The interesting thing is that this guy was making meth for himself, as he didn’t want to get caught buying it on the street.

The trailer-park drug known as “hillbilly crack” has been putting on the Ritz lately – as federal drug agents uncovered a crystal-meth lab inside the $6,000-a-month Manhattan penthouse of a bank executive, authorities said yesterday.

Michael Knibb, an information-technology vice president at Citigroup, ran the sophisticated drug operation from the living room of his luxury apartment overlooking the United Nations, said Drug Enforcement Administration officials.

Should the penalty for this guy be the same as someone who makes it to sell, or does it matter?

  1. ben tweeken says:

    ive been around bout 1000 or so labs and never seen or heard of an explosion. i dont even see how its possible. a cup of fuel is about the only thing even close to flammable. and you can put a cigarette out in it and not light it. but he had to of had traffic or been deal’n for them to suspect. but he should of been smart and kept it cleaned up.


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