Are Google and Orange pairing up to make our secret mobile nerd dreams come true by introducing a Googlephone?
There’s nothing official yet, but the Observer reports that the two companies are in talks about producing a Google-branded cellphone that would come pre-loaded with mobile versions of Google apps like Google Earth, Gmail, etc.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt has even waxed rhapsodic about the possibilities of free handsets subsidized by (Google) ads.
I wonder if it will hit the streets before the Apple iPhone?
I wouldn’t for the simple reason that it would probably run on Win Mobile, which I despise. I guess it would also depend on what carrier they would piggyback on.
I would get it – if it delivers what I would expect from Google.
Google is a cutting edge company. Having google earth and many of the google timmings sounds very exciting if it’s paired with high speed broadband like WiMax or HSDPA. If it’s GPRS or even EDGE – well, not so much.
I will also compare that to the rumoured Apple phone. In any case, it needsa diplay of at least 4″ diagnonal.
If its free, and works where I need it to, heck yeah I’d get it.
Maybe google should get together with skype?
Bow and welcome our Google overlords!
Depends on whether its prepaid or postpaid service.
With prepaid it depends on costs only. With postpaid it depends on service only.
Brand does not matter to cellular users. Look at ESPN’s recent failure in the cellular business.
Very interesting??????? This is one of those……..I can’t wait to see what happens thingamagigs!!!!
Assuming Apple’s $600 masterpiece has a UI and resolution nice enough to put the rest to shame, Google could come in on the low end and gobble up a good portion of market share if it scores well in usability.
That $600 tag on the iPhone is going to be steep, and may turn a fair share of the market towards a device like the one outlined in the article.
Maybe this IS the iPhone (or one of them, Europe?).
Maybe there is an Apple – Google – Orange thing going on here and the ‘free’ bit is bogus.
There is a Google -Apple connection already and maybe Orange will be at least one of the European carrier networks.
A free basic phone, or a low cost handset with no monthly charge is what most people would be VERY happy to get. All the razzmatazz features of fancy phones are for the technorati… real people use the phone to talk, and that’s about it.
If there is any special feature that Google would be smart to include, it’s GPS. That really would give them a targeted audience by location.
As for all the iPhone fans thnat are willing to spend $600 on a fancy toy that will last you a year because you will be ashamed to have ‘the old’ model… don’t go thinking that the real world works on such shallow terms.
Remember, you get what you pay for. There is no free lunch.
Uh, #11 — surely you jest. 🙂 Can’t you find another 6 or 12 trite phrases and dumb dichos to quote?
#9 – No, it turns out the iPhone was released by Cisco today for use on teh Skype network.
Just what I need to carry around, a device that would track me, monitor my phone calls for key words, interrupt them with advertising….. I think not
14 Ditto.
Uh, #12 — Sounds to me like you needed to vent. Glad I could help.
At this point, I can´t help but laugh at all those poor mac fanboys who are waiting for the iphone. Well done Cisco 🙂
Doesn’t Apple own the letter ‘i’ and the word ‘pod’?
At this point, I can’t help but pity those who try to mock Mac users over a name.
hmmm. Where can I buy it? That is my way of saying that I would totally get that phone. Free!