Before or After: You decide!
The Insider – December 19, 2006:
DONALD TRUMP held a press conference Tuesday morning to address recent allegations against current Miss USA titleholder, TARA CONNER, who was expected to be stripped of the crown because of her recent misconduct.
But in a surprise move, Trump announced that the embattled beauty queen would be given another chance.
“This has been a very difficult time for the Miss USA pageant,” he said. “Especially for our current Miss USA.”
As co-owner of the pageant, he was unsure about the decision to allow her to hold on to the title until meeting with Conner personally. “Until this morning, I didn’t know which way it was going to go,” he said. “After speaking to her, I saw not only a beautiful young woman but someone who had a big heart.“
Is Trump lining up a replacement for Melania? Big heart, that’s not all that’s big. OK, I’m done.
I’d much rather see her before she got the implants. I know this may not be popular, but I may as well come out of the closet — I’m a big fan of a nice ‘B’ or ‘C’ cup. Dow Corning seldom improves a woman’s looks, and although she looks nice here, I bet she was a knockout before the operation.
Thanks to Allah that during my life that the set I have access to always seems to be big enough.
#3 Gary Marks
This picture seems to be pre-boob job.

Thanks, SN — that’s true beauty pageant material!
#3 Great call. I agree with you…plus they seem uneven now.
#6. I don’t generally care if they’re huge or small. My sole criteria for breast size is whether they can support their own weight. Thus, if they’re so big they’re sagging, they’re too big.
I personally think she looked better pre-surgery.
“Until this morning, I didn’t know which way it was going to go,” he said.
Must have been quite a hot and sweaty morning in the palatial Trump Bedroom, which pursuaded The Donald to change his mind.
I am in the **looked much prettier before** group. I honestly don’t like the pic at top, she looks so much more normal in the other pics.
My ex was like the top photo, and she was convinced those boobs were the keys to the kingdom, maybe they were, she married a guy worth millions….lol 🙂
I read somewhere a while back that most women get implants to impress other women. /shrug
10. Thats kinda what I was thinking. A little friendly persussion perhaps?
So fake… normal boobs just don’t look like that. Yuck. I’m sure she was just fine pre-surgery. All that beauty pageant stuff is creepy anyway.
I’d chew on those before and after. I like ‘m all.
She had a GREAT heart??
And where was that tattoo??
She needs to fire the person who does her eyebrows… the right one is higher up than the left one.
I just read something to that effect as well……it said women dress and get boob enhancements for other women, not for men. Which I guess makes semse being as how 99% of hetrosexual men could care less what the women are wearing, and as long as there ARE boobs, it’s cool.
#21: Women have always dressed for other women, certainly not for men. We’re just supposed to provide the compliments.
It must be the same for boob jobs, because while men certainly like boobs, most of us are not much into silicone. For me, natural is just fine.
Give me real anytime. Couldn’t care less what size they are—-as long as they’re real.
He could not fire her. She is protected under the FMLA act. Anyone who has a drug or alcahol problem has to be given the chance to clean up. I work where drug tests are the norm. You have to get consiling and stay clean but you get to keep your job if you fail one test. If you fail another during the next year you are gone. Because this is concidered a illness.
she has been a bad girl, we need to set her as an example.
My preference is “firm & natural”, too….
My daughter (just 21, and I haven’t seen her topless since she became a teenager) wants a little more “up top”, but also agrees with me. We were out for supper one night and a young lady walked by who’d fairly obviously been “adjusted”. The kid said “that can’t be real!”…. (I suspect that you corn dogs out there would jump either that girl or my daughter in a second if you had the chance, but that’s another story too….)
I think the pageants are creepy, too….
“Miss America” has taken some moves to at least look like they’re creating candidates that are more than just bikini-stuffers, but I don’t see anything coming out of any of that except more minority winners. I quit watching years ago…. (Do you think anybody’d watch the Victoria’s Secrets “fashion show” if the girls weren’t nearly naked?)
(I’m also getting old enough to look at a Victoria’s catalog and say something like “cute kids”…. AARGH….)
#27 “(I’m also getting old enough to look at a Victoria’s catalog and say something like “cute kids”…. AARGH….)”
Same here. When I’m out shopping or whatever and see a mom with her daughter, I’m much more likely to check out the mom nowadays. Things change.
Like we need anymore proof that Trump is the pimp of the decade.
Besides, this is all to build name recognition for The Apprentice, which needs higher ratings than last in its next season (starting in January).
Yeah, sure!
“Until this morning, I didn’t know which way it was going to go,” he said. “After speaking to her, I saw not only a beautiful young woman but someone who had a big heart.“
And Tara Conner talked to Donald Trump like Monica talked to Bill…
[Evil Grin]
Thank you for bringing back the hottest ladies on the web!
Exactly, 29. It’s astounding that with that much money, power, fame and company of beautiful women someone could still be such a turbo-dork, and the only man in America with a comb-over Mullet swooshing across his forehead instead of down over his collar. If The Donald couldn’t afford to have Vidal Sassoon follow him around with a comb, scissors and blow-dryer 24X7, this might be more easily overlooked.
Before is hot-girl-next-door. After is professional-whore-next-door.
So, I was planning on going to the nudie bar, and knew I’d need some dough for the hos. I broke out the scanner, and scanned some dollar bills front and back, and printed out some copies on parchment paper to give it a good feel.
I figured, hey it’s so dark in there, the dumb hos will never know.
I get there, and I’m tipping well, and it’s all good…
… then this ho say, “Hey, these aren’t real!”
I say, “Hey, neither are yours!!”