Doesn’t it seem ironic to build a library for a man who apparently doesn’t like to read?

Protest at SMU Targets Bush Library

The likelihood that the George W. Bush presidential library will be located at SMU has not been welcome news for at least one segment of the university community. A letter, dated December 16, from “Faculty, Administrators, & Staff” of the Perkins School of Theology to R. Gerald Turner, president of the Board of Trustees, is now circulating not only on the SMU campus but also among a wider academic community, urging the board to “reconsider and to rescind SMU’s pursuit of the presidential library.”

Texas Monthly has obtained a copy of this letter, which, as you might expect, focuses heavily on objections to Bush’s policies: “We count ourselves among those who would regret to see SMU enshrine attitudes and actions widely deemed as ethically egregious: degradation of habeas corpus, outright denial of global warming, flagrant disregard for international treaties, alienation of long-term U.S. allies, environmental predation, shameful disrespect for gay persons and their rights, a pre-emptive war based on false and misleading premises, and a host of other erosions of respect for the global human community and for this good Earth on which our flourishing depends.”

“[T]hese violations are antithetical to the teaching, scholarship, and ethical thinking that best represents Southern Methodist University.”

  1. Mike says:

    Call me old fashioned, but It really doesn’t bother me if the American President puts the interests of the “global human community” in the back seat to what he views as the interests of the American people, or if doing so just happens to make our allies upset from time-to-time.

  2. Smartalix says:


    The problem is in what Bush considers to be in our interest. Looking at his track record, his judgement sucks donkey balls.

  3. Noam Sane says:

    But…he read two Shakespeares!

  4. moss says:

    Way to go, Mike! When you visit “your” president’s library, don’t forget to bring your own crayons.

  5. Dallas says:

    Nobody wants that creep in their neighborhood, never mind a 1/2 trillion complex.

    Haliburton should just build a Sphinx or a pyramid somewhere near the Saudi desert and be done with it.

  6. Mike says:

    #4, I’m sorry, am I missing something here? Has there ever been a time when every single person liked or approved of the President? It only takes 50.1% for a majority.

  7. Bob says:

    “Doesn’t it seem ironic to build a library for a man who apparently doesn’t like to read?”

    When are we gonna build the Clinton whore house and massage parlor?

  8. Chad Larson says:

    Because, what Clinton did and what Bush is doing are exactly the same!

  9. Dallas says:

    I’m looking forward to the good old days of economic prosperity, peace and sex in the oval office.

    The sex in the oval office part was actually a Clinton national security plan to keep the GOP busy bitching about something.

  10. Mike says:

    I’m looking forward to the good old days of internet bubbles and taking credit for the social initiatives of the other party (see: welfare reform), waging half-committed wars in former soviet bloc countries and firing cruise missiles at random targets in response to embassy bombings, and sex in the oval office*.

    *Fixed for accuracy.

  11. James Hill says:

    I would think a video rental store would be a welcomed addition at SMU.

  12. tallwookie says:

    ooo!!! Pikture Buks!! wooters

  13. Anonymous says:
  14. malren says:

    OK, #11 was just *funny*. Nicely played! 🙂

  15. ECA says:

    How about we give him a Entrance exam, to see if he Qualifies??

  16. russ says:

    “When are we gonna build the Clinton whore house and massage parlor?”

    clinton got caught….if you don’t think every american president in american history nailed who he wanted, when he wanted, your a very naive person….

  17. Gary Marks says:

    In Bush’s new library, we’ll be able to read about how America rallied the nations of the world to build a “coalition of the willing,” saved the world from a tyrant, and preserved democracy for future generations.

    There won’t be any “nonfiction” section in the library.

  18. Rob says:

    16, if you believe every president had sex with whoever he wanted to while in office you are incredibly pessimistic.


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