Maybe it is too violent? :-)

OK, I have praised Krystal restaurants’ free Wi-Fi in the past. I have used this resource on a number of occasions when I needed to do some quick work. However, on a recent such stop, I decided to play a quick game of PacMan before leaving and, to my astonishment, found that I was blocked, and received this message advising me to choose more appropriate material “in consideration of other patrons who may find this material objectionable.” Har!!

In keeping with Krystal’s commitment to providing a family friendly environment, access to this web site has been restricted due to this site’s content being categorized as: “Adult/Mature Content;Humor/Jokes;Streaming Media/MP3s” In consideration of other patrons who may find this material objectionable, please refrain from attempting to access websites with this type of material. Thank you for visiting your local Krystal Restaurant!

Really, if Ebaum’s World can’t make it through Krystal’s filters, what hope does Dvorak Uncensored have? I hope the UAE doesn’t tip them off to us.

  1. sdf says:

    I’d normally agree with you, but c’mon – it’s ebaums after all. And it is THEIR wifi of course.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’m certain it wasn’t Pac-Man they are targeting as much as other gaming fare that wouldn’t be as innocuous…

    But then, I have always believed that we have no right not to be offended, but we do have the right to shut the f___ up if we are.

    Except me.

    I reserve the right to bitch about whatever I want to bitch about.

  3. James Hill says:

    You admit to going to Ebaum’s World? Respect– for you.

  4. ECA says:

    The main consideration must be added.
    Goto Yahoo, or MSN and DL most of the current games and it installs this NEET little program on your machine…It monitors all the games you play and sites you visit…Cute little bot.
    I dont think EBaum does this, but it is a consideration.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Where do I go to gripe about people who gripe about what other people gripe about?

  6. KB says:

    And… Uh.. where did I gripe about it?? Where?? Where did I criticize Krystal, or say that they didn’t have a right to do what they wanted to do with their Wi-Fi? Again, where??

    What I did say is that I was ASTONISHED that their filters would identify an attempt to play PacMan as inconsiderate of other patrons. Cripes.. Ebaum’s World?? What’s next, If you don’t see the humor in this, ah well….

    I have said only good things about Krystal’s providing free Wi-Fi access. Other restaurants need to follow their example (sans the filters preferably). 😉

  7. malren says:

    Ebaum’s World?? What’s next, If you don’t see the humor in this, ah well….

    Yeah, it would be HYSTERICAL if someone pulled up one of the 40 gajillion porn clips Ebaums is famous for hosting and showed them to all the kids in the joint! Oh, the mirth! Let’s show’ em all the extreme graphically violent videos Ebaums hosts too! WHAT A RIOT!!!!! Maybe we can show the Daniel Pearl beheading video to a 6 year old right after we show him a japanese woman firing eels out of her vagina!!! WHAT COMEDY!

    Look, it’s one thing to cry foul about Pacman, but you know damed well Ebaums is about way more than that. He’s about stealing the sexy, violent and other viral videos from various websites and trying to earn ad revenue with them. 😉

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe if you play the game advertised on this blog

    They will let you play it, after all, it’s a good ‘ol wholesome-god fearing-gay bashing-ethnocentric-xenophobic game based on books popular among evangelic teenagers.

  9. naz says:

    hi, i guess i posted before that in UAE dvorak is not blocked anymore.. i received an email from them after a complaint and i asked a friend living there and he said it is not blocked.. i said so in the RIAA post.. maybe no one read it 🙁

  10. KB says:

    Well, malren (#8), in that case, I guess they’d better block Google too. After all, what about all those family-unfriendly videos? Oh, and people don’t need an internet connection at all, since they can bring all the things you mention already downloaded on their laptops. Eureka! That’s it! We can provide free Wi-Fi but forbid laptop computers on the premises! Finally the kiddies can be safe. God bless America!


  11. Peter says:

    Well, where I work, Dvorak Uncensored got blocked due to “nudity” after the recent trade show photos of “nearly naked” booth babes were posted.

    Apparently, anything that’s remotely suggestive is considered block fodder.

  12. malren says:

    KB, the nicest thing I can say to you is that you are being intentionally obtuse and totally disingenuous. Ebaums World is PRIMARILY about porn clips, ratedR-level vids, adult comedy and extreme violence viral videos.

    You can make little cutesy comments all day about Google, but that’s not a true comparison and you know it. If you DON’T know it…well, then I’m not allowed to finish this thought on, due to the comment policy.

    You know, it’s kind of amusing that we’re criticizing Krystal for not allowing unfettered free wifi on a site that doesn’t allow unfettered free commenting. 😉

  13. KB says:

    KB, the nicest thing I can say to you is that you are being intentionally obtuse and totally disingenuous.

    It has a nice ring to it.

  14. Andrew says:

    Why is it we’ve given the few weirdoes so much power where the internet is concerned? I mean bussinesses and government combined have effectively bludgeoned off significant portions of the internet to prevent the odd weirdo from looking at pr0n next to a 6 year old enjoying her happy meal.

    I’m not saying Krystal doesnt’ have the right to apply filters of course they do. But in the real world there security measures don’t assume everyone is a criminial.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Probably because the parents of that six yr old would be suing the pants off of Krystal’s. Lawyer’s don’t come cheap and settlements are usually much more.

  16. Unspeakable says:

    Guys, you’re missing the point. It was not pr0n that was filtered, it was not beheadings,it was not eels or anything else horrible. It was Pac-Man! This is just an example of filters gone wild

  17. KB says:

    Unspeakable (#17), please don’t cloud the issue with facts. It hurts the children.


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