A Virginia newspaper asks, “Can a congressman swear to uphold the Constitution when he believes those of a different faith are lesser citizens?”

What’s this country coming to when a U.S. congressman decides he won’t swear on a Bible?

That’s what hundreds of Rep. Virgil Goode’s constituents in the Fifth District wanted to know when they learned a newly elected representative from Minnesota, a Muslim at that, intends to forsake the Judeo-Christian Bible and instead use a Quran during his ceremonial swearing-in ceremony.

Goode wrote in a letter to those concerned constituents: “If American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration, there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran. ... I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States.”

Aaah, values and beliefs. Would those include hypocrisy? Goode’s constituents should now ask: How can one swear to uphold the Constitution while denying its protection to all Americans?

Goode’s flip-flopped before. Maybe he’ll decide the Constitution is worth keeping — after all?

  1. joshua says:

    he’s a politician.
    he’s a product of his district.
    if there’s enough votes in supporting bean farts in speedo’s, he’ll be for it.
    Should we be surprised?

  2. Improbus says:

    Newt doesn’t seem to like the Constitution either. If you don’t have the courage to support the Constitution you should get out of politics.

  3. TravelsTooMuch says:

    Tell me, what has swearing on a bible done for the House and Senate? What theological wizard can tell me that one religion is better than another? Quran? Bible? Book of the Dead? Does it matter?

    There’s the equal protection clause, and several other theories and fact of US Law that allow people to believe what they want here, without the discriminatory actions of others. Perhaps congressmen should also be held to this test– and evicted when they don’t respect the religious freedom of others.

  4. Josh P says:

    People need to wake up and realize that religions are all made up just to control the ignorant and superstitious. It doesn’t matter what someone swears on or what made up parent in the sky they swear to people are all selfish, polluting, dirty, stupid, virus-like, extremely complicated amoeba. Once we all accept this fact that we are all just a bunch of chemicals that want to replicate the better off we would be. It doesn’t matter what race you are or what made up religion you believe in because you were told to since you were a child we are all just chemicals, atoms, and hate.
    /Just frustrated with humanity

  5. Rob says:

    First Goode’s and idiot. He is doing this to try to play on peoples fears, when frankly the entire “searing in on the Koran is a non issue.

    No one who swears in, in the Senate does so on a stack of bibles, Korans, or the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Here is how the entire swearing in process works. Everyone in the senate stands up, they repeat their oaths of office which are being led by someone, then they all sit down and go to work. Those scenes where you see someone swearing on a bible are photo ops, and are not official in any ways.

    Goodes making an issue out of frankly nothing, don’t we have more important things to worry about than what book some senator uses in his photo op fake swearing in?

  6. Improbus says:

    If you picture Congress as chimps in suits everything makes more sense.

  7. Chris says:

    Isn’t most of the Judeo-Christian bible contained in the Koran anyway? What if a person of the faith were elected? Would people be angry about his or her desire to use ?

  8. Kim Helliwell says:

    I’m a Christian, and even I think this is idiotic. The point is to swear on whatever you think is holy. For a Muslim, that’s the Q’uran.

    Goode looks ridiculous for making a fuss about this.

  9. Ballenger says:

    I’m glad to hear this is a myth 9. Previously, I had been wondering why if there is a God, that most politicians after taking an oath on a Bible didn’t have to rushed to an ER with hand burns.

  10. Awake says:

    Most of Congress must be composed of Atheists, since their behavior is nowhere close to being guided by biblical teachings. They can’t possibly believe in the bible and do the things that they do.
    Instead of swearing on a religious text, make them sign an oath of office, pledging to obey, protect and defend the laws of our country, punishable as a felony if they don’t.
    By swearing on the Bible you are assuming that God will punish you for breaking the rules, since the Bible has no legal authority in our country. As I said, most (all?) of these people are atheists, since they definitely do not follow the legal or ethical rules by which the rest of us are judged.
    If I don’t believe in God, then I can swear on a stack of every religious text available, and it means absolutely nothing.

