James’ body found

You can leave wishes for the Kims at CNET

  1. Roc Rizzo says:

    Sincerest condolences to the Kim family.

    You lost a good man. I wish you all the best for the future. Time heals all wounds. Some wounds take longer to heal. This one will take quite a while.

    BTW — Why do the good ones die so young?

  2. Zuke says:

    My sincerest sympathies to the Kim family.

    As a fellow geek, I’ve watched James on TechTV/Cnet for years and have been following this story all week. I was so hopeful after they finally found Kati and the girls, but am heartbroken by Wednesday’s final result.

    He was a good kind man who should be admired for trying to do the best he could for his family.

    Rest in peace, James.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I, like most of us, didn’t know James Kim except through TV and the Web. But I have met most of his peers from TechTV, including Mr. Dvorak, and while I can’t claim to “know” them I do feel a certain connection to all those from TechTV – if only because my life was made a tiny bit better because of what they did and a share an affinity for the things they care about.

    That’s why since this news was first reported I’m felt a little darker or sadder than i would normally upon hearing the news that someone not in my life has befallen a tragedy. I sometimes bemoan those who feel grief at the loss of a celebrity, but perhaps I shouldn’t because I feel grief for James and sincere sympathy for his family, coupled with the elation of know his wife and children have survived.

    If half of what I imagine James Kim is like is true, then let it be said James leaves a life that anyone would be proud of and his children have a memory worthy of being honored. His decision to search for help was tragically fatal, but it was a remarkable act of selflessness and courage, and perhaps what should be an ordinary act of fatherhood.

    I will miss James Kim.

  4. meetsy says:

    His death will have been in vain, if the rest of us don’t learn from his mistakes….THAT IS THE POINT of the discussions about staying in the car, or following the road. If he had lived, don’t you THINK he’d have a lot of advice for the rest of us..on what he should have done, or not done?

  5. Frances Baker says:

    Quit juding James Kim – this was an hones to gosh mistake, Iguess the judges of James Kim have NEVER taken a wrong turn or gotten incomplete or misinformation of a map site or travel site. NO ONE knows what they’d have done in this situation, PERIOD. James did what he had to do to help his family from what an honest mistake happened. I think what everyone should be focusing on instead is WHY it took so long to start the search in the first place, from my brief research, this road is KNOWN to not be correctly represented on many maps & map sites and is KNOW to have people get stuck there doing the same thing James Kim did, thinking he was taking a well traveled shortcut.

  6. Frances Baker says:

    A correction to my former post #67 – This road is known to be INCORRECTLY represented on some maps and some map sites.

    If anything is to be questioned here, I again repeat, why did it take so long to start the search and why where measures that were FINALLY taken by officials NOT taken sooner when it is known people get stuck on the oft-misrepresented road and there are evidently quite of few of these oft-misrepresented roads on this area? Why did the police not IMMEDIATELY get a temp cell service instead only when a cell service provider stepped forward and volunteered their services? There are many questions to be answered here and none of them should be directly towards James Kim. Honest mistake – he did what he had to do, right or wrong, experienced in survival or not. Lay off James.
    He family should be very, very proud of him.

  7. faustus says:

    flamers should think before they type in that you don’t know the “rest” of the story. the fact is he was only 7 miles from his family seems to suggest he was maybe on his way back to them and something happened. he could be gone down to the lodge that was in the area and realizing no one was there was on his way back. mistakes made? yes but it can and does happen to even the best prepared… ask alex lowe’s family….

  8. ChrisMac says:

    If everyone were like him.. The world would be a much better place
    Godspeed James

  9. dh says:

    I am curious, because I am midwest and have never been to the area.
    With a burning tire, could you not feed it with wood and keep a perpetual fire going, or is all the wood just too wet.

  10. Mel says:

    A warrior has entered StoVoKor.


    And I don’t care what you guys say… He set off into the unknown and the cold and the wilderness to save his family… That is the very definition of the term hero.


    How do people die when we they are lost in the wilderness?

    They die of shame.

    James died trying to save his family.

    A warrior has entered StoVoKor.

    (I don’t know his religion but since he was a geek I just assumed he was a Trekker… forgive my ignorance)

  11. Confused and Saddened says:

    Did you see the satellite picture that followed his path? He ended up making a U-turn and was almost back where he started, except a bit further south.

    Also, why would he even consider removing ANY clothing in freezing temperatures and leave along his trail? I don’t get it.

  12. meetsy says:

    confused….hypothermia can make people start to hallucinate…for one, reason he may have started to shed his clothing. That, and no food for days, and probably little sleep after he set out…he may have just gone into a dream state.
    People do weird things when they are that stressed, starved, and cold.

  13. RBG says:

    I don’t know enough about this particular case to comment, but I can tell you that searchers have found lost and deceased people lying in the snow naked. As I understand it, the body gives one last desperate attempt to warm itself (by moving heat from the core to the exterior? – I forget). And the victim feels an overwhelming sense of heat. I used to be part of a mountain rescue team and I recall instructors telling us this.


  14. Frances Baker says:

    This video URL and story URL is for all the critics of James Kim’s actions during his druleing ordeal. Honest mistake, did all right things. Also, not noted in this story, James had multiple layers of clothing on and was found still with several layers of clothing on.



    James should never have critized in the first place and it makes no difference other than to give me satisfaction that at least the facts are presented to those who choose to unkindly critize without facts.

    Let him RIP

    God Bless James Kim


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