As Violence Escalates in Iraq, Hillary Holds Press Conference on Violent Video Games

Hot on the heels of the release of the Iraq Study Group Report — and a day in which 10 U.S. servicemen were killed and at least 84 Iraqis were blown up or shot — prospective presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will join with Joe Lieberman to hold a press conference today at 3 pm ET to announce the launch of a television PSA campaign about… video game ratings.

Oh. My. God.

The violence in Iraq is becoming more savage by the minute — among the dead yesterday were 45 bullet-riddled corpses found in Baghdad, many of whom had been tortured before being executed — and Hillary is worried about video game violence? Are you kidding me?

Could she be any more politically tone deaf?

Unfortunately, given the realities of the space/time continuum, I won’t be able to make it to Washington in time for the press conference — so could someone there please ask Hillary about her priorities?

Is she really going to make a big deal about Resident Evil or Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when we have real tortured and mutilated bodies piling up all across Iraq?

This press conference should be rated UC — Utterly Clueless.

  1. mandarin says:

    Resident evil….
    Bodies in Iraq…
    Universal Soldier?

  2. Gregory says:

    reasons why the Democrats will be stupid to nominate her: #32

  3. Greymoon says:

    She is just catering to her political base. Her basic thought process is to stick a finger in the breeze, determine which way the politically correct winds are blowing, and set sail.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Thanks to Tipper Gore the best selling music albums are the ones with the “explicit lyrics” tag.

    Why Democrat wives can’t be Republican wives and let their kids what they want? (see the Bush Twins)

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    If I had to compile a list of the 10 best video games of all time, there are many reasons why Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas would make my list.

    If I had to compile a list of the 10 best Democratic candidates for President in 2008, there are many reasons why Hillary Clinton won’t be on it.

    If I had to compile a list of the 10 biggest reasons she isn’t on the list, her position on video games would be number one.

    Not because video games are all that important. What her position says is, “I don’t trust OhForTheLoveOf to make decisions for himself about video games, and thus about movies, music, newscasts, books, plays, political speeches, or anything else. And further, I don’t trust OhForTheLoveOf to make decisions that effect his children.” That reason alone is enough to rule her out. It’s also the reason I think she should stop being a Democrat. She drags the party to the wishy washy mediocre middle.

    I agree with Hillary when she says, “it takes a village.” It really does and anyone who disagrees is a misanthrope. What it doesn’t take is a government. We need leaders focused on what matters. Video games don’t matter.

    Unlike the unreasonable right who villify her, I know she has strong leadership qualities and is the right person to do her job in congress… but she needs to focus on health care and education and stay out of culture. Aside from increasing NEA funding, Congress needs to stay out of culture all together.

  6. Dallas says:

    Excuse me. Just when is a good time to hold a press conference on anything domestic while Bush’s war still goes on?

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Okay… I know I just posted but I feel like sharing more than i need to share 🙂

    Does anyone else think Arianna Huffington’s hair is much sexier now than when it was short or curly?

    Older chicks really do it for me sometimes… Grrrrowwwllll….

  8. Reality says:

    If she messes up video gaming instead of tackling really urgent issues such as our military personnel needlessly dying in Iraq, I will steam her hair until it goes flat and her makeup runs.

  9. Jimmy says:

    So which is more important, global warming or iraq? Or maybe it’s auto accidents, which kill far more americans? Or malaria, which kills more than anything? There are lots of things that are important. One might well find that video game violence is a pressing domestic issue. I think everybody knows how badly iraq sucks, or what’s going to be done about it (squat). So maybe this is more useful?

  10. tallwookie says:

    ok we need to develop a skin-mod for ut or quake3 of this crazy bitch and then proceed to destroy her (in graphic violence detail), make a montage and post it on youtube

  11. Franco says:

    The entire american political class are a bunch of useless dumb-asses, both parties.

  12. Dallas says:

    Forget press conferences! Republicans should have a full congressional hearing to keep some already brain dead person kept alive while Americans die in Iraq.

    Is there another Terri Schiavo around, somewhere?

  13. tallwookie says:

    #12 !!! ooo!!! sign me up!! i’ll play the part of schivo, then have an evangelist come in to slap me with a HUGE SNAKE and call down the word of god, i’ll wake up and claim that i had actually been having a tea party with the mad-hatter and jebus and mr. al-sadr, and they instructed me to spread the message to the faithful that Bush/repubs are a bunch of devil-worshiping mongrels and we need to RISE UP and DESTROY them.

    Do ya think those religious-nutzo’s in the southern usa and on capitol hill would fall for it? cuz i think so.

  14. MrReality says:

    Why is it that so many people can think of no better response to an opposing position than “Isn’t there something more import [he|she|they] can focus on?”

    As long as any entity is not working on your #1 priority item, you can always say this. It’s a useless argument. If you truly followed this logic, and agency/entity would only focus on 1 thing until it was no longer an issue, which would be absurd.

    I don’t care for Hillary myself, but I am so tired of this broken logic.

