Yesterday it was the lovely Tara Conner, today it’s the lovely Katie Blair. Am I the only one who thinks these incidents are really one big publicity stunt? (For those who don’t care either way, you can find more pictures of her here!)

Associated Press – December 20, 2006:

Allegations of Miss Teen USA’s underage drinking and carousing with Miss USA Tara Conner in New York have led the group Mothers Against Drunk Driving to sever ties with the teenager.

In a statement issued Wednesday, MADD said it was “disappointed” by news reports of hard partying between 18-year-old Katie Blair and Conner, who on Tuesday tearfully admitted drinking at New York nightclubs as a minor.

Miss Universe Organization spokeswoman Lark-Marie Anton said Blair’s crown also was safe.

  1. Mucous says:

    Yeah, sure. Get the hit count up by posting links to pics of smokin’ hot babes. 😉

  2. Elwipo says:

    Ok, so MADD seems to be forgetting that teens will drink no matter what the legal age is. The fact that Miss Teen USA did it is of no surprise to me what so ever. I bet 99 percent of the population have had some drinking experience before they turned legal. I guess no one at MADD ever had normal teen years then!

    And why is the drinking age in the USA 21? If you’re old enough to go fight in Iraq at 18 why aren’t you old enough for a drink?

  3. Ryan says:

    #2, just what planet are you on? Since when does ‘Everyone does it’ make something acceptable, or at the very least when does it mean that a person can’t be criticized?

    MADD hasn’t forgotten that. It’s obvious that *you* have forgotten what principles MADD stands for. Such as not getting your loose ass drunk in a bar, getting on the road, and killing people.

    In my home Provine of Manitoba, *half* of auto deaths had alcohol as a factor.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    2: Most of the US was at one time or another 18 for drinking, but most (maybe all?) states are 21 again. The stats in support of 21 are overwhelming, and sickening, as #3 noted.

    I followed the links to more photos, and once I saw her posing with Bill O’Reilly that was it. She’s a dog. 😉

  5. tom 2 says:

    First they are in new york, im sure she is not driving, either taking the subway or a limo, or even walking. This is a pathetic excuse to turn this poor girl into a bad example. Poor poor girl. 🙂

  6. Named says:

    anyone have pics to Miss Teen USA and Miss USA making out?

    As an aside, MADD cannot take any stance except what is lawful. Full stop.

  7. Terry says:

    Did she drive while DUI? Is MADD opposed to under-aged drinking in addition to drinking and driving? The MADD Canada web page says their mission is “to stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime.” Nothing about underage drinking.

    “I’m underage. I can’t legally drink but hat doesn’t stop me. But drive drunk, too? No way!”

    And on a tangent, have charges been laid against the owners of the establishment where they were drinking? If not, they should be.

  8. Gig says:

    #3 Not that I agree with underage drinking but if half the traffic deaths in your Province were cause by alchohol you should want to ban people with cars from drinking or Canadians from drinking and/or driving.

  9. Jim says:

    did she drive drunk? I thought that’s what MADD was against…

  10. Frank IBC says:

    They need to change their name to “Mothers Against Drinking”. They’re prohibitionists using drunk driving as a pretext.

  11. James Hill says:

    The “larger” concern here is that, for her age, they’re hangin’ pretty low. Someone needs a lift.

  12. Roc Rizzo says:

    I dunno, what’s the legal drinking age in Europe?

    It seems to me that the more that they make things like this forbidden, the more teens, who are rebellious by nature, will do it. We should make the drinking age like 12 or something. I know that my parents used to give me wine with cream soda when I was a kid, and I don’t drink more than one beer a day, and I am 51. Perhaps if we made drinking MORE accessible, and available for youngsters, they wouldn’t drink.

    This is just my highly warped point of view… I’ll get a hat to cover it next time.

  13. Tim Champ says:

    #11 – not that my wife or religion would let me, but “breast lifter”, in this case, is a job title that most straight men would kill for 🙂

  14. Elwipo says:

    #3, I agree with the MADD in that drunk driving should be stopped but Miss Teen USA wasn’t driving anything. You mean to tell me that before you turned 18 (legal drinking age in Manitoba and Miss Teen USA’s age) you’ve never had one drop of alcohol? I find that hard to believe. If you didn’t you’re better than I am.

