BBC NEWS | South Asia | Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men — This is a hoot. Apparently the situation is a huge, er big, er… well…. a problem!

A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.

The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms.

It has led to a call for condoms of mixed sizes to be made more widely available in India.

The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

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found by Rob Nee

  1. Who Me? says:

    By the size of the Indian population… I’d assume Indian males’ stuff is adequate for Indian ladies… So you can deduce the ladies stuff is also small…

    Think about it…

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    I’m sure I would love to feel how tight that ass of yours is.

  3. Roy says:

    Hell, mine is so small that if you cut off 1/8 of an inch, I’d have a scab on my ass.
    But it is sooooooo cute!

  4. mcjj says:

    “We are very simple people. With very small penis. Mr. Patel penis is …especially small.
    Thank you come again.
    We cannot achieve much with so small penis. But you! Americans. Wow! Penis so big! SOOO big penis!”

  5. James says:

    I can see that this article has spread like wildfire and a lot of blogs including this one. But as a student of Journalism I just could not let this article go because it conflicts with the ideals of journalistic integrity. Now naturally a lot of you will start to question “my ethnicity” as it would provide your mind with an “explanation” as to why I am writing this or it will provide you with “my intentions” but in this case “my ethnicity” is irrelevant in this context and has no bearing as I provide facts and logic. I could be Caucasian, I could be Asian, or I could even be Black. Just to keep you guessing as I know some of you will I am not going to reveal that. Regardless, I have faith that you are intelligent enough to understand the analysis is just an analysis not a racially motivated “defence mechanism.” I stress greater importance on journalistic integrity revealing the WHOLE STORY.

    Upon closer analysis, this article uses facts to create a twisted tale. It is actually better to analyze the article first and you will find that the article, illustrated the facts to put a negative spin on South Asian men. And I am sorry to shatter peoples “ racial, masculine superiority complex” but here it goes:

    Another article that specified the study ( stated that, “As per international standards, most condoms are 150 mm to 180 mm (5.9 to 7.08 inches) in length and 44 to 56 mm (1.70 to 2 inches) in width. But data collected in Mumbai till 2001 showed that 60% of the participants measured 126 to 156 mm (4.96 to 6.14 inches) in length and 30% between 100 and 125 mm (3.93 to 4.92 inches). ” Adding to this, many studies (in which urologist or other researchers studying the male penis, measured the subjects themselves with a measuring tape as opposed to the self-measurement method done by participants in the Kinsey institute surveys and other penis size surveys) such as the studies done by the American Journal of Urology, International Journal of Impotence Research, LifeStyles Condoms on penis size indicated that contrary to the popular myth of an average penis size being 7 to 8 inches the average human male penis size is 5 to 6 inches. In light of those facts, that means according to the very own studies and findings of the Indian Council of Medical Research, most Indian men in Mumbai are within the average penis size. (If you look up sizes on the internet there are still many who use the flawed Kinsey measurements and methods and contend that the averages range from 6-8 inches but academic sources state otherwise. Now it is also important to note that even the considered “average” is flawed in many respects but that is another issue entirely.

    In regards to this study, how is this any different from what the Lifestyle Condom Survey of Americans concluded back in 2001? A study by Lifestyles Condom Co. in 2001 ( indicated that about two-thirds of the 300 college-aged American males ranged from between 5.1 and 6.2 inches. We can come to the same conclusions about Americans: “Condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Americans (66% to be exact).” Or “Condoms designed to meet international size specifications are too big for many American men as their penises fall short of what manufacturers had anticipated.” Or “Initial findings of a Lifestyle Condoms Co penis survey revealed that 66 percent of American men on spring break in Cancun had penises about 2.4 cm (one inch) shorter than those condoms catered for.”

    And the BBC article failed to note that in the study that, “the failure rate was lower in clinical trials, and many complaints were about tearing, not slippage, so the main problem is proper use, not size (” Adding to this the average human male penis size is 5 to 6 inches and the article stated that 60% of the Indian men were in this range; it may be that the international sizes of condoms are flawed themselves. Skeptics of this article also question if they have done studies in other countries, including the ones that “set” the international standards, to see how many men actually “measure up” to those standards? And how is this international standard set?

