About to die

Nice. Blame the ones trying to help rather than take responsibility. One could only hope this leads to sanctions, etc. Of course, despite doing so would foster “human rights,” one of the tenents of American interventionism elsewhere, Libya will improve its relations with the West because it’s politically expedient. Nothing new here. Move along. Don’t trip over the nurse’s bodies.

Libya sentences Bulgaria nurses to death

Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor were convicted and sentenced to death by a Libyan court Tuesday on charges they deliberately infected hundreds of children with the AIDS virus. The verdict can be appealed.

Judge Mahmoud Hawissa read out the verdict at a seven-minute hearing in a Tripoli court at the end of the defendants’ second trial.

The six defendants, detained for nearly seven years, had previously been convicted and condemned to death, but Libyan judges granted them a retrial after international protests over the fairness of the proceedings. Bulgaria contends the children were infected by unsanitary practices at their Libyan hospital.

An international legal observer, Francois Cantier of Lawyers Without Borders, criticized the retrial as lacking scientific rigor. Research published this month said samples from the infected children showed their viruses were contracted before the six defendants started working at the hospital in question.

“We need scientific evidence. It is a medical issue, not only a judicial one,” Cantier said after the verdict.

Gadhafi, who has been trying to refashion his image from leader of a rogue state, got his government to ask Bulgaria to pay compensation to the children’s families.

  1. Mike says:

    Several years ago, I read a report that during some UN immunization activities in Africa, doctors routinely reused needles while on location because it was said the greater immediate need of the vaccinations outweighed the risk of spreading HIV.

  2. tallwookie says:

    And is it any wonder why africa is still a hotbed of disease and poverty? because they’re morons

  3. Gig says:

    They got two trials and JUST maybe they were fair trials and JUST maybe those accused are really guilty.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – And is it any wonder why africa is still a hotbed of disease and poverty? because they’re morons

    No, it’s because they lack Governments that prioritize education. Instead the churches/mosques teach these people about life… with all the side effects that have. Think of that the next time you watch Christian Children’s Fund’s advertisements on TV…

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – And is it any wonder why africa is still a hotbed of disease and poverty? because they’re morons

    No, it’s because they lack Governments that prioritize education. Instead the churches/mosques teach these people about life… with all the side effects that have (condoms are evil etc.). Think of that the next time you watch Christian Children’s Fund’s advertisements on TV…

  6. Jägermeister says:


    That’s weird… I’m pretty sure I only typed in the validation code once, but it submitted it twice since I used the back button to edit it before finally submitting it. *confused*

  7. libya says:

    Libya has the highst life standard in africa in fact not far from europe in terms of health and education … u stupid guys listen to Media made for Idiots

  8. joshua says:

    this case is wrong on many levels. All the research points to the AIDS already being there and the hospital very lacking in sanitation. These people were brought in to help with this very problem and instead have been used by either incompetant or corrupt local authorities to cover their asses with the big guy.

    The premise of the case makes no sense. If these people were from a western country, then they might be able to say they hated little Arab kids. But they aren’t….the Doc is a Palestinian and the Nurses are from a country that was on good relations with Libya for decades.

    The court wouldn’t let them present the science facts or the testing that was done. It relied on **eye witnesses** that have been proven to have not even been in the hospital when the horrible crimes were committed.

    Libya just flat refuses to admit it has an AIDS problem, and this case is to show that it came from somewhere else.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Libya has the highst life standard in africa

    That’s Seychelles. And yes, it has higher standard of living than some European countries… such as Albania… do you know how dirt poor Albania is? And as a clarification… the statement was forAfrica in general, but I guess you missed that.


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