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Reuters – 17 Dec 2006:

A new book by Jimmy Carter in which he compares Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to South Africa’s Apartheid system has sparked a bitter debate over the former U.S. president’s reputation as a peacemaker.

Jewish groups have expressed outrage at the book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” arguing its comparison of Israel to the racist South African regime could undermine the perception of Israel’s legitimacy.

Carter, 82, has been dogged by protests during a promotional tour and Ken Stein, a long-time advisor on Middle East issues who was also the first executive director at the Carter Center in Atlanta, resigned over the book’s content.

In an interview with Reuters, Stein cited a passage from the book that said it was imperative for Arabs and Palestinians to “make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for peace are accepted by Israel.

Stein said: “Does that mean killing Jews is legitimate? Did I misread this? I don’t think so. If he wrote it, he is endorsing violence, which is not the original purpose of the Carter Center.”

You think Jimmy has been spending too much time with Mel?!

Update: Carter responds to the criticism here.

  1. Scott Gant says:

    I have to agree with him. There is blame on both sides, but to accuse one side gets you labeled as antisemitic…even though it has no bearing on this. I mean, just look at what SN did here and link Jimmy Carter with Mel Gibson’s truly antisemitic tirade. Is that really warranted?

    Also, anyone else see that Carter wants the Arabs and Palestinians to stop the bombings if Israel concedes to certain things? In other words, if Israel gives you something, do NOT continue with the bombings, showing good faith. He certainly isn’t endorsing violence nor is he condoning killing Jews. Does Ken Stein honestly think that? Obviously he does. Maybe I’m being naive, but I don’t see the same thing that Stein does here.

  2. GregA says:

    Ya know, yesterday Gates alluded that total military and political defeat is a possibility in Iraq. Military commanders say if they were to leave Iraq, they would have to fight rear guard actions. It would be crushing to troop moral and combat effectiveness.

    If that happens, I think the 1967 borders will probably look like a good deal for Israel. I don’t think the enemies of Israel will be that forgiving…

    I guess, here is hoping George “the decider” Bush makes a lot of excellent decisions, and doesn’t foul anything up the next 2 years.

  3. peter says:

    Its about time you Americans realised how damaging you pro-Israel stance is to your country around the world.
    Hats off to Carter for stating the truth. Only dreadful media bias in US prevents most Americans from understanding how badly the Palestinians are treated by Isreal even in their own territory.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Many Americans has been swayed to side with Israel over the years because it fit biblical prophesy. Also, even though the long history of anti-Semitism in Christianity, Judaism is more easily accepted than Islam. I’m not criticizing Israel, but you can’t displace that many people and not expect problems. Zionist has made some pretty harsh statements over the years, along with Arabs.

  5. Tim Harris says:

    Its a pretty sad day when one can’t blame a nation state for their brutal policies. For now on when I hear someone bash Bush, I’m going to call them racists, responsible for discrimination, and every other general ‘ism’ that can be applied. Get real people. Anti Semitism died with Hitler. News flash ! What people call anti semitism today is a pathetic excuse at dodging issues of race, gender, and class. I seriously have lost any respect for this forum and question the ideology and motive. Good luck riding the dot com bubble burst next year…Can’t wait to see homeless Silicon Vallites again. “You” people really do live in an odd paradigm.

  6. SN says:

    #2 “I mean, just look at what SN did here and link Jimmy Carter with Mel Gibson’s truly antisemitic tirade. Is that really warranted?”

    Yes. Mel blamed Jews for all the wars while Jimmy blames Jews for all the terrorism. The only difference is that Mel apologized.

  7. SN says:

    #5 “Many Americans has been swayed to side with Israel over the years because it fit biblical prophesy.”

    Yeah, the fact that it’s the only democracy in the middle east has nothing to do with it!

  8. ECA says:

    Its always been interesting that it takes 2, to make a war.
    Farmers dont war.
    they dont even CARE who owns the property or runs the country.
    Leave them alone and they will be/ARE happy.

