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Clinton adds staff, continues outreach on likely presidential bid — This should be an amusing two years.

WASHINGTON Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun reaching out to Democratic activists in New Hampshire as she prepares for her likely presidential bid.
Clinton has been calling Democratic activists in New Hampshire, including Governor John Lynch.

She’s also added several top staff members, including Karen Hicks, a veteran field organizer who served as New Hampshire director for Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign. Hicks will be Clinton’s national field director.

  1. ECA says:

    I REALLY wouldnt want to follow bush.
    For all he has done, many things wont come to fruitation until AFTER he is gone.
    Many presidents have seen this happen to them. What was done before takes years to have an impact, and then you are STUCK with it.

  2. Anonymous says:
  3. KB says:

    Hicks says Clinton is calling people to get advice on what her campaign should look like, if she runs.

    Not like this, hopefully….

  4. Andy Cactus says:

    #3 Where did you get that picture of Dvorak? I have never seen him with so much hair!

  5. Dallas says:

    Go Hillary ! I’ll vote for her unless Barak Obama goes for it.

    #3 That’s a degrading picture of Hillary above. Ouch. Mission accomplished.

  6. Proud Alien says:

    Just don’t do it! As much as I like the idea of a woman for President, Hilary is not the one I would vote for. She’s just not likable!

  7. JulieB says:

    I like her, but too many people hate her. If she gets the nomination she will be handing the republicans the white house. Only Barak Obama can save us.

  8. JimJammer says:

    I agree – Barak Obama is a once in a generation politician – he can undo all the harm Bush’s senior and junior have done to America’s reputation and credibility.

  9. Mucous says:

    Obama’s scary but It would be better for all life on Earth to end that Hillary get in.

  10. RTaylor says:

    Now is the time to build the war chest, and the Clintons are good at that. As long as she behaves, having money to burn more than anything will determine the early primaries. In the general election I think the country is too polarized to elect her, though it’s a long while off and a lot can happen.

  11. GregA says:

    As it looks right now, the only viable person the Republicans have is the manchurian candidate, and even he is at odds with most of America on most of the issues. So Hillary will be president not so much because she is a good candidate, but because the Republicans wont be able to even field a legitimate national candidate. Also given the Blueward shift of Arizona in the last few years, it is doubtful that the manchurian candidate can even win his home state.

    My other prediction is, Bush doesn’t get to speak at the Republican convention.

  12. Arbo Cide says:

    There seem to be too many warmongers among the frontrunners. I don’t mean like Pres Bush either. Hillary and McCain have a control freak nanny-state mentality. I can see any of them just getting angry and starting wars. McCain would have invaded Rwanda for sure, and would invade Sudan and probably reinvade Somalia as well as Iran if he could get the support . HIllary would probably invade any country that doesn’t sign on to her true universal health care agenda or because they aren’t wearing their seat belts. Giuliani isn’t as bad, but he is on the pro-war side and was known for grandstanding as a prosecutor, taking people on Wall Street off in handcuffs. His bogus imprisonment of Michael Milken makes me think he would make up cases for war as well.

  13. DBR says:

    Ferget Hils and Barak (Barak? What kind of name is that?
    Sounds like an ambassador from one of the Star Trek
    spinoffs), we need a fat-assed, overly opinionated
    IT parasite in the White House. Now. Let’s draw lots!

  14. Mucous says:

    I love it how people think it’s possible to get by in this world without wars.

    One thing I look for in a candidate is someone I can trust to actually bomb someone who needs it.

  15. Improbus says:

    Hillary may be the darling of the Democrats but she can not win a presidential election (to much baggage). I couldn’t stand her husband and that goes double for her. What we need is a smart and boring president. What is Al doing?

  16. SN says:

    14. “I love it how people think it’s possible to get by in this world without wars.”

    I had no idea that Sweden was violating some sort of physical law. How have they managed to do the impossible for so long?!

  17. ken says:

    republicans on this list should be supporting run for hillary — it’s the very best way to guarantee at least four more years of republican rule in the white house.

    my guess at numbers would be that she too left for 100% of the republican party and about 33% of the democratic party

    republicans won’t even have to rig the voting machines!

  18. Roc Rizzo says:

    Clinton/Obama in 2008!

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hillary may well have burned out by 2008. Obama may also have worn out his welcome. The only way the two of them could avoid this would be by astute handling and no gaffes. Unfortunately, that would also tarnish much of the needed “rebel with a cause” they will need to win the nomination. My own very early prediction would be for a Clinton / Byah ticket against the both adulterously divorced, pro abortion McCain / Gulliani for the Republicans.

