1. Tim says:

    Thanks… I really needed a laugh today!

  2. Higghawker says:

    Bah Humbug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Gary Marks says:

    Remember, boys and girls — “Santa” is just an anagram of “Satan,” and the toys are just a ruse to get inside the house without being reported to the authorities.

    Anyone care to trade their soul for a XBox or Barbie doll?

    (great video find, SN – lmao)

  4. Pete says:

    The closest Fox ever came to real news…

  5. Jägermeister says:


    *laughing* Thanks, I needed that one… 😀

  6. Mr. Fusion says:


    And they still had to make it up.

  7. Kyle Miller says:

    To numbers 4 and 5, if you look close, it was a segment from the tonight show with Jay Leno…. just thought I’d point that out, eh?

  8. Jägermeister says:


    I’m glad you noticed that too… and it was reported on Fox…

  9. The technology simply doesn’t exist today to enable our government to catch and kill Santa. According to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Santa Claus is able to travel at nearly the speed of light. To catch that troublemaker then, we would have to be even faster but, as everyone knows, the speed of light is an unsurpassable barrier. You can’t catch what you can’t match. It’s impossible to overthrow unassailable physics.


  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, True, Fox is Fair and Balanced and will show the truth where ever it lies. It doesn’t matter if the news is “real” news or just fluff, Fox brings all the news fit to be invented to its viewers. Well, actually it does matter. Real news isn’t as entertaining so Fox relies more on the fake stuff.

  11. joshua says:

    Very funny SN…..See, you Liberals are wrong…Clinton did it.(or tried to)

  12. Dan says:

    Osama, Santa, there both makebelive

  13. Aaron says:

    Once again Faux proves it’s ran by a bunch of Jackasses!

    On a related note: Why does it look like everybody’s face is going to rip open, when they pan the camera to them while laughing? (aliens?)

  14. Axtell says:

    I wonder how many comedy segments crushing Dubyah Faux news has run? I am going to guess that number is ZERO?

  15. JToso says:

    #15. Good guess

  16. Mark says:

    9. “You catch and kill Santa with the tools you have, not the tools you think you have or would like to have in the future.”

    Don “the Grinch” Rumsfeld

  17. Unspeakable says:

    #17,Ha Ha! good stuff!

  18. Mucous says:

    Love it. It’s believable too.

    As far as real news goes, there are actually so-called news organizations that give credence to madman Algore and his fantasy story about man-caused Global Warming (TM) . I get great belly laughs about that too.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    Santa is a fucking terrorist!!!!

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Another one not taking the Republican defeat well. While satire has its place, as #15 pointed out, how many times has FOX Spews lampooned Shrub.


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