I’m not trying to pick on India — though, this month, I seem to be bumping into the most interesting human interest stories from that nation.
The police force in India’s largest city, Mumbai, has so many two-timing officers that they have been asked to nominate which family should inherit their pension if they die in the line of duty, a report said Sunday.
“It has been observed that settlement of dues gets delayed due to policemen having multiple families,” the Indian Express quoted a police department circular as saying.
The police pension division estimates there are at least 144 policemen with two families in the city, including lower-ranking constables and senior inspectors, out of a force of nearly 40,000.
The legal family is usually in the village they come from, while the illegal one is in Mumbai.
“Staying away from their families for long stretches of time often leads policemen into extramarital relationships,” the paper quoted a senior police official as saying.
In most cases, it is only after the death of a policeman that the wife discovers his other family, who often stake a claim to his assets, the paper said.
“In the case of such disputes, we go by the court order,” the paper quoted a senior police official as saying.
“If the claimants wish to settle out of court, there’s no problem. Sometimes, the first wife is kind to the other.”
Indian states began to amend bigamy laws a few years ago to make settlements like this easier. But, how do these guys afford two families, anyway?
Off the top of my head — with the large unemployment rate, maybe the cops earn more than the average worker? Plus, anyone know how prevalent bribery is in India?
What I am wondering about is given the prevalence of abortion of female babies, in another generation, will there be a shortage of wives so that guys with multiple families will occur less often?
Not to dis the Hindu in any way (well at least not more than this blog has lately) but is it a surprise that a people that have a jazillion different gods would have more that one spouse now and again?
Maybe they need smaller condoms, but apparently, that doesn’t stop them!
It good to see that at least SOME cops are still human
Few males having extra martal relationship doesnt means hindus practic poly or bigamy. Hindus unlike mormons or muslims dont practice bigamy/polygamy nor indian law allows it. 144 policemen out of a force of nearly 40,000 doesnt makes it a trend. Morality and sincerity has nothing to do with religion or ‘number of gods’ one follows.
Yes bribery is common and policeman often earn more than a major chunk of population.
Another clarification India is a multicultural country with lot of religions so please dont assume that all police men mentioned here were hindus
A man, regardless of religion, ethnicity or national origin, should have as many wives as he can find jobs for.