BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Whale explodes in Taiwanese city — This sort of thing is the symbol of the end-times, if you ask me.

A dead sperm whale has exploded while being delivered to a research centre near the southwestern city of Tainan. Passers-by and cars were soaked in blood and body parts were sprayed over a road after the bursting of the whale, which was being carried on a trailer.

The whale had died earlier on a beach and had been collected so its remains could be used for educational purposes. A marine biologist blamed the explosion on pressure from gases building up in the mammal as it began to decompose.

The whale attracted a lot of onlookers both before and after it exploded. This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful. Several parked cars and pedestrians got covered in blood when it exploded.

related link

found by Babble Berry

  1. ECA says:


  2. Sundog says:

    Ship exploding whales to Iraq. Drop them on Al Queda training camps.

  3. RTaylor says:

    At least it was a natural process and they didn’t jam a ton of dynamite under it.

  4. Nate says:

    This story is two years old…

  5. andy says:

    #2 please be our secretary of defense

  6. RTaylor says:

    I’m waiting for someone to make a, “Thar she blows”, joke. 🙂

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    No heavy metal music?

  8. Haywood Jablome says:

    Ugh, like a big zit!

  9. John Paradox says:

    Suicide Whale Bombers?


  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    All those pedestrians covered in blood and no Chinese laundry jokes?

  11. Ross says:

    lol “research center” that the name of the local Japanese Restaurant?

  12. JimR says:

    It took a lot of guts to move that whale.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    I can’t help but be reminded of the “Wafer Thin Mint” scene (exploding fat guy) in Monty Python’s “Meaning of Life”. film. Must have been similar.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    #8 Bruce

    It’s the ultimate in Bukkake 😉

  15. JD says:

    Oh,the Humani…. errrrrrrr Whalemanity!!!!!!

  16. bs says:

    Might as well post the one where they actually blew one up. At least the video is entertaining.

    Slow news day John????

  17. KB says:

    Maybe Jonah farted.

  18. Connor says:

    Yeah that previous guy was right, this was like two years ago. Then again, maybe it happened again. I did here that the (possibly) other one was in Tokyo.

  19. Andy Cactus says:

    Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
    Remember how she said that
    Whale meat again
    Some sunny day?
    Vera! Vera!
    What has become of you?
    Does anybody else here
    Feel the way I do?

    Yeah! I Dont know where and I dont know when either.

  20. Ed Roberts says:

    That’s an OLD image. I think I saw that on the ol’ net a year or 2 ago.

  21. KB says:

    Could we have less violent headlines, John? I’m worried about the effect it could have on the children.

    Think happy stories.

  22. Dad says:

    “if you ask me”

    Thanks, John. I’m sure glad I didn’t ask.


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