    AND, they selected over 1200 males which were actually 1500 males and all of these males were from Mumbai (and some from Delhi alone). The article says “the scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole” but failed to mention that the men surveyed were from Mumbai (and some from Delhi) ALONE. From the analysis of people in one state they generalized an entire country! That may be the average for Mumbai alone not all of India. India has over 20 states and many union territories and contrary to popular belief India has a great deal of diversity in regards to culture, environment etcetera, etcetera. That is like surveying the size of shlongs in the New York State finding the average in New York and stating that, the average shlong size of adult males in New York is the average shlong size for all adult males in America even though there are over 40 different areas (States) in America. Another issue raised was that since an estimated 350-400 million people in India are below the poverty line, this article never discussed the issues of malnutrition in India along with the pollution in Mumbai in regards to human development as a factor and as a variable.

    Some people called this article reckless journalism because it doe not tell the whole truth and uses the facts to create a negative spin. In regard to journalistic integrity this article could have instead focused on the AIDS epidemic in India and discuss how to get Indian men to use condoms rather than pushing sensitive buttons. I believe that the BBC author of that article should be fired for writing such an article with obvious fallacies and flaws; I wonder what University the author went to?

    Anyways I know there will be those “skeptics” reading this who will be in an outrage as this article may have shattered their “racial, masculine superiority complex,” and even though I have stepped foot into these waters before as a Cauca…oops! I believe that human logic and reasoning is more supreme. With that said, I will not be responding to counter-arguments as I have many papers and exams to write at this point and will not be interested to re-visit peoples comments.

  6. Samarth Jain says:

    I think that this article is kind of true.

    I know for a fact, from personal experience, that men come in all “shapes and sizes”. I would not take this article as an insult to the dignity of the Indian peoples. Instead, it is just a scientific fact. The point is this: we cannot let the fear of hurting our self image interfere with the need for an “adjustment” to the right tools. Lavi is right: its how you use it that counts. I want to know that the man I am with is using something that is comfortable and on right, so that we are in a situation that keeps both of us happy and safe.

    I feel that others would agree, whether they are of the gay orientation, or even straight.

    So…come on guys. Let’s just keep it real.

  7. A Maw says:

    Is this actually true, for some reason I can’t believe it

    Join in on the debate here:

  8. Leah says:

    I forwarded this article to an indian ex-bf and he was pissed. I wouldn’t say he was small – so i dont know why we got pissed, other than maybe he thought people would assume he is small, even though he had a nice sized package. = 0

  9. Proud Hindu says:

    “First of all let me tell you that size doesnt matter and what you do with it matters”.But I also strongly claim and confidently say that this small penis size doesnt belong to hindus and I have enough proof to say that the survey is done majority among the muslims in india.

    Here are they:

    1.This survey is done with 1000 ppl in the mumbai city(as per the indian and bbc report) areas kurla and dharavi which is predominantly muslim. muslim population is those areas are growing a lot and they breed like rats and mosquitoes in some of the slum areas, all because of this unfit of hindu friend has done for a census in some areas where he could see 8 and 10 children in a tiny hut.. if you see hindu families ,we are modern and literates and we will have only 2 children per family… Go to the brothels in mumbai or the dance bars in mumbai.. whole sex racket women is a muslim..muslim women illiteracy rate is 91% and muslim men are impotent and small.. what else the poor muslim women can do,other than going to
    brothels where they earn huge money.. I ,Proud hindu ,personally have experience being to a mumbai dance bar where I got a blow job from a muslim lady :)) . to be honest ,she was very much dedicated in her work and she liked my big whopper a lot and did not ask for ‘boni'(tips)..

    2.Let me go to my college days.we have ragging practice among seniors to strip of all juniors and to measure erect and normal size of penis as a funny pratice.:).. i studied in a indian regional college(gujarat) where I can see students among all the states of india which is the real survey.. believe it or not ,the average size among all were 6.5 to 7 inches and 6 was considered least and very few less than 6.. muslims among them are only 5 out of 1000’s as they dont join professional colleges.. funny fact fact is that the one had 4.5″ was a muslim. i still remember his name.. Ejaz.. but still we hindus do not demoralize him or show our superiority complex on him,eventhough he was inferior.. he was a friendly guy.

    3.Zaheera begum who was a victim of gang rape in gujrat riots by our great hindu souls openly told in the court that she had no complaints at all.. no surprises.. Islam kills their own girls according to their brutal law.. we hindus and some christians in India give immense pleasure to them..

