Some of the structures used in Star Wars for the Tatooine planet scenes were already there and adapted to the film, but a lot of it was created by Lucas. As far as living in the buildings, I’m not quite sure if this is cool or sad.

I have never been a “Star Wars” aficionado, to tell you the truth. The closest I ever came to appreciating the movie was singing along to the “Star Wars” ring tone on my colleague’s cell phone.

That is, until I took a trip to the planet Tatooine itself — a real place in the middle of the north African desert, a well-kept secret of Tunisia.

As I peered inside one of the impeccably built constructions, I noticed a mattress and a small teapot on the sand floor. In a mere moment, the “owner” of the house was there: an elder Arab man dressed in a typical desert fashion.

Surprisingly, his French was perfect and he explained to me that since he had neither family nor money, he came to live in the movie set. He looks after the place, the real roof of the fake house protects him from the sandstorms, and if a tourist throws him a small coin every once in a while, he can buy some more tea and some food. And he is hardly the only one living in the Lucas-built wonderland in the middle of the Sahara.

I guess as long as the inhabitants are satisfied, it’s cool.

  1. Kent Goldings says:

    They should film movies in the US and take care of the homeless here first. 🙂

  2. Mike says:

    Those actually look nicer than the little rock mounds (huts) that I saw scattered around the scenic Djiboutian countryside a few years back.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is better then recycling.

  4. Boris says:

    These “houses” are now available for rent for 500 EUR per night – sweet.
    Another interesting fact: When Star Wars team was, there they built new roads with sidewalks for locals, but the locals, didn’t know what were sidewalks for, so they planted trees on that place.

  5. Ballenger says:

    There are also people living in the heavily damaged houses featured in Spike Lee’s “When the Levees Broke”. Oh wait, that wasn’t a set. Bad example, in a lot of ways.

  6. tallwookie says:

    lol this is HILLARIOUS!!!

    can we get the lattitude/longitude? this would be a fun place to visit, dress the locals as well… locals… and we could even get mark hamil out there and he can be a tour guide!!

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    I still think that Hayden Christiansen has ther emotional range of a turnip, he makes Orland Bloom look as expressive as Jim Carrey.

    Plus Amidala should have deliver the twins on a planet other than Scientologyland, at least in another planet they would have given her antidepressants.

  8. Peter Rodwell says:

    I’ve been there. It’s a stopping point for tourists doing desert trips. The locals appear to make a nice living from tourists tramping through their homes, taking photos and videos.

  9. Jonathan Fox says:

    Ive been there too. Its pretty amazing and to this day looks Tatooine. Its a long drive south though from the Tourist resorts on the North eastern coast. That region was also used as a film location for “The English Patient” and “Indiana Jones”

  10. Franco says:

    I sure dont understand the humour in the ignorant comment by pedro
    he certainly dos not know in Witch part of the world is Tunisia.

    Aaaah, those sand people. It’s sad in so many levels…

    Comment by — 12/13/2006 @ 10:15 am

  11. Franco says:

    Dear Boris
    The story about the pavement is an absolute Borrat type of ignorance let me update you with a little story. pavement have existed in Tunisia for over 2000 years and built by the karthagienens who are the ancestors of 2days Tunisians. or you probably not very good @ out side the US History I mean the History witch is the word History that I unfortunately fide many US citizen not aware of.
    As for the tree planting in the middle of the pavement it has existed in many Mediterranean country s for centuries the reason is to provide shade for young and old people in the hot summers. and If you can afford it do visit the world and learn more before you com up with such a America is the business in the world type comments.


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