The Inquirer – Friday 22 December 2006:

DEVELOPERS making the long-awaited Duke Nukem:reloaded game have gone on record saying that it will not be out in January.

Rumours have been flying about the web that the game was due to be in the shops in January 3. Duke Nukem:Reloaded is probably the most delayed computer game in history.

However according to a statement posted on the developer’s website the rumours are “total lies”.

I’ve long since given up hope of ever playing this game. But at the very least I wish they’d re-release the first Duke Nukem 3D using the Doom3 engine!

  1. Nuke It! says:

    I agree…

    Instead of re-inventing the wheel by trying to build a new game engine, they should use the Doom3 engine and be done with it.

    I played the original duke nukem games and have always thought how great a new updated version would be.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Nah, the Half Life 2 engine.

    Duke Nuke’em is all about aliens invading, not fiends from hell.

    Thus, the Gravity Gun….Come Get Some!

    Some kids nearly got a very nice Mod for Stargate SG1 in HL2….Of course Hollywood Ceased & Desisted it, because it would compete with their own game coming out. It never came out.

  3. SN says:

    “Nah, the Half Life 2 engine.”

    I’d choose death before installing that DRM crap called Steam on my computer.

  4. James Hill says:

    The first game being the side scrolling game by Apogee Software, right? 🙂

    As for DNF, I’m convinced of two things: People are working on it, and “people” means a group of less than six. I simply don’t believe that 3D Realms would be able to dedicate its developers to this game for ten years.

    Realistically, those six developers are busy working on mobile phone clones of Duke, as well as money makers like Prey, and work on DNF as a side project.

    Will DNF be released? Eventually. Will it matter? Unless the release is focused on the PS3 and 360, since first person shooters are a genre aimed at consoles these days, it won’t.

  5. James Hill says:

    SN, may want to check 3DR’s website. They just got in bed with Steam.

  6. SN says:

    #4. Thanks. I had forgotten all about that first game! I wonder how many people remember that GTA started off as a top-down view game? Would that be “god view”?

    # 5. Damn!

  7. Improbus says:

    At this point does anyone really care if the game comes out?

  8. James Hill says:

    I miss the simplicity of top-down and side-scrolling games. While FPS and cam-angle games are great, it’s a shame that they’re the only option.

  9. SN says:

    #9. I have to admit I loved the top-down/god-view version of GTA the best. My favorite part was running over the line of Hari-Krishnas in one shot!

  10. John Griffin says:

    It’s called Duke Nukem Forever.

  11. SN says:

    #11. Thanks John. I was just going by what the Inquirer said. Which, I admit is a pretty stupid thing to do. I assumed the named had been changed sometime in the last decade.

    Anyway, it’s fixed now. Thanks again.

  12. Scott Gant says:

    SN, have you ever used Steam? What DRM crap are you talking about? I’ve used it since day one, and have never had an ounce of problems with it.

    Not really defending it, since I play DoD:Source maybe once a month or so…just curious really as to this “DRM crap” you refer to. Do you mean you have to have an internet connection to play it? Ok, what gaming PC in the world today isn’t already hooked to the net?

    Let us know.

  13. Tim says:

    So, what’re they waiting for – Christmas? :P)

  14. krust says:

    To #3,

    I have used Steam since it´s debut a couple of years back. What you call “DRM crap” happens to be a good, reliable and very usefull multiplayer gaming software. The benefits are endless:
    – Your games are stored online and you can retrieve them from anywhere in the world
    – Games are cheaper
    – Patches are applied automatically
    – No need for packaging (hooray for the environment)
    – A community of gamers gets to hang out together
    – Gamer ratings are easier to track
    – etc etc

    These days people look at DRM like the antichrist of the digital realm. Here´s an idea: don´t steal software, and DRM will not be needed. Simple.

    But no, people DO steal software/media, so DRM is needed.

    It´s ludicrous to think that pirating software was never going to backfire. It hurts everyone… EVERYONE.

    Here´s another idea: if companies developed the kind of DRM that spies on you, it could easily be reverse engineered, and legal action could ensue. So, a company can actually enhance their clients trust by developing non-malicious DRM code (think WoW Warden vs. Sony´s rootkit).

    So, in conclusion, #3 you are wrong. DRM isn´t crap. Piracy is.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    What pisses me off about DNF is 3D Realms keeps insisting they are working on this game, and it will be out “soon”. they are insulting our collective intelligence from making this claim. It’s OBVIOUS they are not developing this game, they can’t make up their mind as to what engine to use, we haven’t even seen any screenshots since before the late 90s.

