This year, why not think of people you know for whom tech is a bit of a mystery, who will miss out until YOU introduce them to a whole new world. I once told a senior adult, many years ago, when she asked me about helping her find a good word processor, that there wasn’t one. By that time, home computers were here, and I urged her to go in that direction, but she didn’t think she could use one. “What would I ever do with a computer?” she asked. I finally convinced her to buy one, taught her to use it, and she has thanked me over and over since for not helping her find that word processor she wanted! She is now computer-savvy.

Prices are dropping on mp3 players, and now make good stocking stuffers. To be frank, I wouldn’t buy one until the price seemed to me in line with what it was worth. I recently found one I liked on sale for 30 bucks. It’s the Creative Zen Nano 512MB. I didn’t need the FM tuner that comes in the Zen Nano Plus. The line-in feature of the Plus version would be nice, I admit. The small capacity (512 MB) is sufficient for me, as I see no point in trying to carry around my entire music collection. Both models have a built-in mic for voice recordings. The unit is a handy size with easy-to navigate menus. Watch for sales!

With the price of flat-panel monitors dropping, they are becoming almost-affordable gifts as well. The model I own, an NEC MultiSync LCD1765, I purchased three years ago for about $500 and is no longer available from NEC. Everybody talks about graphics, rightfully so, but whatever you do, be sure to see how TEXT displays. Type in some text at 12-pt, 10-pt, 8-pt, and compare it to what you are used to to make sure you won’t be disappointed.

How many of your friends and family have never owned a quality pair of headphones? A dozen years or more ago, I purchased a pair of AKG K340 headphones, and I still love them. The K340’s are no longer being manufactured, but other models by AKG, such as the AKG 240‘s, are still being produced and are highly regarded.

Finally, what’s wrong with money? People give gift cards, but gift cards are nothing more than cash with a lot of strings attached– including junk fees that are obscene. Some even charge you to check your balance! Please, don’t give gift cards.

Cash is usually good for 6 points.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    KB…does that Zen nano require Windows media player or any other software to load music?

  2. KB says:

    #1, sorry for the delay in answering your question..

    In general, you can move files, including mp3 files, by whatever means you wish (such as Windows Explorer).

    HOWEVER, please note: ” WMA files with Digital Rights Management cannot be copied to your player using Windows Explorer. You can only do so with applications that support this technology, such as Creative Zen Nano Media Explorer, Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer, or Windows Media Player.”

    I must say, ripping music CDs to this thing is simple and painless.


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