    4.Everyone knows abt kashmir dispute and fighting between india & pak.. according to the latest poll statistics there was 80% ppl went for the democratically held elections in india and pro india parties are in power.. do u wannu know the real reason why they voted for India?? here you go.. eventhough kashmir is in india due to threat of islamic militants from paki,
    india has deployed a 60000 strong army, police and paramilitary in kashmir(90% muslim ppl)… muslim men of kashmir get up early in the morning do prayers and go to selling apples and trading work ,leaving their wives at home.. believe me.. our army guards are so fantastic in giving them the real sexual pleasure to muslim women whole day,so that the kashmiri women always dream about our hindu army men day & night.. moreover our army protect them from the islamic militants who knows only to behead the girls..Pakistani media is falsely projectting this saying that Army men are raping the kashmiri muslims women,which is wrong. this was told to me by an army officer whom i met travelling in a train..poor muslim impotent men of kashmir.. pity on u..

    5.If the above proofs are not enough.. here are some of my personal proofs..I am from kerala – tamilnadu border in india.. i did some favour to muslim girl in our town.. instead she asked me to come home and treated me with whiskey and rolled up on me like anything and on that day for 3-4 hours and I have fucked her.. she was a plum.. beleive me..her husband went to dubai for work and comes back to india only once a year.. what a stupid fellow leaving such a parrot in home and like a monkey he is in dubai.. i donno for whom he’s earning for,when his wife is sleeping with everyone..she remarked me once saying that her husband never had a good sex with her and he lasted only for less than a minute and had severe problems of premature ejaculation.. she even showed her husband’s photo.. he had a good chest and well built up boday.. but what use.. what matters is not with him..:)) also she told me that her husband does some “yunani” treatment(again muslim religious) to resolve some penis size and performance problem.. this is the problem of muslim religious practice of doing sunnath, the muslim men wont pick up well with their sexual lives and due to which there is a alarming divorce rates among them.. in kerala almost 60%-70% of muslim men are working in gulf countries,leaving their wives at home.. guess what those muslim women doing at their homes.. i dont have to say anything more than this 🙂 if you really have doubts you can home to my home town.. i will introduce you to Sabeena Mohideen(the real muslim whore)…

    6.I went once to MG road in bangalore on valentines day where girls and boys walk in that narrow road in huge rush.. generally cultured hindu women never go during that time to MG road as they very well knew that there is 200% possibility that their boobs and asses can be rubbed by anyone and it’s a well known fact that whoever girls come there ,they come intentionally during that day to get themselves rubbed by men.. what the astonishing fact is that I couldnot belive my eyes when me and my hindu friend went to MG road.. around 90-95% of the women there wears muslim pardah.. they were desprate to get themseleves rubbed.. yu can go to valentines day on MG road in bangalore if u dont belive me.. On that day we realised how much desprate the muslim women want to get sex and get rubbed.. if their husband were not impotent,they would never come to MG road on that day.

    7.Why hindus are potent compared to muslims is due to yoga practice widely followed in india and why the muslims have tiny dicks and less performace is may b because they do Sunnath(penile skin cutting) when they are born.. I urge muslims to stop this practice , otherwise we the hindus of India cannot alone handle all the muslim women in india as they breed like anything.. else we might need to shift the brothels(muslim women group) to pakistan.. if this is the case in india , imagine the muslim women of pakitan.. pity on them who are bonded to impotent pakistanese.. BTW.. some stupid ppl without knowing facts are saying that pakistan penises ranks 2 in length girth etc..,which is utter bullshit.. i have seen the news saying Afro-Americans (esp South africans) comes first followed by France… Moreover Indians have larger ones compared to Korea and China ,as per the news.. Pakistan is not even considered or listed in it.. Either they are ashamed of measuring their tiny dicks,or they may not have dicks at all or they dont qualify as a human being for it.. To all Pakistani hijras .. you are failed state not only in terms of terror ,but also in terms of sexualilty.. take all ur baby carrots to bin laden and mullah omar to launch jihad.. we will wipe you out.. Beware..

    If you ppl still have doubts send ur mother or sister to me.. i will rock them with my Big Whopper ,which was widely religious blow jobbed by muslim women in India..:)

    From a Proud HINDU INDIAN

  10. wow says:

    #41, all i gotta say is wow. You tried to sound like you know what you are talking about, again i said tried. Try again, you are an idiot. We can go back and forth about fucking this or fucking that, reality is that every culture has their whores, and mens penis size vary due to genes and not their religious belief. Whats next, you are gonna tell every one that your penis size is bigger than everyone elses? Or you have fucked 1000 muslim girls? I know what it is, you are offended… Remember it wasnt pakistan or muslim people that said that indian men have small dicks, it was BBC. Maybe you are so mad because they are right… Whatever the reason, next time somebody says that indian men have small dicks, maybe you should just accept for what it is, a scientific analysis… Thats all.

