The PSP as a movie viewer would be yet another challenger to the iPod’s throne. Let’s just hope the software works well, or it will be a non-starter for everyone except power users.

Sony is to gatecrash the fledgling market in handheld devices to play downloaded video content early next year when it launches a service for the PlayStation Portable.

The decision, which could threaten Apple Computer’s grip on the video download market, will allow PSP owners to download a film from the internet to a PC and then to transfer a single, legal version of the film to a Sony device.

Sony, which has sold more than 20m PSPs worldwide, expects to launch the service in the first quarter of 2007 after tying up deals with online video providers. 

Crucially for Sony, the service will not require the launch of a new PSP or for consumers to buy new hardware.

The last point may be the biggest basis for success, as the installed base instantly becomes potential customers for the new service.

  1. venom monger says:

    The last point may be the biggest basis for success, as the installed base instantly becomes potential customers for the new service.

    Haven’t movies been available for the PSP since the beginning? How will this be different?

  2. Aaron says:

    They wil pobably make the same mistake they made with the downloadable games for PSP. They will require you to download them to a Playstation3 first, then transfer the to the PSP.

  3. Smartalix says:


    On disk, not via download from Sony.

  4. Grrr says:

    “…expects to launch the service in the first quarter of 2007…”

    I expect to survive the Xmas season without expiring from exhaustion.
    The major TV networks expect viewers to tolerate the “newest” drivel.
    My pets expect me to return home on time…

  5. Mike Voice says:

    3 On disk, not via download from Sony.

    Yeah, pre-recorded movies on UMD didn’t sell too well… 🙂

    Funny that the downloads will go to Memory Stick, and not UMD.

    From the article:

    …or for consumers to buy new hardware.

    Except for a 2Gb or 4Gb Memory Stick, or two…

    Hollywood’s other studios have been reluctant to join Disney because of concerns about piracy: unlimited numbers of iPods can download copies of films that have been bought on iTunes and then downloaded to a PC.


    Or reluctant to give Steve Jobs the same pricing power for movies that he has for music? 😉

  6. Mike Voice says:


    Comment was accepted and I was taken back to the comments page… No crappa catcha sending me to limbo…

    Christmas has come early!!! 🙂

  7. Grrr says:

    One more thing (sorry for the double-post) – John, this headline bites. The source article says “to enter”, and you or someone there altered that to the active present tense “initiating.” Obviously they’re not initiating it yet. Intentions are wonderful, but I look to those connected to journalism for exceptional precision and accuracy. Thanks.

  8. Smartalix says:


    Unless Sony is waiting until 2007 to start the implementation process, they are currently involved in creating it to be ready for use in 2007.

  9. Named says:

    Another little thing that would make this attractive is the PS3 is going to be able to stream the video to the PSP through the Interweb / tubes. If the PS3 can operate as a PVR, they could have a really nice complete solution for recording and streaming.

  10. Named says:

    Oh, and Mike Voice… I got stuck at the thank you page.. No redirection for me…

  11. bill says:

    Good! I hope they kick Apples ASS! WTF is the real widescreen video iPod?

  12. James Hill says:

    Smarty, I disgree with your final point… that this is somehow a danger to the iPod and iTunes.

    Sony is too late in coming to market with this feature as to drive PSP sales, and Sony has failed to show any tact over the last few years with any to-market strategy.

    Also, how do those UMD movies play on a PS3? Wait, they don’t…

    Interesting move by Sony, but hardly a market changer.

  13. Fred van West says:

    The only thing really missing from the PSP is the ability to play your movies on a TV instead of having to watch them on the device. You can do that with the iPod using an inexpensive cable because Apple had the foresight to think that people might want to view video on TVs and just use the iPod as a storage device. Sony, passed on that rather obvious feature (I know you can get adapters to pipe the video out from a PSP to a TV, but they amount to ‘mirrors’, and they are pretty expensive.) As far as watching video on the devices themselves, the PSP rocks compared to the iPod.

  14. Reality says:

    I have a PSP and I love it. It’s the last thing that Sony has actually got right.

    Let’s just hope the movie download service isn’t overly expensive like the Apple download service. It’s no wonder sales on iTunes have fallen.

  15. doug says:

    #12. I agree that Sony is too late to the party. to be a real threat to the iPod. People bought iPods to watch video and play music. Most folks bought PSPs to play games, as evidenced by anemic UMD sales.

    #14. I agree that the PSP has the potential to be an awesome PMP. The screen is awesome (I own one). Battery life playing video off of a memory stick is going be great. Hopefully, (1) the movies wont be too overpriced; and (2) there will be a good selection, including whatever TV shows Sony owns. Ideally …

    (3) eventually, you will be able to download videos at wifi hot spots. Someone has mentioned in reference to this – suppose you are bored at the airport, waiting your delayed flight, and you have access via wifi to Sony’s entire movie and TV catalog ….

    Sony comes out with a PSP2 with a HD instead of a UMD drive, and I am so there.

  16. Smartalix says:


    I said become another challenger, not threaten. There are a lot of challengers to the iPod, but none threaten it. Having said that, because of the installed base the PSP could take the #2 or #3 slot. Then again, the way Sony’s been pooching themselves lately it’s a long shot.

  17. James Hill says:

    #16 – A Microsoft vs. Sony fight for second place would be entertaining… who’d screw up the least?

  18. Mike Voice says:

    10 Oh, and Mike Voice… I got stuck at the thank you page.. No redirection for me…


    I had been sucked into the “World of Warcrack” for the last week, or so…

    Beware of those 10-day freebies…

    …and thought they had gotten the crappa catcha thing fixed while I was away….


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