Sexual Harassment now inlcudes childhood “pinching.” — Oh brother.

A Maryland kindergarten student has been accused of sexual harassment and written up. The 5-year-old boy pinched a girl’s buttocks.

A spokeswoman for Washington County public schools says the episode in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School earlier this month fits the state Department of Education’s definition of sexual harassment.

The definition in part describes sexual harassment as inappropriate physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward others.

The spokeswoman says the reprimand is a learning opportunity for the boy even though he may not understand that what he is doing is sexual harassment.

  1. JB says:

    it’s another step in the feminization of our children. Boys aren’t allowed to be boy’s anymore. They’re merely accessories for their mothers like handbags.

    Where is the sexual intent in this case? How can a five year old have any sexual inclination? This case is ridiculous.

  2. Reality says:

    That’s not fair.

    I’m 29 and I pinched a girl’s butt at work today and she became my girlfriend.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – Yes… Sorry…

  4. Grrr says:

    Unusually amusing comments. Ron seems to have ruffled some feathers… or triggered a wave of ‘protest-too-much.’

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #34 – Frankly – The issue isn’t that we protest too much – it’s that we protest at all. Being hostile toward a right winger for spouting bullshit is like being mad at a duck for quacking… But there is a frustration level that gets easily reached when jingoheads wont STFU about “liberals” (a group they know nothing about)

    Conservatives and liberals attack problems from two different perspectives and reasonable people understand that. They also understand that the stupid minutia of everyday life, like this dumb case, isn’t about that.

    Ron’s tireless screed about liberals is as annoying as the boneheads who blame Bush for every little issue that ruffles their feathers. Yes, Bush sucks harder than a cheerleader in the football locker room, but he isn’t to blame for even half the crap that gets laid at his doorstep, just like the nebulous “liberals” aren’t really at fault for whatever percieved slight against natural law Ron is reeling about.

  6. joshua says:

    #29…GregA…….they pay you a bonus for blogging??????
    Damn….am I in the wrong profession.


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