RFIDs will be installed everywhere, in everything

RFID Lowdown: Cool, Surprising and just Plain Scary: 51 Futuristic Uses for RFID

Even as the controversies rage on about the lack of unifying frequency standards, the high cost of supporting infrastructure and the perceived threat to individual privacy, RFID is making rapid inroads into each of our lives, visibly or stealthily. Stealing a march on the technology, we look a few years ahead, and unveil for you a list of 51 applications, some of which are in pilot phases, a few that are just brilliant ideas, and others that are actually in the RFID pipeline.

1. The Road Beacon System
2. Electronic car security
4. Tracking the food chain
5. RFID-assisted indoor navigation (for the blind)
7. Replacement for the postage stamp
9. Computer access through remote controls
10. Digital Family Portrait
33. Thinking objects
48. Tagging spouses

  1. Tim Harris says:

    The whole stigma of RFID…

    Just think…people were saying the same thing about barcodes !!! But has Satan come to reclaim his children of the hell spawn ? Nooooo… Do the Christians call themselves all “Legion” and propose jumping off a hill to save their own souls ? Nooooooo.

    At least its shiny.

  2. A company, RSA Security, has an interesting blocking technology as described in US Patent 6,970,070 which describes: ““..a blocker device may comprise a mobile telephone, a portable computer, a personal digital assistant (PDA), a hardware-based authentication token such as an RSA SecurID.TM. token commercially available from RSA Security Inc…”

    Maybe RFID is just like pop-up windows and just need to be blocked.

  3. GregA says:


    I don’t know about you, but I am waiting until they can mount a wireless POV camera in the RFID tags, then I am having one implanted in my forehead. Only criminals have anything to fear from a technology like that.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    I like the security ones, that are never deactivated properly.

    How grand you feel walking out the store sirens a blazing.

    I now collect them for mischief.

    A good place would be putting inside the loaner kid carts at the big malls.

    Point is – by depending on this technology, abuse will abound. We could very well be swamped with these things, which will then be a new type of pollution.

  5. Gig says:

    #4.. You are so right. During the autopsy they will be able to cut the camera out of you and see who mugged and killed you.

    Of course they will match up the photo with the dead mugger I just shot with the .45 I carry.

  6. Floyd says:

    RFID is how EZPass and other electronic toll collection (ETC) technology works, according to a guy I know that works for a company that makes the car transponders as well as the receivers that sit in toll plazas.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I think Paul Simon said it best when said, “There must be 51 ways to tag your lover”

    “The problem is all inside your head”, she said to me
    The answer is easy if you take it logically
    I’d like to help you in your struggle to be free
    There must be fifty-one ways to tag your lover

  8. Mark says:

    Enjoy slaves. hahahahahahha (diabolical laugh)

  9. Mucous says:

    If they’re going to tag food, I hope the chips don’t scratch on the way out!

  10. giap says:

    #6 — you carry a .45? Cripes, even your guns are out-of-date.

  11. tallwookie says:

    #52 – Tracking down those damn keys/remote


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