Giant tent to be built in Astana

Kazakhstan has unveiled a new architectural project for its capital Astana – a giant transparent tent that will contain an indoor city.

The 150m-high (500ft) dome, designed by UK architect Norman Foster, will be built in just over a year.

The tent is being made from special material that absorbs sunlight to create the effect of summer inside.

Astana lies in the very heart of the Central Asian steppe. Temperatures there often drop to -30C in the winter.

  1. Mucous says:

    It’s not going to be a whole city – the article states “an area larger than 10 football stadiums“. That’s more like a downtown area. This is still a cool idea though.

    You could do a smaller version for a private yard – say stick your house in the middle of your 10 acre plot and tent the whole thing. That would be a worthy lifestyle for the 21st century.

  2. Mike says:

    Yes, very cool.

  3. MikeR says:

    Please send Mr. Foster to Edmonton when he’s done in Astana.

  4. ECA says:

    I hope they take in the idea that HEAT and COLD, make things change shape, and shorten, int he cold..

  5. Rob says:

    Sure must be nice to live in a country (i.e. just about anywhere in Europe or Asia) where science and technology and architecture are allowed to advance, rather than just sitting still due to religious wackos and giant invest-nothing, just-maintain-the-status-quo corporations.

  6. The Other Tom says:

    I just got a press release from the ol’ CEO yesterday saying that we are going to open two new cement plants in Kazakhstan (“southeastern and western parts”) .
    From the press release:”Two new environmentally friendly dry process plants, each with a cement production capacity of 1.3 million metric tons per year, will produce high quality cement in the most cost effective conditions and help to cover the increasing need of Kazakhstan’s fast growing economy.”

    Apparently Italcementi will be the largest cement producer in Central Asia after this is completed. I wonder how much we will be involved in this project?

    ECA: I wouldn’t worry too much. Generally engineers actually do take into account things like temperature change. Even cold, as apparently that was important enough to point out twice.

  7. Mark says:

    Just me, but I dont want to live in a bubble, thanks.

  8. joshua says:

    The common folks of this **paradise** wish the goverment would spend a little on housing, food and jobs for them. And maybe after that, the Muslim goverment might stop arresting, and forceing non-Muslims to leave the country or refusing to allow them to own property or have a job.

    Personally, I’ll take the place holder company’s we have over the total lack of freedom for any purpose they have any day.

    But, it’s a really cool idea.


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