The Inquirer – Friday 08 December 2006:

IT’S BECOME obvious that FrontPage is going to be quietly dropped from the Beast of Redmond’s regular user orientated offerings – only to be replaced by professional design tools. Blogging sites are replacing personal Web sites for the average PC user.

According to FrontPage’s own home page, “After nine years of being an award-winning Web authoring tool, FrontPage will be discontinued in late 2006.”

The news leaked out when an irate ISP support engineer told an INQ reader, “Microsoft has since decommissioned and no longer supports FrontPage.”

He added, “Microsoft has not supported FrontPage Extensions on Linux hosting accounts since 2002.” His suggestion was to “recommend no longer using FrontPage and utilising FTP software to upload your website.”

  1. Andrea Parascandalo says:

    well front page is out but microsoft is introducing a new programe called Microsoft Expression Web designer altough right now it is beta tested

  2. airwhale says:

    Oh happy day!

    Just make sure to put a wooden stake through the beast’s evil, black heart. If anyone deserves eternal damnation, it surely is FrontPage.

  3. corporate user says:

    Believe it or not my current employer uses FrontPage to publish their Intranet. There is no centralized Intranet development. It is all done by people using FrontPage 2000 as part of their normal job responsibilities.

    I’m guessing the Expression tool will be used eventually, but there is no time frame. The company uses Win2000 so Expression isn’t even an option now. Training costs will be crazy. I have no idea how Expression will handle legacy FrontPage2000 extensions and border features.

    I’ve warned customers not to rely on MS product lock-in and here is an example of its financial costs. Yet, companies continue to go with the lock-in.

  4. Neale says:

    Front page was a great intro to the world of webpages, and a great learning tool. now its going no big deal it was allready outdated & geting used less & less and easily replaceable by plenty of good products allready available many for free.

  5. Fab says:

    Front page was one of the best and easiest html editors out their. Morons who use those gay blogger templates have no clue what they are talking about. Eliminating front page just means more people will have the same gay style pages

  6. bobi says:

    Fab, how do you REALLY feel about the gay blogger templates? LOL. I loved frontpage for its ease of use. I sell jewelry and was able to produce a workable website with FP without being too much of a geek. I have downloaded the trial version and taken some of the Expression Web video tutorials and my head is spinning. I’ll probably be able to figure it out eventually, but what a bummer having to make the change.

  7. I really sorry to hear that Microsoft is closing Front Page. I did use this great Web Design Tool for about 4 years and I must say that this is really good tool.

  8. I remember when I first discovered web design with front page. Despite my current disdain for the program, I have to say, it helped put web design in the hands of normal ordinary people. Sorry Frontpage, a program can only do so much in its lifetime!

  9. Abraham says:

    a dead cert ,

  10. Richard East says:

    MS was not innovating this product at all, and during the past several years, many better solutions have come out, even for the beginner. This is a very good thing.


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