    My bigger question is why the hate for Clinton. Is it just because by screaming insults at her, the Republicans are deflecting people’s attention from their own screw-ups? Universal health care is a worse issue then 42 million Americans with NO health coverage?

  20. GregA says:

    But for the manchurian candidate, all the possible republican candidates have had to many wives to gain the support of the pro-marriage base of the republican party. Also Giuliani is bi-sexual, so im thinkin that just disqualifies him outright.

  21. Dallas says:

    #18.. Agree. My dream team is Obama/Hillary in 2008.

    Oh my God, the right wing bible thumpers and their GOP suck-ups will just have a heart attack if they win. It will be a Jim Jones style mass suicide on a massive scale. I can’t wait !

  22. Mucous says:

    #19 – Part of my disdain for Hillarius is that you can almost guarantee that she would want to raise my taxes. There is NOTHING important enough to me to support that. Most American’s tax burdens are already at least twice what they should be. Also, with her, you have to look at how hubby handled things. I don’t think she can be trusted to actually blow up someone who needs it.

    #16 – That’s a good point but they’re also not an openly capitalistic society with big truck driving on freeways, etc. Don’t the Swedes fall in with most of Europe in loading a ridiculous tax on fuel to “discourage” people from driving real vehicles? I don’t think I would want to live there unless I was a bilionaire and didn’t have to care about the rest of it.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, …she would want to raise my taxes. There is NOTHING important enough to me to support that.

    Not even your dirty little war in Iraq, your billion dollar bridge to no-where, your massive handouts to Haliburton, all those benefits to the drug and medical insurance industries, cleaning up the mess left by the oil companies and coal generators, …

  24. Timbo says:

    The rich leftists want Hillary.

    Remember that dog & pony show the Democrats put on during the last presidential election season? They put forward all possible competitors to Hillary to let them be branded as “losers.” That swept them out of the way for the next presidential election. The ‘winner’ was Kerry. But if he had gotten in, he would have been in the way for the 2008 Hillary campaign. He would have wanted re-election…

    Kerry was dumb enough to let his campaign be run by Clintonistas. They “almost” won the election for him. We’ll see how smart these same Clintonistas get in managing Hillary’s campaign.

  25. The #19 post comes closest to reality. And when did Giuliani become bisexual?

    The Dems have not proven they can win anything. The recent elections were not the Dems winning but the Republicans losing — a backlash. Since Bush is not running again and there is nothing to backlash against the chances of a Dem victory (with any combination of candidates) is nil. The Manchurian candidate (yes,I think the moniker is funny) should be the winner. 2012 is a different story. That’s where Obama will emerge if he can. But you can all get your hopes up anyway.

  26. Dallas says:

    #22 .. The fallacy of the GOP saving you from taxes is a mere illusion.

    Aside from #23’s excellent point, the GOP prefers to put things on the national criedt card instead of pay as you go. Worst yet, they borrow to pay for things that have little to no value to the broad American tax payer. It’s more about concentration of power and concentration of wealth.

    What you find is that states have SUBSTANTIALLY increased your tax burden because, well, your GOP run Federal Giverment is directy all the money to, well, Iraq, for instance. It seems like your Fed taxes might be lower, in fact your state taxes go higher and the interest on the national criedt card gets larger.

    Perhaps philosophically you prefer the borrow and spend instead of pay as you go, but pay you will.

  27. Rob says:

    I just can’t get any enthusiasm up for HIllary, not because she’s a woman or a Clinton, but because she’s just another which-way-is-the-wind-blowing professional politician. Unfortunately, Obama’s comments in the past week or so are showing a similar waffling, don’t-say-anything-too-concrete attitude as well. Face it, whoever the Dems get on the ticket for 2008 are just going to be the same old same old.

    I kinda like the idea of Bill Gates for prez. 🙂

  28. Roc Rizzo says:

    Delay/Abramoff 2008!

  29. Mucous says:

    #23 – Actually you made my point for me. If the money were spent properly, the badly overdue and much needed war in Iraq, plus many other problems could all be handled on half of what we’re all currently paying.

    The types of problems you mentioned started long before GW came into office, and he certainly hasn’t done much to help. Here, I’m simply talking about why I despise Hillarius. Actually I despise most politicians for these types of things. They’re all going to screw us one way or another.

    The screwing being equal, you then have to base your vote on who actually has the guts to blow someone up who needs it. Here’s a comparison: http://powerlineblog.com/archives/016116.php

  30. Mucous says:

    The dream 2008 race:

    Democrats: Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton
    Republicans: Pat Buchanon / Pat Robertson
    Independents: Kinky Friedman / Jesse Ventura
    Greens: Ralph Nader / Al Gore
    Bi-Sexuals: Hiliarius Clinton / Oprah Winfrey

    Now that would be entertainment!


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