[image deleted — just in case]

More censorship on the way. For a good, important cause, of course. Now that it’s in place, why don’t we use it to deal with those who oppose us, too. Surely it’s good we stop rabble rousers before it’s too late.

Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. What’s the official, legal definition of an “illegal image or video” in Kentucky? San Fransisco? And how do I find out if one of my hundreds of thousands of readers who live all over the world is a sex fiend so I can ban him/her? Just curious.

Senator: Illegal images must be reported

Millions of commercial Web sites and personal blogs would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000, if a new proposal in the U.S. Senate came into law.

The legislation, drafted by Sen. John McCain and obtained by CNET News.com, would also require Web sites that offer user profiles to delete pages posted by sex offenders.

In a speech on the Senate floor this week, the Arizona Republican and former presidential candidate warned that “technology has contributed to the greater distribution and availability, and, some believe, desire for child pornography.”

After a report of illegal activity is filed, the Web site must retain any “information relating to the facts or circumstances” of the incident for at least six months. Webmasters would be immune from civil and criminal liability if they followed the specified procedures exactly.

The other section of McCain’s legislation targets convicted sex offenders. It would create a federal registry of “any e-mail address, instant-message address, or other similar Internet identifier” they use, and punish sex offenders with up to 10 years in prison if they don’t supply it.

Then, any social-networking site must take “effective measures” to remove any Web page that’s “associated” with a sex offender.

Because “social-networking site” isn’t defined, it could encompass far more than just MySpace.com, Friendster and similar sites. The list could include Slashdot, which permits public profiles; Amazon.com, which permits author profiles and personal lists; blogs like RedState.com that show public profiles. In addition, media companies like News.com publisher CNET Networks permit users to create profiles of favorite games, gadgets and music.

Found by GregA

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Is senator McCain getting money from MPAA?

  2. John Paradox says:

    On behalf of the state of Arizona, I would like to apologize for McCain’s behavior since he apparently ‘drank the koolaid’, especially those who remember him in 2000 and the ‘straight talk’ and ‘maverick’ he once was.


  3. Mucous says:

    Uncle Dave, you misspelled his name in the headline. 😉

    This is ridiculous. The Liberals are clueless and nuts. The Conservatives are clueless and nuts. The rest of us are all doomed.

    The solution of course is:
    1. Everyone on Earth is RFID tagged at birth.
    2. It’s illegal to manufacture or posses a computer that allows Web access without scanning your chip.
    3. The rest is obvious …

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: Ooops. Fixed. It’s early.

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    Wouldn’t it be much easier to ban everything?

  6. Mike T says:

    Simmer down all – this will never stand up to court challenge. If they can’t keep COPA on the books, they will never get this on the books.

    Next month the reign of right wing terror comes to an end anyway. Maybe we will get some sense back in Washington. Whoa — WTF was I thinking with THAT comment. Nevermind.

    Mike T

  7. Dallas says:

    Folks, Republicans must go. Not only have they lost control of the Iraq fiasco, losing now the Afganistan war and thoroughly bankrupted our future, they are NOW ubmitting to what the terrorists always wanted – defeat of our way of life.

    These republicans pukes are one turban away from becoming like the Taliban. The only difference is they’re the Christian taliban.

    Sign me up for the war to reclaim our nation and our freedom from the GOP mafia.

  8. Apparently McCain is not longer interested in running for President..or at least not interested in winning.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Either that or he has good connections with Diebold, Inc.

  10. Improbus says:

    Oh Lordy! Oh Lordy! Protect me from myself! John McCain just went on my shit list.

  11. V says:

    Our response:

    1. Obtain access to McCain’s computer
    2. Search favorites and history
    3. Examine all the “research” on illegal images he did before he proposed this
    4. Take screenshots
    5. Take it all out of context and deliver it to NYT, Washington Post, and the Ethics Committee
    6. Watch McCain go on TV and insist that he was not enjoying child porn, only researching it.

    Of course, there’s always the possibility that he didn’t DO any research. Which is a problem in its own right…

  12. Gary Marks says:

    We all saw McCain start cozying up to the Religious Wrong when he gave the commencement address at Falwell’s Liberty University, but now It looks like McCain is giving them a “reacharound” to seal the deal.

  13. gquaglia says:

    #7 any reason you felt the need to post all in bold.

    And if you think the Dems will be any better, then you are smoking some good shit.

  14. Cognito says:

    What exactly would a “report of illegal activity” be? Procedings of a court trial? A phone call from the local police? an article in a newspaper or an e-mail from some nut?

  15. Lee says:

    Moonbat Mad Libs!

    #___________ any reason______________________

    ______________ , _______________________________________

    Oh what fun!

  16. Mike says:

    #10, John McCain has been on my shit list since he decided that the corruption of his colleagues should be dealt with by taking away my free speech and property rights.

  17. doug says:

    Huh. First they want to make every employer and landlord an immigration cop, now everyone with a web site is conscripted into porno patrol. Pretty soon we will be like Cuba or the old USSR with everyone squealing on everyone else.

    And dont count on this being struck down by the courts – by the time it reaches the Supremes, enough of those “liberal activists” could be replaced by Dumbya’s John Roberts, Sam Alito types who think we got too much freedom as it is …

  18. Roc Rizzo says:

    If illegal images are outlawed, only outlaws will have images.

    What about illegal politicos?


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