Haven’t done a tabloid-worthy post this week, so here goes. The Mars Anomaly Research website is devoted to the premise that the government is deliberately tampering with photos from the two Mars rovers (yes, they’re still going years after they were supposed to have shut down) and from satellites overhead to prevent the public from seeing the vast quantities of evidence of life on the Red Planet. For example, the photo of the skull above has been tampered with the obscure “that this being or statue representation of a being included a suit of some kind with objects on either side of the neck at the lapel areas.”

Remember, the Truth is Out There and the government doesn’t want you to find out. Either that or they’ve found Jimmy Hoffa.

  1. Ascii King says:

    Proof of evolution on Mars!

  2. Gig says:

    So these guys believe the government is hiding proof that there was life on Mars. OK, I’ll buy that.

    How did this photo get released?

  3. Scott Gant says:

    What I can’t understand is…why would the Government/NASA want to cover something like this up? What is the rationale that these nuts…sorry…enthusiasts, come up with as to why NASA is trying to keep this info from us?

    They always say the public would panic. Would anyone really panic if they found a fully formed, human skeleton on the surface of Mars? What about a full-blown ancient city? What I would do personally is go “wow, that’s pretty spooky huh….hey, what’s for dinner?”.

    They have other things to keep from us than proof of life on Mars. Come on…

  4. There is one of these on Moon too 🙂 Check:


    (scroll down…)

  5. Haywood Jablome says:

    I’m calling Bravo Sierra on this one. Skulls don’t have noses…

  6. Mike says:

    “Oh man! Wonder if he’ll ever know
    He’s in the best selling show”

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: How do you know alien skulls don’t have noses? Hmmmm? What are you covering up? Is there something you wish to share with the group?

  8. tallwookie says:

    Looks like a Predator’s skull

    The real question is – where’s the Alien’s skulls?

  9. Mike says:

    That’s obviously the remains of one of the revenants I killed when I was blowing away demons at the UAC base a few years back.

  10. TheGrumble says:

    That’s no skull: it’s obviously a relic from the Clone Wars.

  11. Lee says:

    What, exactly, would be the rational -for- the government to come out with life/civilization on Mars, or anywhere else for that matter? Their great desire for their pampered social order to crumble? Their never ending delight in having every Fundie on Earth screaming holy war at them? Their approval of their own characterization of themselves as being the very top of the pyramid being proved terribly wrong?

    While we are on the topic of heads out-of-place. . http://www.enterprisemission.com/images/data/5.jpg

    If this object is on the original negatives from the Apollo 17 mission, as (admittedly fringe) Richard Hoagland has claimed and not been challenged on, then one of two things must be true. We either have some mischief maker in NASA who is carefully adding obviously artificial objects to images, or we have a photography group that is getting very slopping in censoring images. In either case, I think we need to have a few less airbrush artists in the employ of NASA, and a serious reappraisal of the imagery we have been basing our science on for years.

  12. Mark says:

    “They always say the public would panic. Would anyone really panic if they found a fully formed, human skeleton on the surface of Mars? What about a full-blown ancient city? What I would do personally is go “wow, that’s pretty spooky huh….hey, what’s for dinner?”.

    Maybe its because you CAN handle the truth, but look at the religious ramifications alone. How could they “control” us without the threat of religion.

    “They have other things to keep from us than proof of life on Mars”

    Oh Yeah.

  13. Ron says:

    I also believe that the Government is covering up evidence of life on Mars. This is being done by the same agency that faked the moon landings, puts RFID tags in flu shots, was responsible for 9/11, blew up the levees in New Orleans and steered Katrina toward New Orleans. They also killed John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, Hunter S. Thompson, Kurt Cobain, Glenn Miller, the Apple Lisa, Crystal Pepsi, TechTV, and possibly Julius Caesar too. They are very busy.

    How can anyone believe this could be covered up (from Roswell in 1948 on) when classified documents have routinely end up on the front pages on newspapers for years? The US government is not very good a keeping secrets.

    On the other hand, life on Mars would explain some people I have met….

  14. Joe says:

    Hail Xenu!

  15. gquaglia says:

    The religious nut bags would have a fit. Their whole hold on the masses is based on the fictional account of Genesis and the birth of man. How could life elsewhere possible be explained in religion. It can’t and many sheep who live and breath religion would simply explode, they couldn’t handle it. The government knows this and would never let this get out. Just look how they back tracked a few years ago when it was announced that they found microbs from Mars on a metor. It was quickly retracted and never to be heard again.

  16. Mark says:

    “The US government is not very good a keeping secrets.” Actually they are. Manhattan Project. What they cant keep secret they cloud up with disinformation so any of the real truth looks ridiculous.

  17. Lee says:

    This whole “other civilizations” thing hasn’t been covered up at all my friends; it has been on the front pages of world newspapers repeatedly for decades. What is has been (at least in the US) is laughed at, lampooned, and generally mocked. Laughter is a more efficient tool for corralling thought than censorship ever could be, but it works best as a team.

  18. Joe Bob Briggs says:

    Red planet….red state…..hmmmmm.

  19. Mark says:

    “I do believe that here is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now (and) has been for a long time….It’s a long, long story. It goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff.”

    Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 17 astronaut. 5th man to walk on the moon.

    I had a crew that was filming an installation of a precision landing system we were installing out on the dry lake bed, and they were there with stills and movies and filmed the whole installation and they came running in to tell me that this UFO, a little saucer, had come down right over them, put down three gear, and landed about 50 yards from them, and as they proceeded to go on over to get a closer shot of it, it lifted up, put the gear in, and disappeared in a rapid rate of speed. And so I had to follow my directions as a military…I had to look up the regulations on who I was to call to report this, which I did, and they ordered me to immediately have the film developed, put it in a pouch, and send them by the commanding general’s plane to Washington, which I did. And that was the last I’ve ever heard of the film.”

    Scott Gordon Cooper, Mercury astronaut

    More astronauts and their experiences.


  20. Scott Gant says:

    The religious nuts would have a fit? Um….so what? Let them have their fit.

    The Government wouldn’t cover something like that up just because the minority religious nuts would have a fit…give me a break. How come no one went all Kramer on us when we first found pulsars out in the universe? Remember, we thought they were some alien communication when we first discovered them. Yes, that got out to the public also. It was only later we found out what they really were. The list goes on and on about these things.

    And really, who cares if their beliefs are shattered or not?

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: Hey, watch it! We don’t want to be sued by Tom Cruise’s people. The last thing I need is him jumping up and down on my sofa.

  22. Mark says:

    21. So Scott, tell me. Should I believe you, or the astronauts. Men with first-hand experience. Dont get crazy, just try and answer the question.

  23. Matt H says:

    It looks like a rock.

  24. Lee says:

    #24 has the best argument from the other side thus far.

  25. Mark says:

    25. After everything, I do believe thats probably just a rock also. I’m just sayin………..

  26. Scott Gant says:

    Hmmm…could it be ol’ Gordo Cooper was pulling someones leg, as he was notorious for? Just a thought.

    Also, how credible is a site called “ufologie.net”?

    But hey, the truth is out there, right?

  27. Mark says:

    Yeah Scott, thats it , you solved it. All the astronauts on that page were lying. I feel much better now.

  28. Lee says:

    #27 Find out for yourself, I won’t spoil the ending for you. Life is not a spectator sport, you have to do your own research and footwork some times.

  29. Angel H. Wong says:

    And I thought garbage couldn’t be that far 😉

  30. Reality says:

    That is NOT a skull. It’s a “Roman Soldier’s Helmet.” See the penis?


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