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Clinton adds staff, continues outreach on likely presidential bid — This should be an amusing two years.

WASHINGTON Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun reaching out to Democratic activists in New Hampshire as she prepares for her likely presidential bid.
Clinton has been calling Democratic activists in New Hampshire, including Governor John Lynch.

She’s also added several top staff members, including Karen Hicks, a veteran field organizer who served as New Hampshire director for Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign. Hicks will be Clinton’s national field director.

  1. Dugger says:

    Let’s amend the constitution and elect Borat president!

  2. GreenDreams says:

    I think Richardson is looking pretty good. Tax-cutting Dem gov, 14 term congressman, UN ambassador, Sec of Energy, Hispanic and the media loves him.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, What screwing? You claim to dislike all politicians who do things like post #23. Yet, all those are actions of the Republicans currently in Washington. Not once did you mention any of them by name, only Hillary Clinton, whom you now derisively refer to as Hillarius. So why not criticize those who actually are ruining the country instead of throwing insults at Democrats you have no intension of voting for?

    It wouldn’t be because she is married to Bill? The President the Republicans all hate because he was such a good President, especially compared to his two predecessors and that dipshit that followed him. It wouldn’t be because she actually has some intelligence, a quality sorely lacking in Republican leaders? It wouldn’t be because she make a sentence without smirking and butchering the language?

  4. Phillip says:

    Ok, all you Obama fans out there. Please list why you feel that he is qualified to be president. What are his accomplishments? Tell me all the great initiatives he’s spearheaded.

    I expect a quick response since I don’t believe there is much for you to respond with.

  5. Phillip says:

    Here is another request. Name his position on some issues. I’ll take it in good faith that you didn’t have to look it up.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34 & 35,
    I am not an Obama fan. So maybe you could enlighten us with maybe a few reasons why Obama would make a poor President.

  7. joshua says:

    Geez Dallas and Julie and others……you all don’t learn well do you??
    We are in the 6th year of a Presidency of a 1 term Governor who got elected on platitudes and apparently little else and you people want to replace him with a first term Senator (only 2 years in office) that has no experience at anything but running for office.
    Oh, he has made all the right moves, but that isn’t a plus in my book.

    As to Hillary….I seriously doubt that she will get the nomination, but if she does then a good move would be to pick Obama as her running mate. I made this prediction months ago in the Cage Match forum. There is no difference between Hillary and Obama, except a few years in office, they both sound and act like politicians on the prowl.
    It won’t matter anyway….the Democrats won’t take the White House in 2008…..they just made that a sure thing by winning both houses of Congress in November.

    The Republicans will have a furious fight for the nomination, but it will be McCain…..the only question is who he picks for his running mate….I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Condi Rice. Mc Cain isn’t comfortable around right wing religious folks (he’ll court them for the nomination), so I don’t see him picking Romney. Guliani is popular, but that will change when his liberal views become an issue in conservative states and he has way to much personal baggage to overcome.

    Too many of you are liberal and don’t engage any conservatives in your real life, giving you a view that is askew about where this country really is on the ideology scale. A safe, conservative, who is not a religious nut job will always beat a liberal for the Presidency, barring complete economic collapse or a huge recession.

    If McCain is the Republican nominee, I will vote for him. If Hillary is the Democrats nominee and McCain isn’t running, I would hold my nose and vote for her….but not Obama or Romney.

  8. joshua says:

    #33…Mr. Fusion…..Your leaning too far left again buddy…..Clinton wasn’t a disaster as President, but he wasn’t in the good category either. Most of what he did was forced on him by a Republican congress, and his own innate fear of not being liked.
    He was (as many now say) distracted by the Monica stuff when he should have been paying more attention to what bin Laden and others were doing, and when he did respond he did it so lightly because he was afraid of people accusing him of what they accused him of anyway…..using the attacks as an excuse to take the medias mind off Monica. They were timed in an odd way to cover headlines that were about to break on the Monica issue.

    But, he was the consummate politician….kind of Huey Long in a way…..the land and backroom business deals in Arkansas , the looting of the White House, and the pardons were all just tossed off as ***boys will be boys*** because of his charm.


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