Organized gangs have adopted “KGB-style” tactics to hire high-flying computer students to commit Internet crime, a report said on Friday.

Criminals are targeting universities, computer clubs and online forums to find undergraduates, according to Internet security firm McAfee.

Some gangs have sponsored promising students from other disciplines to attend computer courses before planting them in businesses as “sleepers”.

McAfee said the students write computer viruses, commit identity theft and launder money in a multi-billion dollar industry that is more lucrative than the drugs trade.

The gangs’ tactics echo the way Russian agents sought out experts at trade conferences or universities during the Cold War, the company said in an annual report.

“Although organized criminals may have less of the expertise and access needed to commit cybercrimes, they have the funds to buy the necessary people to do it for them,” the report says.

In Eastern Europe, some people are lured into “cybercrime” because of high unemployment and low wages.

“Many of these cybercriminals see the Internet as a job opportunity,” McAfee quoted FBI Internet security expert Dave Thomas as saying. “With low employment, they can use their technical skills to feed their family.”

Yes, criminals have learned to network and recruit like corporations. Whoop-de-doo. Another stunning discovery from McAfee.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Thank goodness it didn’t say… Will whack for food.

  2. Shin Jander says:

    And why not.
    Imagine the router a police officer takes to become a high powered internet crime specalist.
    First he has to get into the force.
    Police forces generally do not have a selection process to select candidates who like ot break and bend rules and not follow orders.
    After admission to the police force and academy the officer will have to put in time on the job so to speak so that he determines it would be better to do something more unique and specalized. Then go through the selection process. Then some type of training perhaps from other members of the force.
    By the time he finishes and is on the case he has his Commodore 64 against some kids who know a lot more , are more current and are not of a somewhat rigid mindset.
    Lets you come to the conclusion that a highly trained internal Police internet crime unit be seldom successfull. The odd one will get through the cracks of the system.
    Better to hire a 14 year old who does not listen to his mother or clean his room.

  3. Reality says:

    Where can I get an employment application?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – Where can I get an employment application?

    Here and

  5. Jägermeister says:


    … and here.

  6. Herbert says:

    Great, And who trains and supervises them? Largo himself? The Largo Inc. IT Group? Supervised by Home Security and FBI? ROFL.


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