Reuters Health – Anne Harding – December 01, 2006:

A new study provides the first-ever scientific proof that if you eat slowly, you will eat less — and you will enjoy the meal more.

Women consumed about 70 fewer calories when they were told to take their time eating a meal of pasta and sauce, compared to when they were instructed to eat it as quickly as possible. They also rated the meal as more pleasant when they ate slowly.

“They got more pleasure for (fewer) calories, and more satiety for (fewer) calories,” Dr. Kathleen Melanson of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston told Reuters Health.

Melanson decided to conduct the study when she learned there was no research to support the familiar claim that eating slowly reduces appetite.

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Just out of idle curiosity, between the anorexics and the fatties, is anyone the “correct” weight?

  2. Tim Harris says:

    Uhm. No crap people will eat less. Think about it.

    If you spend more time eating slower, of course you will be eating less food. Who the heck came up with this ?

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    /irrational ranting tirade mode on

    Will you people quit kicking Reuters for publishing news? You sound like morons.

    Of course “you’ve” always known eating slower results in eating less. What the article is about is new clinical research proves what we know with actual evidence. And while it might seem to you that it is silly to research something we know, it is in fact this kind of research that often leads to understanding things we don’t know. And while the news might not interest you, it might be of value to one of the other 6 billion people on the planet who don’t make an industry out of running down the hard work of productive and successful people who don’t have extra time to bitch about shit they don’t know shit about on blogs all day.

    Reuters is a news agency. They don’t think you are a moron. They don’t know you. They think that by publishing every last story they can possibly publish, that the news agencies who use their service may find the stories they need for their publications. Somewhere is a health and fitness page that needs to fill 3 column inches and this eating slower story will just fit the bill.

    Are you healthy and at your ideal weight? Good. Now quit acting like assholes to the people whose shoes you’ve never walked in who aren’t as fortunate as you.

    /irrational ranting tirade mode off

    *just because its irrational, ranting, and a tirade, doesn’t make it wrong

  4. ECA says:

    WHALE Hoo!
    Wale Wo!??

  5. Dallas says:

    A big problem, of course, is our culture is a hurried culture. You’re always planning for the next thing and there is little time. What gets crunched is eating time.

    When I was a kid, my family planned meals and spent time to enjoy the meal and converse. Today, I see microwaving at home or trips to Whole Foods buffet bar and eat in the store. Hurry up!

    I think this is a GOP induced problem, but that’s just me.

  6. Mike says:

    #6, It’s odd then that southerners, who are always accused as moving and talking slowly by northerners, are more likely to support the GOP.

  7. god says:

    #7 — there’s a difference between deciding to do something slowly — and being “too slow” to figure out how to do something.

  8. Mike says:

    #8, touché, 😀

  9. Improbus says:

    By god your right!

  10. Mark says:

    5. Someone call 911, I think ECA is having a siezure.

    Pedro is right, it takes 20 minutes for the switch in your brain to go off and say, I’m full. Another hour and a half for the one in your ass to say, hey “let me outta here”.

  11. ECA says:

    I hope she dont Eat Les…Les is my uncle.


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