hello kitty war

This is an example of censorship run amok. IMNSHO, the player is using the video game as one outlet of their violent tendencies, not that the game is creating those tendencies in the player.

In the aftermath of a recent school shooting in Germany, the regional governments of Bavaria and Lower Saxony have proposed new legislation that could punish those who make, distribute, or even play video games featuring “cruel violence on humans or human-looking characters” with a fine and up to a year in prison. The newly drafted bill is scheduled to go before the upper house of parliament next year.

The 18-year old shooter, who according to an online report from MSNBC was an avid player of the popular first-person shooter Counter Strike, attacked the Scholl secondary school on November 20 in the western German town of Emsdetten, and wounded as many as 37 people before killing himself.

If you suppress something, it will manifest itself in ways you can’t even forsee. This will only create an underground of even more incredibly violent games.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    HK 40K…


    Will developers be tried at the International Criminal Court for making violent video games available across national boundaries? 😉

    …or even play video games featuring “cruel violence on humans or human-looking characters”

    Are Warcrack, Lineage, etc considered violent with all the killing involved, or only when killing the human characters???

    “But, Your Honor…. I was part of the Alliance forces – I only killed Orcs, Trolls, and the Undead during PvE, and I never PvP any Humans!”” 🙂

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Hello Kitty as Warhammer… sweet…

    Germany, almost understandably I suppose, has this blind spot in this area and are really creating backward policies.

    Folks… Violence is good. It’s yummy. It’s snap, crackle, and poppinly delectable. A video game without violence is like a beach without hot naked chicks playing vollyball.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    2 A video game without violence is like…

    The Sims… where people [especially pre-teen girls?] find ways to torture and “kill” their characters.


    Like my local radio station says, when playing listener comments: “We can’t make this stuff up…”

  4. JSFORBES says:

    What percentage of teenagers play counterstrike? What percentage of them go on shooting sprees?

  5. ECA says:

    Then FIND an alternative….Dont just say NO to violence.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    That is a very old Hello Pussy poster.

    IMNHO I prefer overly violent games over crap where you hit the humans with a missile and all they do is faint.

  7. ECA says:

    i loved the Nerf game, it was cool

  8. tallwookie says:

    My comment the other day about Hilary Clinton doing the same thing applies to gerhart schroder and all his german fun-boi’s (digitize and then pwn repeatedly)

    Are they pissed off because the greatest game of all time, wolfenstein, features an american killing germans?

    A world without voilence would be as exciting as the Nutcracker Prince Ballet – boooooooorrrring!!!!!!

  9. ECA says:

    the problem comes when they DONT want us learnign Some things.
    they want us Dumb and Stupid, and believeing What ever is broardcast on TV…
    There are Things to learn that could be done on TV…


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