Scariest Movie Character Ever: Exorcist? Michael Myers? Freddie? Bonzo’s Friend? No — Mary Poppins!
By Uncle Dave Tuesday December 5, 2006
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Exceptional work 🙂
#3 – Gay
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
No, not if your gay. Not at all.
The Disney movies always have had hidden meanings, ie in Aladdin it’s true moral is “The Tightest princess’ turn on is the filthiest scum.” It worked for Britney Spears 😉
#6 I don’t think anything has ever “worked” for Britney Spears, she is the definition of pathetic.
It’s even scarier at 2:30 AM – holy crap I still have the shivers
I agree with Tom about Britney Spears,
we are from;[editor – url removed for violation of guidelines]
I LOVE it! Excellent Work.
#7&9 – Anna Nicole Smith is more useless than Britney. And K-Fed is worse than both.
First: Britney Spears. Leave the poor girl alone. How many of you, in your early 20’s, had the success that she has had? Can you even imaging the pressure? Yeah go ahead and say ” I would trade places with her in a minute” or “I wouldn’t make such dumb decisions” It is always easy for someone who doesn’t have that success to judge those that do and the decisions they make. How many of you, if caught on camera 50% of your day, would be cannon fodder because of the dumb things you do from day to day? My guess would be all of us would. Don’t get me wrong. She chose the spotlight and that is the price you pay but why not pick on someone who can actually defend themselves against your attacks? Is it that you feel better about your lives picking on people who have done better at the age of 20 than you have done at the age of 30 or 40?
She may not be the brightest bulb on the block but I have read many of the post here and neither are a lot of you.
Second: This video ends weak. It definitely had a good start but ended flat.
I can’t view the movie from where I am, so the humor is lost on me, but I will say that the scariest, creepiest movie character ever HAS to be Willie Wonka. And a right good prick he was, too.
#11 – How many of anyone has had her kind of success, yet done nothing worthy of any success at all? She can’t sing and made millions as a singer – how wrong is that?
#12 – What would happen if Willy Wonka and Mary Poppins had a child?
Before you go making stupid statements perhaps you should do some research. Asshole!
The Britney Spears Foundation
24-32 Union Square East, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003
She is a very giving person and instead of sitting in the cheap seats maybe you ought to get off your ass a do something worth while.
It is our opinion she can’t sing. I think she sings just fine although it isn’t really my type of music. She is an excellent performer. and what is wrong with her making millions. It is a free market and no one has to buy her music but you know what? THEY DO!!!!
#7 – I don’t think anything has ever “worked” for Britney Spears, she is the definition of pathetic.
Comment by Tom 2 — 12/5/2006 @ 7:52 pm
As wildly off topic as this is…
If Spears is the definition of pathetic – what word would define her millions of adoring fans? I agree that compared to real musicians she is untalented… Compared to real women she is unattractive… and compared to, well, most of us, she’s dumber than a ceramic lawn gnome.
But I think she is not the definition of pathetic. In fact, I’ll show you what pathetic actually is…
#9 – I agree with Tom about Britney Spears,
we are from;[editor – url removed for violation of guidelines]
Comment by Business for sale — 12/6/2006 @ 6:06 am
Pathetic is when you post a useless “I agree with such and such” message on a blog site that you don’t regularly visit just so you can post a URL for some hairbrain web site idea you dreamt up while on a drinking binge with cousin Larry.
This is a spam site with zero content, zero services to offer, and nothing but ads. That and the million other bandwidth waste scum sucking site on the ‘Net are what pathetic is really all about.
Someday, that is what Spears’ own site will look like 🙂
Her foundation simply says she’s doing something worthy with her money. It doesn’t say that she did anything worthy to earn it in the first place. Of course, I’ll admit that criticism can be leveled at most celebrities.
I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on her – maybe she was terrorized by Mary Poppins as a child…
#14 – Someone touch a nerve?
I’m glad your here… otherwise, how would millionaires ever defend themselves. Even millionaires who can’t freaking sing a note.
Who the hell are you to judge her?
