From the You-just-can’t-make-this-crap-up department:

Penalty for unwrapping gifts early: Arrest

A mother convinced Rock Hill police to arrest her 12-year-old son after he unwrapped a Christmas present early.

The boy’s great-grandmother had specifically told him not to open his Nintendo Game Boy Advance, which she had wrapped and placed beneath the Christmas tree, according to a police report.

But on Sunday morning, she found the box of the popular handheld game console unwrapped and opened. When the boy’s 27-year-old mother heard about the opened gift, she called police.

“He took it without permission. He wanted it. He just took it,” said the 63-year-old great-grandmother.

Waldrop said he was not aware if Rock Hill police have ever arrested a child for unwrapping Christmas presents early.

“Yeah, it’s strange,” he said of the case.

Ya think?

  1. hhhhh says:

    why the heck would somone do that!!!! WTF????

  2. azzakio says:

    what tha hell!!!!!!!

    i used to hav a gba and it sucked wen tha gba sp came out then tha ds but still, i wouldn’t open a stupid gba i would leave it till next christmas!

    and anyway why did his grandma tell him what his present was?
    it ruins tha suprise plus it adds mpre urge to open it so you can she the new shiny present sitting/waiting for you to open

    in my opinion the grandma is a evil sibyl (witch from arctic)
    and the mother is a sicko she must have been 15 when the kid was born!!!, thats younger than my sister!!!!

    plus i am 12 (neva opened pressy early) with 2 sistaz and one bro

    ps: the pic at tha top is obvioulsy fake cuz a 12 yr old cant grow a beard!


    I agree totally. I have a now 15 year old and he is on the edge of total delinquency. I wouldn’t hesitate a second to turn him in. I am a single mom and he is getting 1 big present this year. ($40) I have a couple of smaller things for him but that is all he is getting and I have struggled to get that for him. I want him to have the surprise of Christmas day. He boasts daily about how he is going to open them when he wants to and theres nothing I can do about it. Wrong! They all go back! I have every receipt and the police on speed dial. I aplode her.

  4. Dan says:

    Take a look at the whole story! It seems that this mom was having constant problems with this child. People seem quick to point a finger at others with only a portion of the story. The boy lied about the open gift, then recanted the story. From The WHOLE?! story reported, the boy was constantly in and out of trouble and this was the last straw. Todays society wants to blame others for their actions. ACCEPT resposibilty for what you do. Sure the mom has some resposibility for the boys actions, but try to be a single parent raising you child. The boy at some point needs to accept the repercusions for his behavior and learn that there can be serious conseqences for what you do. Do not be quick and blame bad parenting or any thing else because we do not have ALL the facts. There are other ways that she could have dealt with the problem. She did what she felt was right. Lets see what you would do if you were at your wits end, and you had to correct a disobedient child. Everyone seems to have a solution, but you were not there.

  5. Chris Beed says:

    @ Dan, poster # 40…

    You werent there either man. If the adults knew how this kid behaved, why would she tell the kid about the present under the tree and what it was? Doesnt that sound like they were setting the kid up?

    Also, I’d like to add in this:

    ““He took it without permission. He wanted it. He just took it,” said the 63-year-old great-grandmother.”

    IT WAS A PRESENT TO THE KID, He just took it earlier than he was supposed to 😀


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