  11. joe says:

    I don’t care if he swears on a harry potter book

  12. ezma says:

    Peter of The Family Guy: “… sometimes its ok to swear…”

  13. Gary Marks says:

    If swearing on any book can inspire a politician to act with truth and justice, then it’s something we should take advantage of, whether it’s the Bible, the Quran, or a Superman comic.

    Our track record so far in this regard is less than stellar.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    That’s because they are swearing on Superman Comics when they are really Fantastic Four fans. Ya can’t have it both ways ya know !!!

    Which is about as sensible as the good Congressman is.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – If I don’t believe in God, then I can swear on a stack of every religious text available, and it means absolutely nothing.

    Comment by Awake — 12/21/2006 @ 4:56 pm

    If you do believe, it still doesn’t make any difference. Reality trumps faith.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Reality trumps faith.

    But at this time of year, it’s the thought that counts. And if you think like an armpit, then you are probably an armpit.

    But I really like that quip. It packs so much into three words. Not as powerful as “I love you”, but still mighty thought provoking.

  17. DocScience says:

    Perhaps we have never before faced a religion whose core tenets oppose the very idea of democracy and insist instead upon the replacement of our system with an intolerant theocracy.

    Aside from the fact that the Koran specifically allows it’s adherents to lie and abrogate agreements to “unbelievers” if it advances their position.

  18. Gary Marks says:

    I dreamed I was called to testify in court. I placed my hand on the Bible and swore to give testimony every bit as factual as the Bible itself. I was dismissed without any questions, since it was obvious to everyone that I was planning to lie.


  19. Wanderley says:

    I for one think the Bible is something you should read from, not swear on.

    I am Christian and I feel offended when people do that. It’s a disrespect to the Good Book to presume that it would work as some sort of magic test of good intentions when touched by people.

  20. JimR says:

    I am an atheist, and I think the Bible (and Quran) is something you should swear at. The book contains and is responsible for extensive hate and death, so swearing on it or any amount of respect for it seems hypocritical.

  21. bac says:

    #12, I would hope that atheists have better morals than religious people. I do know that I, an atheist, have better manners than some people of a certain religion that sends their followers to other people’s homes to try and convert those that do not believe.

    Atheist should also have a better respect of their actions since they have no god or devil to blame. It seems that religion enhances people’s immoral conduct because it gives people an excuse to not accept responsibility for their behavior.

    Most atheist are not barbarians.

    What book should an atheist swear upon?

  22. Improbus says:

    What book should an atheist swear upon?

    The Virtue of Selfishness by Any Rand?

  23. raddad says:

    I don’t care if any book is used in taking the oath of office.

    However, I agree with Goode’s statements regarding immigration. 9/11 occured partly because of lax controls on immigration.

  24. Mucous says:

    Instead of caring what they swear on, how about finding some way to make them actually uphold the oath? (I do like the idea of atheists swearing on the Bible – it says a lot about the system)

  25. Richard Ahlquist says:

    Personally I think the whole thing is insane. I also personally believe that this calling out as it were is a hate crime. Its no less a hate crime then calling someone a . I am in full support of anyone who comes out and identifies this as what it is.

  26. Smartalix says:

    A debate on religion is like two kids fighting over who’s imaginary friend is the coolest.

  27. Gary Marks says:

    #29 Smartalix, my imaginary friend used to wet the bed, so I’m guessing he’s a little less cool than Jesus 😉

  28. Aaron says:

    ….And atheists are considered weird?

  29. Joseph Zadeh says:

    Maybe they should swear on the tax code. If their hands cannot reach the top of the stack, they should have to get rid of some of the taxes. Shoot, the tax code is what those retards think is holy.

  30. bac says:

    The best way to stop immigration is to make the country an undesirable temptation. Low pay, high taxes, poor education, less freedoms are just a few steps the USA can do to achieve this goal.

    If you are a true patriot, you will make the USA the most undesirable country in the world.


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