A few days ago the blog received spam promoting lasik eye surgery. I had to ask: Who would choose a surgeon based on spam they found in a blog?! Sure, anyone desperate enough to increase their penis size or grow hair might take the chance. But would anyone really take that same chance on elective surgery involving their most important sense?!

Anyway, it got me to look at the spam I get in my gmail account and it’s quite shocking. First up is this one…

Who is Aginlg and why should I defy him?

I’ve heard of fantasy football, but are people really signing up to play fantasy pinball?! I’m not entirely sure how that’d even work.

Your wife is pregnant and she’s in labor. Who you gonna call? The Inexactitud Midwifer, of course!

Do people really need training in sharpening pencils?!

Apparently there are men who are so insecure they can’t even look at videos of mediocre girls! Nope, mediocre girls are just too high-falutin for those guys. They want their girls ugly.

And my all time favorite, obviously no comment will be necessary….

People tend to hate spammers, but I have to disagree. Spammers are only guys trying make a buck. We should be directing our hate to those who buy this crap. They’re the real cause of the spam problem.

So if you know someone who likes to look at videos of ugly women, or who has joined a fantasy pinball league, or who has above average pencil sharpening skills… do us all a favor and push him off a cliff. Thanks!

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Two things you should never get with a coupon: eye surgery and a vasectomy.

    I agree…some of this spam is just inexplicable.

  2. tallwookie says:

    Sometimes I get the feeling that theres poeple out there just spammin cuz its funny

  3. Tim Champ says:

    I agree with you SN – the people that buy from spam should really be taken in for brain exams.

    People only sell what people will buy!

  4. Rob says:

    I agree with #2 – I think some of these are just the results of spambot writers screwing around for laughs and competing with each other to make the silliest spams.

  5. spammmmmer says:

    I get the impression that no one anywhere is in control of the spam anymore. So much of it seems machine generated. Its just a faceless evil that lurks in the abyss of cyberspace collecting email lists, sharing them, acquiring new hosts…..like wal-mart in that south park episode. “Stop it? We’d like to stop it…but we can’t!”

  6. Mark Derail says:

    Spam on the blackberry was weird, when viewed in Outlook it’s ok. They use regular characters as PIXELS to draw a message, by using a 1 or 2 pixel font size and text from any dictionary.

    I also get spam that has “tags” still not parsed, like a message with the subject [MESSAGE-SUBJECT-HERE] and then Dear [PERSON-NAME].

    Makes me lol

    You guys are lucky I have a conscience. Here in Canada it’s legal to spam the world, when I was in-between jobs seven years ago I thought of doing this…instead helped SpamHaus with daily updates as all good SysAdmins should do.
    (I also nuked some Canadian mail & fax spammers)

    The I GET NO SPAM link, I’ve looked into the guy. Very good. He’s not the only one, shop around for a local guy (in your own state or own country).
    It’s worth it if you don’t want to use Google or Yahoo mail, but want to use Exchange or POP3.

  7. Mucous says:

    This is what I spend a lot of time wondering about: if Hormel were to launch a spam blizzard about Spam(tm) would a black hole form and swallow the Internet?

  8. Tim Harris says:

    Most of your spam isnt spam at all, but an attempt to exploit code on the actual mail server itself. It’s much like sneaking into a tag team wrestling match, minus the fact that you weren’t invited nor are you the wrestler. Spammers(hackers or crackers) like to sneak stuff into the email headers to try to do whatever they need to do to exploit open source code that is easy to crack and is absed on absolutely no standards whatsoever (other than ethics, but who needs that these days). I wouldn’t put it past NBC and some of these other huge media firms to own several thousand of these networks in attempt to conduct google fraud, boost their ratings, and get more Monopoly money(because we all know that is what everyone in Silicon valley users).

    The end user just gets caught up in the middle of all this crap, but actually the email is never meant to be read. If so, that’s an added plus…means the user account is alive and possibly a way in to a server somewhere.

    I agree with #5. Sys admins…good ones…are very few. Hardly anyone patches their machines anymore and if they do, they don’t do it enough.

    Speaking of which…I do think it as ironic that ever since I posted my URL in that field up above, my blog had started to get spam. Especially on my Apple and NFL posts. Thank you John. Are you using my site as a booster for your web rankings ???

  9. Mike W says:

    I have never understood who buys any of this stuff.

    Logic tells us – they keep doing it because they are making money. But really – are they making money? Do people click on this things and execute a transaction?

    It’s inconceivable to me.

  10. Frank Baird says:

    Hilarious! BTW, I just pushed my neighbor off a cliff. But damn, are his pencils sharp!

  11. Byron Smart says:

    Well since I encrypt my style of writing in crazy talk on purpose for future copyright reasons.. I will just say this, I have been studying hidden codes in spam and they usually cross link into weird ass messages that are all a part of a story or an “IDEA THAT HAS NOT BECOME” think of Osx Cello singing that. However the bulk of the spy talk in spam I have concluded is messages sent from A partner to B partner and allowed for black ops/pentagon project waste money to “fight the war on telling the truth/terror” . Now this crazy talk comes after seeing weeks of advanced conciotions of events that sound “evil./terrorist” and keywords/codes split into random patterns up into a point where the random words actually talk about news events and perceptions of leet and normal speak.. If I had a life this wouldnt have been even put together, but for three years I got this idea from a dream, and I have been poor ever sense… Sound like a style to you? A quote from a famous character then a polictal news item , masked with gibberish.. However you heard it hear first on dvorak.org/blog..

  12. Byron Smart says:

    SN PIXELS MESSAGE-SUBJECT-HERE PERSON-NAME I GET NO SPAM NFL IDEA THAT HAS NOT BECOME. Take all the caps analyse, take all the daskes analyse, take quotes and apply the quotes to everything in a ;{[ or and ;}} and take those pieces minus the – and you get. A pattern of people trying to be clever and spam you.

    : eye surgery and a vasectomy.( blind and need to stop sperm)
    message subject here person name I get no spam (Take the message , subject to this person + name =I get no spam)

    Nfl=(game being played infront of blind eyes whom will populate messages like sperm)

    Idea that has not become=eating an apple “What I said subconciously ”

    “” title=””>

  13. Tom 2 says:

    Thanks Byron haven’t seen an original conspiracy as good as that one in a while. I think that the purpose is no longer to sell to you but to trick you into clicking on their spam. I have realized that after a while if i dont click on any of the spam, the messages will change from like “sex for food”, to maybe re: important news, or something that might look like i might open it. Though i think spam talk could also be an automated machine, spitting out combined arguments from the site they got your info from into basically garbage.

  14. Gig says:

    When I was in the mail order business we were tickled to death is our catalog got 3% response rate. With spam you can make a lot of money with a .000003% response rate.

  15. Low Hang Wei says:

    At least you should be glad that you have different kinds of spam popping up. I just continuously get the same old pills, mortgages and usual spam popping up, it’s just so irritating. So irritating that I just got to blog about it also. Haha.


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