    I just wish George Broussard would just stop bullshitting everyone, and FESS UP and announce they aren’t currently developing it. Or maybe go as far as announce it’s canceled. Or at the VERY LEAST say why it’s taking so fucking long to get this game developed. SOMETHING rather than making denial statements every so often when someone starts talking about DNF again.

    I believe everyone has given up on DNF anyway.

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    BTW why does this article call it “Duke Nukem: Reloaded” where the hell did this come from? It’s “Duke Nukem Forever” Is the media that fucking clueless they can’t get the title of a 10 year old vaporware video game right?

  17. Gig says:

    #4 Said, “Unless the release is focused on the PS3 and 360, since first person shooters are a genre aimed at consoles these days, it won’t. ”

    We’ll be lucky if they get it out in time for the PS12 or the XBox Holodeck.

  18. Rob says:

    I can’t believe nobody asked the most important question: Is that super-hot Bombshell still in the game?

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    What kills me is the DNF is still vaporware and Prey got pulled from the dustbin and revamped.

    I bought Prey and release day and really enjoyed playing through it… The spirit walking gimmick and the wall walking thing is cool, but it offers no replay value, and ultimately the novel wears off and leaves you with yet another shooter.

    I don’t need DNF. I just need a shooter that is as inventive and novel as DN3d was. Give me whacky new ways to kill my friends with impunity 🙂

  20. Tom 2 says:

    Since they have no interest in giving us a timetable i have no interest in this game, if it does cool, if it doesnt whatever, though i think rereleasing duke 3d with doom3 engine, now that would be interesting.

  21. ChrisMac says:

    I’d rather see Heaven vs Hell be released

  22. SN says:

    #13 “SN, have you ever used Steam?”

    No. I’ve never installed Sony’s root-kit either. That doesn’t mean I can’t bitch about it.

    “What DRM crap are you talking about?”

    UM, that’s what Steam is. It’s a digital rights management system.

    “I’ve used it since day one, and have never had an ounce of problems with it.”

    I’m glad for you. But I’m not you.

    “just curious really as to this “DRM crap” you refer to.”

    With games such as Doom3 or Quake4 (the last two games I bought) I simply installed and played them. Quite easy. And best of all, Id and Activision can never shut down those games. I paid for those copies and they’re mine to use and sell as I see fit.

    “Do you mean you have to have an internet connection to play it? Ok, what gaming PC in the world today isn’t already hooked to the net?”

    The very best time for me to play games is when the net is down for whatever reason. It doesn’t happen a lot, but it does happen.

    #15. “good, reliable and very usefull multiplayer gaming software.”

    I’m sure there are plenty of advantages is using Steam. Heck, didn’t the Nazi’s invent the expressway and the Fascists in Italy got the trains to run on time.

    “Games are cheaper”

    Since you’re giving up rights, I would certainly hope so.

    “Patches are applied automatically”

    Which really sucks for the modding community. But more importantly, it’s my computer. I should decide when to install software on it, not some corporation.

    “A community of gamers gets to hang out together”

    Great, just what we need, yet another place for people to use their fantastic command of leet-speak.

    “But no, people DO steal software/media, so DRM is needed.”

    Weird, I’ve bought plenty of games but not one had the sort of restrictions that Steam has. Strange.

    “It hurts everyone… EVERYONE.”

    It’s hurts my mother?! That is shocking. It hurts some random aborigine sitting in the outback of Australia? Wow.

    “DRM isn´t crap. Piracy is.”

    I agree with the latter but will have to respectively disagree with the former.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 “With games such as Doom3 or Quake4 (the last two games I bought) I simply installed and played them. Quite easy. And best of all, Id and Activision can never shut down those games. I paid for those copies and they’re mine to use and sell as I see fit.”

    With all due respect… no one cares.

    OF COURSE you installed them and played them and had no issues. So did I. You are I are geeks. Need to update a driver… no problem. Need to install a patch… No problem.

    PC gaming is inherently superior to console gaming. Period. But consoles are winning and my beloved PC market is thinning and it isn’t because an Xbox 360 or PS3 is cheaper than a gaming rig… It’s because they are simpler.

    Steam is NOT invasive. It is not spyware. It does act as a piracy protection, but it also makes anyway with a broadband connection able to partake in PC gaming without actually needing to understand PCs. It is part of a stategy that may have the juice to help save PC gaming.