    Peace is a strange thing tho.
    You can have it for yourself, but you can have it with others(for some reason).
    Its the Old Genie proverb, beware what you wish for.
    If one government and 1 religion governd the world there would PROBABLY be some type of peace. Even If it was Hitler as president and Bin laden as the Pope.
    What happens mostly, is the OLD Family fued problems…
    Until EVERYone is will to bury the grudges, and axes, and Machine guns(Which the war machine wouldnt like) Someone will find a reason to SHOOT YOU, or in your general direction. It has little to Nothing related to religion.
    you killed my grand father, your grandfather Stomped on my Great grand fathers Foot… Is all it takes..

    some think it takes killing off religion,
    some think it takes dropping all the borders.
    some think it takes a 1 world government (NOT) to control each country.(the UN).
    Some think a 1 world(controlled as one) should take over…(It wont happen).
    some think that population should be curtailed to about 1920 or BEFORE, to solve the problems.

    Its not hard to make bullets or Gun powder.
    Its not easy stopping the war machine from making weapons(and the taxes with it)
    Its hard to enforce embargos when someone int he blackmarket will get them what they need, for a PRICE.

    Stand back, instigate ONE BIG WAR, and watch it happen.
    clean up after they are mostly dead.
    And take the Land and oil.

  9. Named says:


    Israel ain’t no democracy. It’s a full blown Theocracy. How else can you have a state for a religious group!

    And besides… the Jews lost Israel two thousand years ago to God’s exodus… if you believe that crap. And no Jew is a direct link to any Israeli of 2000 years ago. They’re about as related as the Romans are to the Italians.

    But, most people with a blind faith for an ideal have no sense of reason. The crimes of the Israeli state, perpetrated on both the Jews and Arabs has been long and well documented. It’s just not well read.

  10. woodie says:

    I’m never surprised when Americans accept the agitprop job performed so well over the years by the Israeli government. The premise that criticism — especially strong criticism of the Israeli government — is somehow anti-Semitic is cowardly sophistry.

    Israel has functioned for decades as the cats paw for US imperial policy in the Middle East. Rightwing governments criticized by Israelis as severely as are thugs like Bush — are embraced as messengers of God by American Liberals as well as Conservatives.

    From the days of Marvin Kalb to Wolf whatsisname, journalists premise their reporting on “Israel couldn’t possibly be at fault” — we need to know nothing else — even though Kalb eventually admitted being in the pay of the Israeli government.

    To forgive Israel’s imperial aggrandizement because the enemies they’ve faced over decades have been politically intransigent is absurd. To root your political understanding of a region in ethnic infallibility is as backwards as any of the rationales employed by imperial nations.

    Israel’s version of apartheid is no more acceptable than was that of the white South African government that was so often a partner of previous Israeli administrations.

  11. Mucous says:

    Jimmy Carter was a disaster as President and has continued be a disaster since. His work with Habitat for Humanity is about the only useful thing he’s done.

  12. Ron says:

    #12 If Isreal is a full blown Theocracy, why are there non Jewish Arabs in the Knesset? If you are looking for a theocracy try Saudi Arabia, Iran, or nearly any other Middle Eastern nation.
    Jimmy Carter is the worst president is history. Because of him we have an Islamic Iran, a nuclear North Korea, we learned about stagflation, and the Misery Index! Maybe the rabbit was rabid?

  13. domc says:

    Jimmy carter is right. Read your history books. Isreal is in violation of an almost 50 year old treaty that they ratified,

  14. Dallas says:

    If Mr Carter questions the role the Jews are playing in the middle east struggle, there must be some truth to it.

    You just cannot find a more moral and fair minded person around. I love Jews and always supported them (and still do). However, I wonder if their strength and arrogance has gottn ahead of them?

    In any case, the real problem in the middle east is, well, religion. So what’s new? All these men in dresses are the root cause of world suffering and persecution.

  15. jccalhoun says:

    There is a huge difference between blaming the Jews for all the wars and blaming the nation of Israel for terrorism.