  15. digital_dna says:

    “it takes a village…” I guess the village only exists in Second Life

  16. RBG says:

    OMG. Criticism of a Democrat. I’m discombobulated.

    Then, I guess, Hillary’s ok.

    I always have to laugh at the illogic of the paradigm that goes:

    How can they ____ when ____ is so much more important.

    The simple answer is: the magic of multitasking.

    Really, you are saying no one should deal with anything but the task of highest priority and then, only when that is done, go onto the second most important item.

    How can you send your kids to school when making a living is so much more pressing?

    How can cops give speeding tickets when there are robberies to deal with?

    How can government even consider dealing with taxation laws when there are discrimination laws to be created?

    Etc. X infinity.

    No one talk to any politician unless it is about the war.

    War is good… Bloody dismemberment is good… I know this from my video game.


  17. Jägermeister says:

    Hillary doesn’t need drugs… she’s naturally high

  18. Jägermeister says:

    As Greymoon (#3) already wrote… she’s bending over to cater to her political base. In this case she’s trying to get more conservative votes by pointing out violent video games as being evil (o’boy, doesn’t the religious folks just love that one). I’m sorry Hill… the chance of your child turning evil boils down to one thing… P-A-R-E-N-T-I-N-G. If you’re not around or take interest in your child’s life… well, don’t be surprised. My eleven year old son plays some of the less violent first person shooter games (e.g. Star Wars Battlefront) and we all went to see Borat together. Will he turn out bad? Very low chance. We as parents are part of his life and explain things for what they are. A movie is a movie, a game is a game… and then we got reality… work hard and you’ll be successful one day.

    As many of the posters above have already mentioned… there are more important issues to be resolved, and parenting should never be taught by career politicians.

  19. This is one of the reasons why I backed the CT democrats when they tossed Lieberman out on his ass!

  20. acree says:

    I REALLY REALLY hope she isn’t the democratic candidate.

  21. Tim Harris says:

    This is great. Democrats would rather you be on crack or have a thousand babies on welfare rather than playing violent videogames. Freakin morons. At least I don’t have to stand up and sound like a tool to all those soccer moms out there AND wear a dress at the same time.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, I’m going with the crowd that believes the world hasn’t come to a crashing stop just because of Bush’s dirty little war.

    Would anyone care to count all the topics currently available on DU that don’t concern Iraq? Or Bush? Or Republicans? Or anything else involving death or criminals?

    And no, I don’t gibe a rat’s fart about video games.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – Would anyone care to count all the topics currently available on DU that don’t concern Iraq? Or Bush? Or Republicans? Or anything else involving death or criminals?

    Sorry Fusion…. I’m too busy fragging.

  24. GregA says:

    OMG, talk about tone deaf.

    It is nice that the republicans and conservatives are ignoring the significant other half of this duo. Joe Lieberman! You guys were rooting for him all summer and fall after he was defeated in the primary!

    Had he not had your support, he would be gone now, and I wouldn’t be able to call you a bunch of duplicitous hypocrites!

    More importantly, Hil wouldn’t have had the courage to hold this press conference.

  25. Vic says:

    While the republicans make me want to vomit the dems with her are not much better is she purposely trying to ruin the dems chances by attacking video games. The dems should slap her around and say wtf are you doing STFU about taht and concentrate on real issues shes gonna ruin the dems :(((((

  26. Dugger says:

    # 16, Good points.

  27. mebe says:

    Hillary is such a tool. It took 16 years for this hard core dem to HATE Hillary just as much as the wingers in my family, but she’s earned it. War profiteering, torture, spying, rampant corruption, net neutrality, and an overall trampling of the Constitution and she cares about flag burning and video games!?! What the #^%@! I loathe her, and think that she and the DLC are a waste of space.

    I wish the media would quit pushing the most divisive candidate in the democratic party on us? I’m sick of the media picking our candidates for us. This country needs to heal and I think that it’s safe to say that we’re ALL sick of talking about the Clintons and the Bushs. A pox on both their houses. 😛

    I wish the media would push Gore/Clark/Edwards the way they have been chasing Hillary’s dumass. I personally like Al Gore, An Inconvient Truth was really good. You’ll be walk around turning off lights after you see it. I wish he would run, his speeches over the last 6 years have also been awesome. If only Tipper didn’t suck so hard back in the 80’s, Gore would he have a nearly perfect record.

    Either way Hillary is NOT the dem favorite, no mater what the jerks on TV say.

    Hey Hill! Have you played that Left Behind game? I’m sure you’re in it somewhere.

  28. mxpwr03 says:

    I give applause for the posted story Uncle Dave.

  29. danno says:

    Don’t blame Hillary for bringing this up when people are dying in Iraq. You can always find a more pressing issue. Blame her because this is just stupid.

  30. John Paradox says:

    develop a skin-mod for ut or quake3 of this crazy bitch and then proceed to destroy her (in graphic violence detail), make a montage and post it on youtube

    Comment by tallwookie —

    Naw, do a mod with the entire Congress, with the Administration (Bush, Cheney, etc.) as the ‘bosses’.



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