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Reuters – 17 Dec 2006:

A new book by Jimmy Carter in which he compares Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to South Africa’s Apartheid system has sparked a bitter debate over the former U.S. president’s reputation as a peacemaker.

Jewish groups have expressed outrage at the book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” arguing its comparison of Israel to the racist South African regime could undermine the perception of Israel’s legitimacy.

Carter, 82, has been dogged by protests during a promotional tour and Ken Stein, a long-time advisor on Middle East issues who was also the first executive director at the Carter Center in Atlanta, resigned over the book’s content.

In an interview with Reuters, Stein cited a passage from the book that said it was imperative for Arabs and Palestinians to “make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for peace are accepted by Israel.

Stein said: “Does that mean killing Jews is legitimate? Did I misread this? I don’t think so. If he wrote it, he is endorsing violence, which is not the original purpose of the Carter Center.”

You think Jimmy has been spending too much time with Mel?!

Update: Carter responds to the criticism here.

  1. Ron says:

    Nice logic. I think Americans apply it to themselves for the sins they have committed all over the world from Philipines to Vietname to Iraq and Afghanistan”

    Spreading freedom and democracy is a sin? To who? Stalin? Hitler?

    pick up a history and find out what happened when the US pulled out of Vietnam in 1975. 1 million dead in Vietnam, 2 million more in Cambodia under Pol Pot.

    Iraq: Genocide against the Marsh Arabs and the Kurds, 300,000 dead found in mass graves.

    Afghanistan: Ruled by the Taliban, women executed for going to school, homosexuals executed for being homosexuals. Sounds like a great place.

    But I guess that is not a sin.

  2. Moral Volcano says:

    62. Who was one of the first people Hitler told about the Holocaust? Why Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin al-Husayni of Jerusalem, a Palestinian.

    The British knew what kind of person Husayni was. That’s why

    In 1931 the British persuaded the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to step down in favour of Haj Amin (Muhammed Amin al-Husseini). Amin would later travel to Germany to support Nazi moves against Jews and provided the Zionists with a posterchild for the brand-new “Arab prejudice.

    Why Israel Is A Nation of Squatters

  3. Ron says:

    62. Who was one of the first people Hitler told about the Holocaust? Why Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin al-Husayni of Jerusalem, a Palestinian.

    The British knew what kind of person Husayni was. That’s why

    In 1931 the British persuaded the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to step down in favour of Haj Amin (Muhammed Amin al-Husseini). Amin would later travel to Germany to support Nazi moves against Jews and provided the Zionists with a posterchild for the brand-new “Arab prejudice.

    You do know Hitler took power in 1933 right? In 1931 he was still a nobody who most people had never heard of.

    The Palestinians had their own country in 1947, they invaded Israel and lost. 3 times (1948, 1967, 1973). Boo-Hoo.

  4. Moral Volcano says:

    Spreading freedom and democracy is a sin? To who? Stalin? Hitler?

    There was only one AdolfHitler by name. But after him there were many Hitlers by action, many of them occupants of the American White House – Truman, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Reagan, Bush Jr and Sr..

    pick up a history and find out what happened when the US pulled out of Vietnam in 1975. 1 million dead in Vietnam, 2 million more in Cambodia under Pol Pot.

    Hitler was a bad right? So, why did the U.S. drop double the ordance in IndoChina than was dropped in all of World War II. Who supported Pol Pot? Then why did Vietnam invade Kampuchea (Cambodia) and free it from Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge? Why did Nixon and Kissinger cozy up with Mao’s China during the cultural revolution and the genocide in Indo China?

    Iraq: Genocide against the Marsh Arabs and the Kurds, 300,000 dead found in mass graves.
    You just regurgitate propaganda. Who supported Saddam with chemical components, labs, intermediaries? Why was he such an ally during his war with Iran? What did the U.S. do when this “genocide” was happening? Why not raise an issue then and not after so many years. George Bush Sr. buried 150,000 fleeing Iraqi soldiers in unmarked graves near the Kuwaiti-Iraq border. Will there be any investigation? Will Bush Sr. and his officials be prosecuted?

    Afghanistan: Ruled by the Taliban, women executed for going to school, homosexuals executed for being homosexuals. Sounds like a great place.

    Who supported the Taliban? Why was American company Unocal provide money to the Taliban and even invite them to the U.S. Why did US secretary of State Robin Raphael lobby nations at the U.N. for international recognition for the Taliban regime? Why did U.S recognize the Taliban government after the group captured Kabul?

    Fusion is right. You are an idiot.

  5. Ron says:

    You are a loon. Spend less time on Alex Jones’s website and more in reality.

    1. The US only gave Saddam intel on Iranian troop movements. Why did the Iraqi army have SOVIET weapons?

    2. The Taliban was recognized 3 countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan) none of them are the US. Odd

    3. The Unocal conspiracy theory is even called a conspiracy by Wikipedia ( let alone more credible sources

    4. Pol Pot was supported by Communist China was ousted by Vietnam after they got tired of him invading. Just because they were both communist and both took advantage of the US pullout doesn’t me they love each other.

    5. “I don’t think we’ll ever know how many Iraqis were killed there. There were about 1,500 vehicles on the highway of death, counted, destroyed vehicles after the war. And another 400 or so on another road, a spur that ran parallel to the coast. Those who wandered through this wreckage right after the Iraqi surrender found relatively few bodies. Certainly some and many that were terribly incinerated of those that were found. But the prevailing view is that many of the Iraqis had simply gotten out of their vehicles and ran. And it’s difficult to believe that deaths on the highway of death probably exceeded more than a couple of hundred perhaps.”- Rick Atkinson on PBS Frontline Shouldn’t have invaded Kuwait. Too bad.