  11. DaTruth says:

    I heard they will still bigger than armenian men…

  12. Rini James says:

    helloo Proud Hindu,

    Who said sunnath makes it small. Normally hindus are very weak and there penis are looking dull. In India sikhs and muslims are the strongest. poor hindhus are very weak thats why hindhu girls opts muslims to get satisfied. ok. Also sunnath is world widely accepted practice. even intelligent hindus done it here. Most of the foreigners do this . Also hindhu penis without being sunnath looking very ugly and unclean. they will provide smells so women prefer to kiss and suck clean muslim penis ok Mr.Proud Hindhu. Girls vomit on foul smelled penis of hindhus. I just quote this classification based on religion just because that tiny penissed Mr.Proud hindhu protested this. My name is Rini . Am a christian girl . Who likes muslim boys . I like hindhus also but i like muslim customs. They customs are intelligent. They do every thing and have scientific relevance. Also Muslims are “Slum dog Millionaires” .They got oscar.. Most of the strongest guys in Indian cricket team is Muslims and sikhs…

    Two pathans, Zaheer Khans… (got proposal during every match that we seen in TV )
    Yuvraj, Harbhajan…

    Shoib Akhthar, Inzamam , Sami , Afridi ,Misbah etc..

    Look weak sachin ,sreesanth(slap from harbhajan), Vennkatesh prasad , srinath, kumble (very weak) ,ganguly

    So Mr. Proud Hindhu think intelligently ok. Dont be frustrated over this small things. If you are a very proud Indian (not hindhu) then you should support muslims in india and attack the words of that persons who tease us . that forieghners who urge that they have big ones. ok so proud to be and indian first . And try to go to schools . Fool

  13. small indian says:

    that explains everything…..y indians are such assholes….they have small dicks…:D

  14. josh says:

    I know for sure Iam sikh and I think Iam above average based on recent measurements so I think sikhs are fine and someone targetting muslims that is ridiculous stop being a narrow minded asshole and stop hating muslims . Muslims are as important part of India as you and me are

  15. me have small peepee says:

    ah, mai fu-rend… i have bedy bedy gude price por you

  16. sixpack says:

    All saying that size does not matter please stop the nonsense, it depends on the receiver, size may not be a problem starting from a given size and stopping at a given size. I would not think any woman would be satisfied with a boyfriend with two inches length and a quarter inch diameter at erection, on the other hand a ten inches erection and a two inches diameter monster would be far too painful for the average woman, these are unusual cases, they just serve to show the fact that size matters.

    I think one would have to fit in a certain window say six to nine inches erection with diameter say an inch and quarter to an inch and a half before one could say size does not matter.

    if most Indian women are small to the point where they match their mate I would think that there will be no problem at all

    I think the above case is true for a lot of other races too pity we can not detect this easily, oh I have an idea, we could leverage the full body scanners, soon to be implemented at airports around the world

    Would be nice to see a penis size bell curve inclusive of all the races, lets see, blacks upper quartile, whites 50th percentile, others, including Indians Chinese = lower quartile, :))) Do not flame me I am just kidding. :))) I think brain size is more important, when it translates to brain power that is.

  17. sixpack says:

    small indian, YOU FOOL,if a small dick makes one into asshole you are an asshole, you think because we can not see who you are your dick is big or even average?

    Interesting, I must do a study to find out if the saying that Whites have smaller dicks than blacks is true, if this is the case then whites should be bigger assholes than blacks, I must also find out if Chinese would be bigger assholes than Indians. :))

  18. India Sucks says:

    So thats why they are so pissy on the phone!

  19. KickHinduAss says:

    Hindus are ugly little creatures that aren’t quite african but more black than a black bean. Their whole body looks like one short chicken beak.

    Anywhere they go, they screw up the place. Look at India. What a stinking garbage dump. I wish that Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan again start raiding parties to again civilize India. Before Muslims, the Hindus were living like chimpanzees. Worshipping Penis’ and Vaginas. No wonder most of the world’s aids is in India.


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