    You mention that ” *half* of auto deaths had alcohol as a factor” I took a peek at that article and it doens’t mention anything about the age factor. Most DUI’s are from people of legal drinking age and not 18-19 year olds. The bigger problem for DUIs is in fact the people who are in fact legally allowed to drink.

  15. Named says:


    Geez, if was fed cream soda with wine I’d probably be turned of alcohol totally. Maybe that was the master plan?

    And 15 has it right. She CANNOT break the law and be a spokesperson lawful and safe driving.

  16. JimB says:

    Man, pageant news has gotten really hot lately.

  17. Mucous says:

    I’ve always preferred Drunks Against Madd Mothers anyway…

  18. Frank IBC says:

    Roc Rizzo –

    The USA has the highest drinking age in the industrialized world.

    In Europe, two countries (Poland and Portugal) have no drinking age. Switzerland’s is as low as 14 in some cantons. With the exception of the Scandinavian countries which have a drinking age of 18 for beer, 20 for liquor, all the other countries have drinking ages between 16 and 18. Almost all of these countries have no restriction on minors drinking in private under the supervision of their parents.

    In Canada the drinking age is 18 or 19 depending on the province. Mexico’s is 18.

    (Source: Wikipedia)

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Correction – Portugal’s drinking age is 16.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    19/20: just a thought and question…how many of those European drinkers under 21 have their own cars, or even drive regularly? I know that in the US the number of young drivers is pretty high, which might account for something.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>followed the links to more photos, and once I saw her posing
    >>with Bill O’Reilly that was it. She’s a dog.

    Hey, cut her some slack. She was probably hoping for Bill’s famous Loofah Pad Treatment – the one he offers to give to ladies in Manhattan while his pregant wife is back on Long Island timing the contractions.

    That’s the nice thing about these right-wing holier-than-thou neocons (eg O’Reilly, the Evangelical crystal meth/ gay massage guy, Jimmy Swaggar, ad nauseum); they are invariable so degenerate and perverse to the core of their soul, they provide endless entertainment for the rest of us heathens.

    I would worry that Bill O’Reilly’s bristley Loofah Pad might be a little abrasive for Katie Blair’s silky-soft, succulent skin.

  22. Esteban says:

    I have the perfect solution for reducing the number of underage drinking arrests — lower the drinking age!

  23. Mike Voice says:

    It really dates me when what I think of – when seeing these babes in trouble for partying – is Kentucy Fried Movie and its’ Catholic High School Girls in Trouble.

    Director John Landis, who would go from here to direct “Animal House,” understands the silliness of the material and works against it. By playing everything straight, the humor seems even more twisted.

    Don’t make’em like that, anymore… 🙁

  24. Ballenger says:

    “Miss Nevada” is the clear winner in the Pageant Chicks Gone Wild pre-holiday festivities. I’m not linking the supporting documentation, so as not to offend those horrified by partially exposed human female breast.

  25. doug says:

    #21. From what I hear, many European countries also have zero tolerance policies towards drunk driving. One strike, and you are out. Of course, they also have adequate public transit, so you can get snot-slinging drunk and make your way home without endagering anyone but yourself.

  26. Elwipo says:

    #26. There is ample mass transit (including taxi cabs) in North America to get you home after a bender. Just because Europe has better mass transit doesn’t justify the fact some people here still drive home drunk.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    27: not in the midwest. Public transpo sucks bad outside of the big cities, and even within some big cities. Europeans got us beat by a mile on that one.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Don’t get me started on public transporation. Every city over a certain size should have an extensive train, trolly, and bus system and every jerk with a pick-up truck the size of a semi rig who drives from his cookie cutter suburban 3 bedroom ranch to his mid level management job downtown should be arrested and marched to a political re-education camp where the virtue of not being a fucktard and using the damn train will be drilled into his idiot skull.

    Sorry… It’s really freaking early in the morning for me…

    At any rate, DUI should be met with harsh, even draconian measures. I don’t care how bad public transportation is… You drunk like a frat boy in Ft Lauderdale and nearly killed a family of four with your 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee … Like horseshoes, drunk driving is a situation where close should count.

  29. SN says:

    Ok guys, exactly how did a discussion about a hot chick turn into a debate about public transportation?!

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    30 – Young stupid girls are only hot to jocks and frat boys…

    Run pics of chics with perfect SAT scores and I’ll stay on topic. You dirty old men just get stupid over these vapid airheads.


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