He murdered 17 young men and boys in a sexually driven orgy of necrophilia and cannibalism. Then, in prison, Jeffrey Dahmer found God.

Now the minister who presided over his jailhouse baptism and conversion says Dahmer’s 1994 beating death at the hands of a fellow inmate while serving multiple life sentences cut short a faith-spreading mission Dahmer would have carried to others behind bars had he lived.

“He was growing (in faith) and he would have been a great influence on other inmates. He would have had a tremendous impact,” said the Rev. Roy Ratcliff, a Church of Christ minister who baptized Dahmer in a prison whirlpool tub in May 1994.

The baptism took place about five months before Dahmer and another inmate were killed at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Wisconsin by a third prisoner who clubbed them to death while they were on a bathroom cleaning detail.

The man who did kill Dahmer, Christopher Scarver, was a convicted murder and diagnosed psychopath who later said God had told him to carry out Dahmer’s slaying.

Praise, Jesus!

  1. RoeBoeDog says:

    Natural Selection?!

  2. jason says:

    Sigh… let the Christian bashing begin…….

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    Since religion is the ultimate tool to manipulate people, as a psychopath, this was probably exactly that to Dahmer.

  4. Jimmy says:

    “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

    I guess he meant it!

  5. Tom 2 says:

    #3 I agree completely.

  6. John says:

    Maybe he got into the idea of eating the body of Christ during holy communion?

  7. Raff says:

    Screw those wafers.. fire up the bbq..


  8. tallwookie says:

    #6 – I think thats to placate the cannibals that the christians “colonized” in the South Pacific…

  9. Lou says:

    D.U. Jeopardy:

    Answer: “The prison whirlpool tub where JD was baptized”

    Question: Name the one place this germophobic heterosexual never wants to be.

  10. Gary Marks says:

    Perhaps what we know as a “jailhouse conversion” is just another manifestation of going stir-crazy. Singing hymns and feeling compelled to evangelize to fellow inmates are some of the more obnoxious symptoms of this form of stir-craziness.

    This just in….. There’s been a prison break, so be on the lookout for escaped convicts showing these “religious” symptoms. Don’t go near them — they can be extremely dangerous! Just call the authorities.

  11. Jägermeister says:



  12. Elwood Pleebus says:

    He probably just got bored in prison. Maybe that was the only way someone would talk to him. I doubt he would have had any (positive) impact on other prisoners.

  13. Holy Crap says:

    He probably figured that since Catholic priests can rape boys and get away with it, as a rule, the priesthood was a pretty sound career choice to him.

    That, or he wanted to be the next Ted Haggard, filling his bank account to overflowing while getting his jollies from telling other people they were going to Hell for indulging in the very things he enjoyed so much himself.

    I think he’d have made just as good a preacher as any of those other clowns, who choose to make a ‘living’ by promulgating guilt and fear, and by callously using other people’s cowardices against them…

    Pitiful, really.

    /NOT into organized religion of any type

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    What #3 said.

  15. joshua says:

    brings a whole new meaning to ***eating the body of Christ***

  16. domc says:

    Kill 17, confess and go to heaven. What a deal !!

  17. Billabong says:

    Milwaukee where the strong survive and the weak are eaten.I don’t even considor the town a part of Wisconsin.The cops are corrupt the politics even worse.The mob has their little sideshow going.The Police were told hands off gays and Jeffery got away with murder.

  18. Steph says:

    christ … can’t wisconsin be in the news for something GOOD once in a while?

    we always have all the stupid news story.

    dahmer, the woman giving birth on a plane, the woman who pretended to be kidnapped.

    i blame the cows. they’re filling the air with methane and it’s driving us all crazy.


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