    6. Perhaps you are referring to the 1st Infantry Division and the “bulldozers” where the IRAQI government claimed to find only 44 bodies. (

    7 Quick math lesson: a few hundred (hell, lets say 1,000) plus 44 does not equal 150,000

    You a just another conspiracy moonbat. Try facts for a change

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    110, And you sir quote very selectively.

    1. The US only gave Saddam intel on Iranian troop movements. Why did the Iraqi army have SOVIET weapons?

    And chemical weapons. Then they were supplied with bullets and shells for their “Soviet” equipment.

    2. The Taliban was recognized 3 countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan) none of them are the US. Odd

    Hhhmmm, didn’t the CIA supply munitions and support to ALL the resistance forces in Afghanistan, including al Quaeda and the Taliban? Sure they were the good guys then, but once upon a time so was Saddam.

    4. Pol Pot was supported by Communist China was ousted by Vietnam after they got tired of him invading. Just because they were both communist and both took advantage of the US pullout doesn’t me they love each other.

    Hanoi invaded Cambodia because they wanted to conquer Cambodia. Pol Pot, being an ally of China, only gave more reason for the invasion.

    5. “I don’t think we’ll ever know how many Iraqis were killed there.

    If you don’t know then why not quote someone who has a better idea.

    The Independent’s Robert Fisk got there in the aftermath of the allied bombing. In his book “The Great War for Civilisation”, Fisk describes the scene of kilometres of damaged military and civilian vehicles that were bombed as they were stuck in the traffic jam. He describes the burnt out remains of the occupants of the many vehicles. “I had seen hundreds of dead here; there must have been thousands. Shouldn’t we have been referring back then, not to the Highway of Death, but to the Massacre at the Mutla Ridge?”

    Like much of your thinking, let’s see what you quoted.
    6. Perhaps you are referring to the 1st Infantry Division and the “bulldozers” where the IRAQI government claimed to find only 44 bodies.

    Now let’s look at the entire thing.

    While approximately 2,000 of the troops surrendered, escaping burial, one newspaper story reported that the U.S. commanders estimated thousands of Iraqi soldiers had been buried alive during the two-day assault February 24-25, 1991.
    However, like all other troop estimates made during the war, the estimated 8,000 Iraqi defenders was probably greatly inflated. While one commander thought the numbers might have been in the thousands, another reported his brigade buried between 80 and 250 Iraqis. After the war, the Iraqi government found 44 bodies.

    You are still an idiot.

  7. Ron says:

    Nice try, but your lack of facts still shows.

    If only 44 bodies are found, then where did the others go? Did they walk away? I doubt Saddam would be covering up for the US.

    US only gave Saddam satellite intel on Iranian troop movements, not weapons. We knew he was no good, but he was better than Iran at the time.

    The CIA only supplied the AFGHANS (al-Qaeda is Arab) with weapons, (Losing Bin Laden by Richard Miniter) other Arab (Saudi Arabia notably) countries supplied the Arab fighters (called ‘Arab Afghans’) The Soviet invasion was from 1979 to 1989 and the Taliban started in PAKISTAN in the 1993 or 1994.

    Garbage in and garbage out of Fusion again.

  8. Ron says:

    Here is more on the CIA and bin Laden, unless you think CNN is part of the ‘evil Jew Media’

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #112, so only 44 bodies were found. That does not mean that is all that was buried. That is the only piece you quoted though when the same paragraph gives other, larger numbers. That is the point, armpit.

    Then you go on to say :The CIA only supplied the AFGHANS (al-Qaeda is Arab) with weapons, The CIA supplied weapons, munitions, and some logistical support to the Afghan resistance. And that included anyone fighting against the Soviet occupiers.

    #113, now what the “F” does your new diatribe against bin Laden have to do with Carter saying Israel is an apartheid regime??? bin Laden wasn’t a major player in anything until 9/11. Do you think anyone would now say that “Yes, we liked bin Laden”???

    You are still an idiot. Pardon me, let me rephrase that. You are an IDIOT. When you lose the point you claim victory and throw some other garbage back to say “there, I trump you”.

  10. Ron says:

    114. Way not to cite ANYTHING and to ignore the facts. YOU BROUGHT UP BIN LADEN, and got stuffed. If there were ‘thousands’ of bodies, more than 44 would be found, mass graves are dug up all the time in Iraq and in other places around the world. The trick is finding them, when you konw where they are, its not that difficult. You got stuffed again. The CIA only supplied the Afghans (notice I CITED the source) only, stuffed again. you forgot to mention the Taliban, because you were stuffed yet again.

    Here is my favorite:
    “Hhhmmm, didn’t the CIA supply munitions and support to ALL the resistance forces in Afghanistan, including al Quaeda and the Taliban? Sure they were the good guys then, but once upon a time so was Saddam.”
    then: “now what the “F” does your new diatribe against bin Laden have to do with Carter saying Israel is an apartheid regime??? bin Laden wasn’t a major player in anything until 9/11. Do you think anyone would now say that “Yes, we liked bin Laden”???”” ummm…. you said we liked al-Qaeda (which was founded and is run by bin Laden)
    All of this was brought up by a loon conspiracy nut that you felt the need to defend and you got stuffed each and every time.

    115. you are right on and that is the best I have ever heard it stated.

  11. Ron says:

    117. From the word Hashish and the Arabs ( Hashshashin) in the 8th to 14th century. Typical.


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