IGN – December 7, 2006:

In publicly defending its strong arm tactics and stated desire to scare consumers into absolute compliance, the RIAA has long cited the negative repercussions of piracy and lost revenue upon the recording artists that pour their talent into making the music that people like to hear. It’s a sympathetic defense, yet in the past week the RIAA has made it quite clear whose profits the group is truly out to defend, and it’s certainly not the artists who actually make the music.

On December 1 The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the RIAA is currently petitioning the panel of federal government Copyright Royalty Judges to lower the rates paid to publishers and songwriters for use of lyrics and melodies in applications like cell phone ring tones and other digital recordings.

I’m not entirely sure why, but searching for “screwed” on Google images brings up this nice picture of Sandra Bullock!

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    ala “support the troops”

  2. Tom 2 says:

    RI AA is the devil, and it needs to be thrown away for a better version of it. Because right now it seems to be so damn oblivious to artist or consumers needs. And they will always be fighting a uphill battle as they try and cheat everyone they come into contact with. Pirate bay is still surging, more artist are going independent.,with stuff like creative commons and such. Something needs to be done, if they are going to survive.

  3. RIAA go away says:

    I’m not sure they deserve saving. Let them go the way of the dinosoar they are.

  4. Blog Bloke says:

    Screw the RIAA. I’ve been enjoying reading you for over 20 years since the PC Mag days!

  5. Noname says:

    But of course, no surprise here. Good use of government; screw the people and their artist. Corporate rights are the freedoms our troops fight for and our courts are designed to protect.

  6. Floyd says:

    The RIAA and its member companies are screwing us all. Musical groups have been cheated out of royalties on their record sales for many years. It’s why the Beatles started Apple records, because Capitol Records used accounting tricks to keep from paying them royalties. The Beatles bought back the rights to their albums and songs and assigned them to Apple. Then and only then did they get royalties.

    On Sandra Bullock–following your search for “screwed” on Google Images, I found an article saying she got “screwed” by a building contractor who for her $4 million, built a poorly built, mold ridden house, then refused to fix it, claiming he didn’t have the money to do so. Bullock is cutting her losses by demolishing the money pit, and starting over. Sad.

  7. paddler says:

    Haven’t heard much of an outcry from artists about the RIAA tactics to date. Now that the RIAA greed is being turned their way I find it really hard to feel sorry for them. Welcome to the club…

  8. xjonx says:


    “We must protect our phony baloney jobs, gentlemen.”

    “Something must be done immediately, immediately, immediately!”
    Mel Brooks – Blazing Sadles

    Used without permission, “If they can’t take a joke, screw ’em.”

  9. Lou says:

    I spend way too much time on this b-board defending IP and Rights Management and then I hear crap like this.

    What is it about putting on a suit (metaphorically) that requires one to give up acting ethically and take up hypocrisy?

    I’m very close to he screw ’em all point.

  10. Ben Dover says:

    “I’m not entirely sure why, but searching for “screwed” on Google images brings up this nice picture of Sandra Bullock!”

    Check it again tomorrow and it should bring up a picture of the Dallas Cowboys after the New Orleans Saints game. Tsk tsk

  11. tallwookie says:

    are the RIAA & the TSA related?

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – RI AA is the devil, and it needs to be thrown away for a better version of it. Because right now it seems to be so damn oblivious to artist or consumers needs.

    The RIAA may well be the devil… but if you want to know why they are oblivious to artist and consumer needs its because they aren’t a consumer protection organization nor do they represent artists.

    They are a Washington based political lobby group established to represent the interests of the Big Seven recording companies. The major labels aren’t any different than big tobacco or the oil companies or whatever… Of course they are against us and against artists.

  13. ECA says:

    YOU GOT IT, in 1…
    Its a group that supports the 7 BIG corps..
    that control MOSt of the media, including imports.
    there are 3 groups, 1 for Recording industry, 1 for the movie industry, and 1 other…
    If you look at the names in those groups, they Really cross over alot, and control most of the Media in this nation, and are trying to get into the others….And are succeding

  14. Greymoon says:

    More like ‘Raping Individuals And Artist’


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