moderator, so it would be hard to filter him out. I was thinking of another person thats basically just a troll. Don’t feed the trolls, so I won’t mention who. Though looking back on my post, I can see where you would think I WAS talking about SN. My mistake. That’s what I get when I’m trying to talk on the phone and post something at the same time. Of course, now it looks like I’m backpedaling…meh, who cares.

    And if you don’t like Steam SN, I don’t care. I don’t have stock in the company. If the entire Steam network were to fall off the face of the Earth tomorrow it would have zero impact on me…other than not getting to play Day of Defeat once every 6 months or so, which is the extent of how often I even play a game. I was just curious as to why the sheer hatred you seem to have for it. It’s one thing to just not care for something or not like it. But you’re spouting HATE. It’s interesting to me, that’s all. Am I wrong in my perceptions of your feelings toward it?

  10. James Hill says:

    #40 – Just because I owned you is no reason to get pissy.

  11. MonTemplar says:

    Someone managed to create a mod for Doom3 of the shareware version of the original Doom, and that rocked! 😀 I would love to see Duke Nukem 3D recreated using either the Doom3/Quake4 engine or the Source engine.


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