New Corp.’s HarperCollins Worldwide publishing unit has severed its relationship with high-profile publisher Judith Regan, who had spearheaded the would-be publication of O.J. Simpson’s book, “If I Did It”…
News Corp. on Nov. 20 canceled publication of a book by the former football star on the June 1994 murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, and canceled a planned television interview with Simpson.
At the time, News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch took the unusual step of issuing a public apology amid the onslaught of negative publicity over the project.
New York Press included her in their list of the 50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers.
Down the career ladder… Let’s see…
* Don’t bother about the truth… CHECK
* Don’t have a conscious… CHECK
* Wants easy money… CHECK
I guess becoming a TV preacher is the only alternative.
Thanks for the New York Press link.
A fun read.
You forgot politician.
She makes money. Someone will pick her up. News Corp isn’t the only slime bucket outfit out there.
#2 – True, with her talent she can get far… 😉
First….loved the link….kept me occupied for an hour….lol
Second…Mr. Fusion….News Corp isn’t anymore slime bucket than the New York Times Corp….or any of the big media corps….someday, maybe you’ll wake up to that fact.
News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch OK’d the multi-million dollar deal, or there’s no way it would have gotten a green light. After it gets bad press they can her?
#6, So I suppose the tabloid news of the NY Post and Fox Spews are all reputable. While they may have some honest journalists working for them, I don’t think anyone would confuse the caliber of their journalists with those at CNN, NBC, CBS, AP, Reuters, UPI, the Washington Post, the NY Times, or even the Cleveland Plains Dealer.
News Corp knows that entertainment sells and that is what they strive to give their audience. Don’t confuse quality with popularity.
#8, She was fired for going off on a staff lawyer. She had a history of doing that.
Yeah CNN has Nancy Grace, now THERE is a journalist.
Mental acumen registration bypassed
Bye bye bitch even though we all know she’ll get rehired somewhere else in the business
And honestly that link is nothing compared to Judith Reagans “statement” she released about the book
warp point below
#11, no, there is a former prosecutor trying to have a quasi Fox wannabe diatribe fest. A true embarrassment to the legal profession.
#12 – In many the same ways CNN and MSNBC are an embarrassment to non-biased journalists.
#13 – But Nancy’s got a wonderful hair helmet and tends to have guest’s on wearing the same hair helmet.