Flora, a pregnant Komodo dragon living in a British zoo, is expecting eight babies in what scientists said on Wednesday could be a Christmas virgin birth.

Flora has never mated, or even mixed, with a male dragon, and fertilized all the eggs herself, a process culminating in parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. Other lizards do this, but scientists only recently found that Komodo dragons do too.

“Nobody in their wildest dreams expected this. But you have a female dragon on her own. She produces a clutch of eggs and those eggs turn out to be fertile. It is nature finding a way,” Kevin Buley of Chester Zoo in England said in an interview.

He said the incubating eggs could hatch around Christmas.

Ah, the wonder of it all…

  1. Aaron says:

    Great! Just what I wanted for Christmas…another religion.

  2. Kent Goldings says:

    Virgin birth, huh. It sounds like a real time saver for the Komodo.

  3. Chris says:

    I think this is a fascinating story, but it does make one consider what perspective to take this in. Since Komodo Dragons don’t have a “religion” that we know of, is this still God laying his hand upon the blessed dragon? Or is it maybe the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard? Or is this just Darwinian evolution showing us that the species will survive?

    Whatever the reason, I, for one, welcome our new virgin-born dragon overlords.

  4. jason says:

    I can’t wait to hear David Ikie’s take on this….


    Oh wait… he thinks they are here….


  5. James says:

    Who would have guessed the second coming of Jesus would be in dragon form?

  6. Eaton says:

    “The genetics of self-fertilization in lizards means that all her hatchlings would have to be male.”

    I don’t get it.

    This is a very informative article explaining it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis

    I still don’t get it!

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    See? This is what happened at Jurassic Park…

  8. Roc Rizzo says:

    Could this be the second coming?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    and now…
    The only song i know of that
    features the word

    Nemesis by Shreikback
    (thank you Google 🙂 )

    In a jungle of the senses
    Tinkerbell and Jack the ripper
    Love has no meaning, not where they come from
    But we know pleasure is not that simple
    Very little fruit is forbidden
    Sometimes we wobble, sometimes we’re strong
    But you know evil is an exact science
    Being carefully correctly wrong

    Priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
    Everybody happy as the dead come home
    Big Black Nemesis, parthenogenesis
    No one move a muscle as the dead come home

    We feel like Greeks, we feel like Romans
    Centaurs and monkeys just cluster round us
    We drink elixirs that we refine
    from the juices of the dying
    We are no monsters, we’re moral people
    and yet we have the strength to do this
    This is the splendour of our achievement
    Call in the airstrike with a poison kiss

    Priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
    Everybody happy as the dead come home
    Big black nemesis, parthenogenesis
    No-one move a muscle as the dead come home

    How bad it gets, you can’t imagine
    the burning wax, the breath of reptiles
    god is not mocked, he knows our business
    Karma could take us at any moment
    Cover him up…..I think we’re finished
    You know it’s never been so exotic
    but I don’t know, my dreams are visions
    We could still end up with the great big fishes

    Priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
    Everybody happy as the dead come home
    Big black nemesis, parthenogenesis
    No-one move a muscle as the dead come home

  10. Mucous says:

    Of course this is the Second Coming. The real God is a dinosaur and created dinosaurs in His image. We humans are the scourge and the Antichrist. The real Saviour is about to be reborn to reclaim His planet from the wretched mammals.

  11. Billabong says:

    This explains my girlfriends pregnancy.

  12. Alex says:

    And now I know were the Anti-Christ is coming from.

  13. joshua says:

    My girlfriend said this kills the last reason for keeping men around.

    Be worried!!!! VERY worried!!!!


  14. joshua says:

    Oh…..I really like the photo Eideard….has that **Holy** look.

  15. Booya says:

    I know this man who had a virgin birth. It was really painful and fun at the same time.


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