How the companies line up | Greenpeace International — The good news is that Motorola, Lenovo and Acer are worse. Everyone else in tech seems to be better than Apple.
Click here for detailed breakdown.
found by Sergio Gasparrini
How the companies line up | Greenpeace International — The good news is that Motorola, Lenovo and Acer are worse. Everyone else in tech seems to be better than Apple.
Click here for detailed breakdown.
found by Sergio Gasparrini
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You don’t need to brine whale before roasting, right?
How much credence should we give to a ranking that puts Sony and their pyrotechnic batteries in the top 3?
I see a new Apple commercial now. Hey PC whats up? Not much just doing some taxes, how bout you Apple, well I am a making a photo album while I am destroying the planet.
3. Excellent ! I fell down laughing. !
Is Google green? I wonder how print ads stack up against electronic ads as far as energy used.
Macintoshes are red and Granny Smith’s are green. It’s all a matter of which flavor you like.
Expecting Apple to be a leader isn’t too far fetched. I just wish they’d step up to the plate on this issue like they do with everything else.
Al Gore is on Apple’s board!
Fingering Apple has more to do with getting publicity than anything else. Despite its high level of mindshare, Apple is comparatively small and definitely does not generate as much industrial waste as many tech corporations that are not being picked on.
Ok – whomever lets “green” influence their tech purchases needs go get back in the kitchen and make me some PIE!
Greenpeace: Not mattering for over 40 years.