    The situation in the middle east sucks. However, the government of Israel isn’t without its share of blame. The Palestinians bomb a bus full of innocent people. The Israels use tanks and helicopters to send missiles to kill someone who is a leader in an anti-Israel organization and the blast kills a bunch of civilians who just happen to be there.

    I think the Apartheid analogy is a good one. I also think the situation in Northern Ireland is also a similar analogy. (and perhaps doubly appropriate since England’s colonialism is largely responsible for setting up both situations…)

  16. Named says:


    Oh, I don’t know… A little thing like not being able to marry an Israeli if you’re a Palestinian and then reside in Israel? Little things like that make a big difference.

    As for the Knesset, A democracy is the majority. The majority of the state are Jews, and the token Arab don’t a democracy make.

  17. Named says:


    Maybe you should read up on the real situation in israel.

  18. Ron says:


    Try living in an Islamic and marrying if you are not a Muslim. Try going to Mecca if you are not a Muslim. Has Israel stoned any rape victims to death lately like in Islamic countries? Look a bit more east from Israel if you want a theocracy. And who did Israel invade in 1948, 1968 and 1972 again? Was it the Israelis who say that Muslims kill children to get their blood for Purim cookies?

  19. Jason says:


    That’s the best you can come up with? First of all, plenty of countries have similar and more restrictive immigration rules. Second, I find it amusing that your complaint is that it is difficult for a Palestinian to acquire Israeli citizenship. Why would a Palestinian want to live in (what you say is) a horrible, racist country which will treat him like shit?

  20. gquaglia says:

    Come on Jimmy, if it wasn’t Israel, it would something else. The fact is the Arabs hate and want to kill everything not Islam. Israel is just the easy excuse. Also does anyone really listen to want senile old, worst President in modern times, has to say. This guy sucked as President and has continued sucking since he left Washington.

  21. MoparPower says:

    Are Palestinians Muslim?
    Feed your minds

  22. MoparPower says:

    If W knew 2% are Christians, he would nuke Tel Aviv.

  23. Peter says:

    Carter: Nuclear Engineer, Ex President. Peace Prize recipient. Thoughtful man in the extreme. Finds a link between Israel’s treatment of the neighbors it dominates and the terms “not good” and “heavy handed” and “corrupt” and “problem” so what does Dvorak do? Equates him with a drunken Mel Gibson.

    Jeez, Dvorak. Get a clue.

  24. Chris says:

    I don’t know what all the fuss is about. The Iranian president is working on the problem of Zionism, and will take care of it shortly, if you believe what he says…

  25. Ron says:


    You of course know Carter is not a Nuclear Engineer. He took a 1 semester non credit course in nuclear propulsion when he was in the Navy. He has no degree in Nuclear Engineering.
    and read this link.

    He also got a Nobel Peace Prize for giving nuclear reactors (the Agreed Framework) to Kim Jong Il. Boy, that helped peace in the world.

  26. Named says:


    Are we talking about Israel or other countries now.


    Oh, the list is long and laundry. Do you want me to start from 1945 or before?

    Would you like me to re-create the UN Sanctions list? The various peace activists killed for non-violent action? The constant encroachment sanctioned by the government of illegal settlers and their treatment of the lawful landlord? Just ask for specifics, cause as I said, the list is VERY long…

    And why wouldn’t someone who married his love be denied access to Israel? Christians are treated like shit there too, but they persevere.

  27. Ron says:

    Here’s a good article ’bout Ol’ Jimmy

    28, I’m sure you support the war in Iraq due to all the UN resolutions Saddam was in violation of and mass killings there too.

    And you never told us who Israel invaded in 1948, 1968, and 1972.

  28. Named says:


    And what does iraq have to do with this again? I call straw man.

    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The West created israel and all the problems that came with it… including the King David Hotel attack. remember who staged that?

  29. Mucous says:

    #25 – In 1994 Yassir Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize as well proving that the Peace Prize is a joke and someone having it means nothing about their credibility. I’m sure Jimmy’s a nice guy, but he was and is wrong about almost everything.

  30. Mike says:

    #24, I know a Palestinian who is Greek Orthodox. He ain’t too fond of Israel either.


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