Ack! Lady EAT something!

Young sufferers of anorexia and bulimia who try to hide their eating problems from their parents and doctors are turning to a growing number of Internet chat rooms dedicated to perpetuating their illness.

A pilot study released on Monday of U.S. eating disorder patients aged between 10 and 22 showed that up to a third learn new weight loss or purging methods from Web sites that promote eating disorders by enabling users to share tips, such as what drugs induce vomiting and what Internet sites sell them.

But the study — published in the American Academy of Pediatrics’ journal Pediatrics — found that eating disorder sufferers were also learning new high-risk ways to lose weight from each other on Web sites aimed at helping them recover.

A wave of pro-eating disorder sites showed up on the Internet between 2001 and 2003, prompting operators of several Internet hosts to try to remove such sites. But the study showed many pro-anorexia and bulimia sites remain accessible, with most patients finding them and pro-recovery sites through chance searches.

“I feel so sick eating as much as 800 calories,” a teen-age girl, who called herself “berlinium,” wrote in a pro-anorexia chat room on Monday.

“And then for some reason now when I try to purge, I can’t get anything up. I mean I am literally shoving my fingers past my tonsils, but nothing,” she said, adding that she had just bought a drug off the Internet to induce vomiting.

While half of the parents surveyed said they were aware of Web sites promoting eating disorders, only 28 percent had ever discussed these sites with their child and only 20 percent said they placed limits on their child’s Internet use.

Sometimes, you have to wonder why parents believe “their” kids couldn’t possibly do something stupid or self-destructive?

  1. jazzmaniac says:

    Both this picture and the majority of the people that have posted comments on this page are sad commentaries on the state of the human condition.

    There is nothing sexy or attractive about looking like you’ve spent a couple of months is a POW camp. Girls that have body issues shouldn’t starve themselves;they should get help from a professional, talk to their parents and stop watching fashion shows or movies or television or whatever they feel their “trigger” is.

    Until such measures are taken, people are going to continue to die from this condition.

  2. lindseyr says:

    OMG!! someone throw that girl a cheese burger!

  3. LucieeJ12 says:

    i cant bring myself to understand why anyone could find this attractive. this is one of the single most repulsive images i have laid eyes on. some of you girls sit there and tell eachother this is beautiful?? its because of people like you that ive had to stand back and watch my best friend of 12 years waste away to 6 stone. you girls tell eachother that you want to loose weight and be ‘skinny and gorgeous’ like this woman? so want to look like an emaciated skeleton? and i can safley say that there is nothing atall feminine about this woman, and belive me you are the only people who will think you look attractive when you’ve starved yourself to this stage. thanks to images like this i dont even know who my best friend is anymore. we were inspearable for 11 years and now all she can talk about is how shes not eaten for 6 days, the most efficient vomiting methods and how she would rather die than live another day when all she can contemplate is food. food is all she thinks about and she has transformed from the most amazing, fun, bubbly young woman into a depressed, scarily thin, pathetic remenisence of her former self. and why? because of images like this and people telling her on these fucking anorexia forums that she has to take ‘one more horse tranquilliser to reach her goal weight’. what the hell is the world coming to. its because of people like you that she probably wont be able to have children now. so thanks a lot. and next time before you decide that his image is beautiful and that you ‘wish you were as thin as her’, take a step back from the mirror long enough to see the damage your causing.

  4. Michelle says:

    i wish i’d look like that:( im not getting any younger im 16 freaken yrs old!

  5. pinklolly101 says:

    why does anorexia kill?

  6. pinklolly101 says:

    EEK! talk about anorexia she looks like a living skeleton! (no offense).

  7. marissa says:

    i think that picture is discusting there is young girls out there like me that just dont want to be lookin at stuff like that
    its unhealthy lookin i feel sorry on the poor girl because she obv doesnt see that she is not nice looking like that!!


  8. marissa says:

    i think that picture is discusting there is young girls out there like me that just dont want to be lookin at stuff like that
    its unhealthy lookin i feel sorry on the poor girl because she obv doesnt see that she is not nice looking like that!!

    love marissa dublin

  9. zoe wat ever says:

    you really need to eat somthing or else you will die
    you look scary!

  10. marinela says:

    thats not certainley fierce that forocious please help this girl she needs vitamins and food asap!!!!

  11. marinela says:

    thats not certainley fierce that forocious please help this girl she needs vitamins and food asap!!!!


    is not sexy

  12. jaz says:

    omg thats just ewwy and those girls that wanna look like her i think you need to grow up and have a good look at it u die from that sorta stuff and u wanna be as skinny as her i mean thats just sick its betta bein average size then too bony
    neways peice out

    luvv jaz :)xo

  13. Jonny says:

    I think she looks sexy….

    I would tear that up all night long…

    I am going to find those sites….

  14. rookpric says:

    i only f*ck skinny chicks i hate fatties they are mean and nasty and get angry all the time.

    bones look beautiful.

  15. maki says:

    i wish i was that skinny):

  16. sarah says:

    hate seeing pictures like this it make me feel so fat, i no its sick but i cant help but feel like not eating to get like it =[ makes me so deppresed =[

  17. Mister Ketchup says:

    James Hill on the left:

  18. pink_:~( says:

    i want sooooooo bad to b back were i started, 5’9 an a wopping 98 lb. i felt so great. now im a fat tub of, 5’9 138 lb
    ddddddddaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnn it

  19. maddi says:

    i’m trying to be anorexic. i know that it’s stupid, but i can’t help it. and don’t be like “oh you can try to be anorexic, it’s a psychological disorder, blah blah blah.” i know that. and i don’t want to be skinny like that because i know it’s not pretty. but i can’t help wanting to weigh less. i’ve been trying to not eat, but it seems like i just eat more. when i started last week i weighed 95 and i weighed myself today and was 99.6 !! it makes me so sad. so i looked up how to be anorexic and i actually took advice on how to be a better anorexic. i’m 14 and 5’3″. i know i need help, but i don’t want to get it. i just want to lose like 10 pounds, then i’d stop.

  20. surfer says:

    chick is hawt. i’d tap that ass…

  21. gbl says:

    I’ve met prisoners in a jail and at mental hospitals who are required to eat or be forcefed and think that is evil. Any comments?

  22. annabell says:

    as muchh as i try and makee myselff sick it dosent workk , what shouldd i do ??

  23. amy says:

    personally, i feel fat whenever i am around a girl shorter or skinnier than i am. i am not fat, i know i am not fat, and every time i am around someone who i think is more attractive than me i become overconsious of whatever i ate in the last twelve hours.
    i don’t do it to become more attractive to other people – but to become more attractive to myself.
    i know that i may have a problem, and that i can’t stop whenever i want to. i know it kills. i have researched the subject extensively.

    i don’t think that it begins as a disease, but i think it becomes one.
    people on sites like this that talk about how stupid these girls and boys are and how unattractive they are does not help them find peace.
    at the same time, i think that these people who spend hours of their day arguing that it isn’t a disease are wasting their time. whether it is or is not a disease is not going to change the fact that it happens.

  24. sophie says:

    maddi im the same as you being anorexic would be the best thing ever.

  25. Candy Bread says:

    You people who say that this is beauty are stupid. I’m 5’0. And I weigh 145. And I’m damn well proud. That looks disgusting. I saw the original pictures… but jeez… gross dude. I guess those of you who want to look like that will be seing Jesus a little earlier than planned.


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