Batches? Batches? I got to show you no stinkin’ batches.

U.S. Border Fence Built By Illegal Aliens — Un-friggin-believeable.

Comedy routines once again became reality today when a California company agreed to pay a $5 million fine for employing illegal aliens to build the border fence between San Diego and Tijuana.

About a third of Golden State Fence Company’s 750 workers are illegals and the company was repeatedly caught with lots of undocumented workers on the payroll, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The company’s lawyers admit it all, but say this just proves there needs to be a guest-worker program.

  1. Mike says:

    one word…. irony

  2. chris mac says:

    not a bad post.. considering his usual bedtime

  3. Higghawker says:

    Does this really surprise anyone? This California company after paying their fine, will probably go right back to work with their illigals like nothing happened. Most of these gov. jobs are way over priced and these companies are a huge money grab anyway.

  4. ECA says:


  5. RTaylor says:

    Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
    Don’t fence me in.
    Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
    Don’t fence me in.
    Let me be by myself in the evenin’ breeze,
    And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees,
    Send me off forever but I ask you please,
    Don’t fence me in. ♬♪♩

  6. F. says:

    If I was an illegal alien working on that fence, I’d have put a few secret entrances into them…


  7. James Hill says:

    I think the “secret” is to just swim around it, or drive through a boarder crossing. Both will eventually work.

  8. c bob campbell says:

    Gee . . When we send the criminals back to mexico – – –

    Why don’t we send the polititions , that let this mess happen , BACK WITH THEM!

  9. Alex says:

    I mean, who else is going to build it?

  10. ethanol says:

    Hilarious, total agreement with #1…

  11. Joe says:

    I’m gonna be the first to say that Lewis Black predicted that the fence was going to be built by illegals 6 months ago.

  12. tallwookie says:

    thats a great pic John

    what movie is that from?

  13. ECA says:

    Old bogart movie…

  14. Lavi says:

    Which American is gonna work in the sweltering heat to build it? The only American who would work that job would have to be an immigrant who just got a green card and knows that he has to work hard to make a living. I was in LA some time ago, and I saw a Mexican dude, selling roses on one street corner, a black dude selling CDs on another corner and a white dude holding a sign saying, “Homeless, need money for rent!!” (the white dude represents Americans born and raised here with American values(?), not just white people but many second generation immigrants too). This great country is becoming lazy…

    Let the immigrants build the fence with minimum wage and then give them a bloody green card!! While we’re at it, lets have them fight the Iraq “war on terrorism” and then give them a green card. I bet a years worth of salsa we will not have a shortage of troops!!

    The politicians who let corporations get away with a slap on the wrist… OFF with their HEADS…

  15. tallwookie says:

    Hey #14 –

    I bet the white guy made rent, and the other 2 got evicted

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – one word…. irony

    Isn’t life just filled with it?! 😀

  17. John S says:

    re#12 and #13. The movie is “The Treasure of The Sierra Madre” which is an excellent movie directed by John Huston starring his father Walter Huston and Humphey Bogart as Fred C. Dobbs. The picture is of the character Gold Hat played by Alfonso Bedoya. is the link to the movie info.

  18. joshua says:

    Who was it that said you can’t beat real life for comedy? Like we weren’t all expecting to hear this.

  19. bman says:

    Doesn’t their immigration status on this job really depend on which side of the fence they were working on?


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