None of you know her personally so you don’t know anything about her but what you read in the tabloid magazines. I would love to see any of you in the same position. People saying you have no talent! People saying you are dumb! People saying you don’t deserve what talent and hard work, and yes a little luck, have brought you! Most of you would have probably hung yourselves! If it so easy to be that successful why is it we don’t hear your name all the time? How come we don’t hear about the great accomplishments that “Mucous” has made in science or math or technology or sociology or entertainment or ANYTHING? Mister WORTHY!!!!
You are just jealous and can’t just be content with what life has brought you so you need to rip someone else down to feel better about yourself. I guess that act is you earning your worthiness.
“Someone touch a nerve?”
Yes. If someone has problems with the things she does fine! BUT to call her pathetic or useless and to say she has done “nothing worthy of any success at all” is not only cruel but incorrect. Again it is your opinion that she can’t sing. There are 10 of millions of people from all ages that think she can. So who is correct? YOU?
BTW how can she defend herself? She doesn’t read this blog. So basically “Mucous” gets to call her names and demean her as a person so he/she can feel more important. While Mrs. Spears doesn’t even get to retort.
You aren’t named “J. Spears” are you?..
BTW: I have the right to rip anyone I want because I’m an American. We all have that right and many men and women have died to protect that right.
Also, I’m always right. 😉
“You aren’t named “J. Spears” are you?.. ”
No one said you don’t have the right but doing it make you an Asshole!
“Also, I’m always right”
Do you mean you are always and Asshole?
Maybe if you weren’t so pathetic yourself you wouldn’t find it necessary to attack other peoples worth based on tabloid reports and worthless opinions.
Your judgment is obviously that of a repressed, ignorant, uneducated, moron. because you thought this video was “Excellent Work.”
I still stand by my point. The tightest pop princess ended up with the nastiest scum and she’s paying the price for it.
Anyhoo… I’m glad Mary poppins got sucked into a 747 turbine 😉
Hate to break it to you chief but I have been coming here for a while now.
You are the one that must not be familer with this blog because people attack each other all the time
RGB ^ Mr. Fusion
Roc Rizzo ^ Mr Fusion
Everybody who is an idiot ^ Mr. Fusion
Why do you think Mr Dvorak has or had the grudge match?
So quite with the bullshit
Fusion does like to get into it. 😉 (I like it when he goes off.)
If beating on Britney makes me an Asshole, I wear the title proudly. What’s the latest headline today – she’s in trouble over not parenting her aids again because she’s spending too much time partying with Parasite Hilton?
I like Mr Fusion and I have to say most of the time the people he goes after ask for it.
I don’t have a problem when you criticize her behavior. It is the personal attacks about her being worthless and dumb.
Once again all you know is what you are told by tabloid reporters who in their best interest sensationalize the story so it fits in with the image they want to give her. When you jump on board and do your bashing you are no better than them.
She asks for it by behaving in a way that maker her interesting to the tabloids. And don’t try to tell me it’s all stalking paparazzi. You and I both know that celebrities complain about it but turn around and make sure they are visible because they think any exposure is good exposure career wise.
Her job is “entertainer”. In my case, she fulfills that position by being the butt of my derision – I find it entertaining. Every day is open season on the famous – that’s what they’re there for.
“She asks for it ”
Now you sound like a rapist.
The part you don’t get is that if you were followed around all the time I sure you would be made to look like a fool and moron. Hell, all I know of you is your posts here and I think you are a fool and a moron imagine what we would all think if we had 24/7 coverage and tabloid reporters adding suggestions to that like you were molested and therefore are a danger to children or you are a drunk or you wear women’s panties.
paparazzi. Yes that is the price of fame and no they should complain about being followed.
Her job is “entertainer”.
Yes it is and there is a price for fame but you do nothing but make yourself look like an repressed, ignorant, uneducated, moronic asshole when you attack her as a person. She hasn’t hurt you. If anything she has done more good in this world than you. So why not just leave her alone. Besides, If she is so worthless why bother with attacking her at all. Are you the kind of sicko that likes to torture defenseless animals too? I would say probably.