    And look… we hate DRM because DRM stands between using the music we buy the way we want. There are albums than we can’t rip and e-songs we buy but can’t use on brand X mp3 player… etc…

    With Steam, that isn’t an issue at all. Steam doesn’t work on an Alienware but prevent you from playing HL2 or CS or DoD on the HP. It just streamlines gaming for “them” (and we need “them”) and prevents piracy (to a degree).

    And piracy is actually a real problem.

    I started out anti-steam… But now I am very pro-steam. I won’t say there are no downsides, but there are downsides to everything and Steam’s downsides are not showstopping.

  24. SN says:

    #24 “I started out anti-steam… But now I am very pro-steam”

    I’m reminded of a great conversation between Garak and Quark about root beer:

    [Garak takes a drink of root beer]

    Quark: What do you think?
    Elim Garak: It’s vile.
    Quark: I know. It’s so bubbly and cloying and happy.
    Elim Garak: Just like the Federation.
    Quark: And you know what’s really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.
    Elim Garak: It’s insidious.
    Quark: Just like the Federation.

    “With all due respect… no one cares.”

    I never once said anyone cares or should care other than me. Maybe what the crowd does is important to you, but I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else does. If you’re happy that Valve controls your computer. Great. I’m truly happy for you. Send me your address and I’ll send you a cupcake so you can celebrate your happiness!

    But what’s happy for you has nothing to do with me.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – When I said “no one cares” I mean that it isn’t important to product management whether or not you have a seamless expeience, because there are is a huge market who is not having a seamless experience.

    And Valve does not control my PC and you, unlike many others here, should be above such hyperbole.

  26. mxpwr03 says:

    SN, those lines from DS9 are great, I take it you’re a big fan if you know Garak’s first name. I’m trying to think of a Rule of Acquisition that would fit the story but I’m drawing a blank. As a side note to you and Smartalix, Star Trek Legacy came out for the 360 this past week (I’m shocked that the blog missed it) and it is amazing. If you’ve ever played Starfleet Command for the PC back in the day it is similar to that, but with more action.
    I’ve read the comments regarding Steam, I use it occasionally to run HL2 & Red Orchestra, and thought about downloading Medieval Total War 2 from it, which I think is an interesting way to deliver gaming content at an affordable price. Steam has its drawbacks, but never have I got angered enough to uninstall it, or never install it in the first place. Valve changed the face of gaming (and thusly impacted my life a bit) and if I have to install Steam to play their future games that is a price I’m willing to pay for their services.

    “My people have been watching your world for many years. We know all about you hu-mans. Baseball, root beer, darts… atom bombs.”

  27. Scott Gant says:

    SN, having never used it or seen it, you’re just parroting your objections to it because you saw someone else say “it’s crap”. This is par for the course for you. Does John actually pay you to post here?

    Also, please follow the rules here and do not have the long posts. John has said over and over not to post long-winded rants, but you seemed to have violated that in your ernest, yet failed attempt to justify your hatred of a simple content delivery service.

    On a side note, is there a way to filter out someone here so I never ever have to look at his idiotic rants while enjoying the other features of this otherwise fine website? I love, aside from one person in particular, so I’ll see if WordPress has a feature like that and let John know.

    Merry Christmas

  28. Uncle Dave says:

    Scott, we can filter you out if you want. Very easily.

  29. SN says:

    #26. “And Valve does not control my PC “

    So Steam does not perform automatic updates on your computer?! Valve cannot turn of your Steam games at its discretion?! You can play your Steam games whenever you want? You might want to explain how you got around these.

  30. SN says:

    #28. “SN, having never used it or seen it, you’re just parroting your objections to it because you saw someone else say “it’s crap”. “

    Are you saying that one has to be diagnosed with AIDS before deciding they don’t want the disease?! Isn’t knowing the effects of the disease sufficient to make that decision?

    “Also, please follow the rules here and do not have the long posts.”

    So you’re saying I should not respond to the comments here? Then of course you’d accuse me of not defending my position.

    “yet failed attempt to justify your hatred of a simple content delivery service.”

    I failed? God, I fully explained why I will never use Steam. Maybe you should re-read what I wrote.

    “I love, aside from one person in particular, so I’ll see if WordPress has a feature like that and let John know.”

    Let me get his straight. I made you mad because I made you feel stupid for using and defending Steam. Now you never want to read any of my comments again. Wow. Talk about self esteem issues.


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