It’s one thing to argue Intelligent Design and challenge the fossil record, but I think trying to supress the fossil record itself is going a bit too far.

Famed paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey is giving no quarter to powerful evangelical church leaders who are pressing Kenya’s national museum to relegate to a back room its world-famous collection of hominid fossils showing the evolution of humans’ early ancestors.

Leakey called the churches’ plans “the most outrageous comments I have ever heard.”

Leaders of Kenya’s Pentecostal congregation, with six million adherents, want the human fossils de-emphasized.

“The Christian community here is very uncomfortable that Leakey and his group want their theories presented as fact,” said Bishop Bonifes Adoyo, head of the largest Pentecostal church in Kenya, the Christ is the Answer Ministries.

The theories aren’t being presented as fact, but they are supported by the factual evidence of the fossils. I’d rather see the church provide a alternate theory that takes the fossils into consideration, that way we could at least have a debate about it. Church-based supression of science is so medieval.

  1. B. Dog says:

    What a bunch of throwbacks to the Stone Age. Some things never change. These turkeys are not going to like finds like this new one about religion and snakes.

  2. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    number 1: Well, that’s at least something. The explanation i’ve always heard is something along the lines of “Oh, that’s something that we humans don’t understand, only God. Yes, he has his reasons and his ways, they may seem strange to us but he’s got a perfectly good explanation. You just have to believe it.”. Thats where these discussions end.

  3. Miguel Correia says:

    If they are so sure about their beliefs why would they fear the clash between those beliefs and the evidence they are trying to suppress? I mean, when I’m confident about something I say “bring more and more and more facts so I can prove I’m right… or prove myself I’m wrong”.

    Doing the opposite, suppressing evidence, is the hallmark of a state of denial.

  4. ken says:

    the bible is nice and all that and as a Christian, i find it richly rewarding to read, but seriously — how can someone who believes God to be infallible and perfect not be able to believe that God created the world by way of a big bang?

    do creationists consider themselves to be qualified to speak for God? isn’t that a no-no?

  5. Arbo Cide says:

    The bigger question is what happens after the US withdraws from Iraq, and Israel is destroyed, and the Muslims demand that US museums take out these exhibits?

  6. ECA says:

    Its called

    I wonder…
    Has anyone told these folks that there beliefs in the old stories are based on the Hebrew, not on Christ..
    Christ has had a short reign, 2000+ years…
    I hope they dont consider Life before that time, Anon..

    always entertaining,
    taking the OLD testiments and trying to find Order to them. Taking them as a foundation for a religion, when The person we praise Took a different stance, and HIS own religion ostrasized him.

  7. gquaglia says:

    If they are so sure about their beliefs why would they fear the clash between those beliefs and the evidence they are trying to suppress?

    Thats easy. Because they know its all bull. Its all about control. Organized religion is a big sham, its all about controlling their followers and making money for their hypocritical leaders. Organized religion is evil and has been responsible for most of the world’s problems throughout time.

  8. Cognito says:

    #6 Muslim Creationists? Are there any? Or have they got other things on their mind?

  9. jason h. says:

    I am a Christian myself and find this rediculous. These ignorant fundamentalists are always rejecting science. Just know that it is totally rational to believe in the story of Genesis, and modern science. The key is to not interpret the Bible so literally, and come up with your own interpretation, instead of believing the interpretation given to you by your local pastor.

  10. Roc Rizzo says:

    Let them reject science.
    Next time they want a tetanus shot, or a flu shot, surgery, or medications,
    remind them that they reject science.
    Next time they want to watch TV, remind them that they reject science.
    Next time that they need to drive somewhere, remind them that they reject science.
    Next time that one of them calls me with a call for help with their computer, I’ll tell them that I can’t help them, because they reject science.

    Ad Nausium,

    You get the picture.

    ‘Nuff Said.

  11. J says:

    Wow I never thought I would say this. I agree with Roc Rizzo.

  12. ECA says:

    And that there are religions that Do that in this nation, and ARE HAPPY doing it.

  13. jerry says:

    First off is there anybody over 13 posting? Sounds like a lot off highschool science! Mr Ad Nausium, how about when you breath the air or eat a potato or go for a swim; now try rejecting…. Hummmm let’s see… God!!!

    Science is GREAT but let’s remember we can’t cure Aids, mad cow or the common cold. We don’t know where the first atom came from… maybe we’re in the pocket of a giant!

    I guess we’ll all find out when we die. Believing in science only is a big gamble when we can’t see past our own nose! Science by it’s nature is EVOLVING and has to be open to change and discussion… let’s see where it is in 50 years.

    Oh yea… enough of the evalution stories already.

  14. J says:

    #16 Jerry

    Jerry, even at the young age of 13 I knew the bible was just a collection of stories.

    I don’t and never have “believed” in science. I understand and trust science because it uses a system of correction based on new evidence. Can you name a religion that does that?

    Science has helped us come up with medicine that lets people live with AIDS. Almost a regular life span. Science lets us understand what causes mad cow which can lead to prevention. Science has given us many remedies for dealing with the symptoms of the common cold.

    Now can you show me one desease the bible or religion has cured?

    Has the bible cured AIDS? Has the bible cured mad cow? Has the bible cured the common cold?

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    They should go back to the good ole days and feed the Christians to the lions.

  16. jerry says:

    yea that’s good…. we could do all that good old stuff! Let’s not forget the other minorities we could torture. Your an idiot!

    I was going to mention other groups of people that had been killed and maimed in this century alone but I thought it not right. I hope it was a bad choice in humor on your part.

  17. jerry says:

    yea Wong that’s good…. we could do all that good old stuff! Let’s not forget the other minorities we could torture. [comment edited] 

    I was going to mention other groups of people that had been killed and maimed in this century alone but I thought it not right. I hope it was a bad choice in humor on your part.

  18. Timbo says:

    As I recall, Science is based on the scientific method. You come up with a hypothesis and devise experiments that are repeatable, isolatable and verifiable to determine if it has enough credibility to be a theory. Unfortunately, the “evolution of man” can’t be determined that way. Stringing together pieces of evidence with speculation based upon a faith isn’t proof. I don’t care how many people in lab coats with clip boards swear to it, that’s not science. Remember, the first Scopes trial used a single tooth that turned out to be a pig’s, to prove man’s evolution.

    In modern science, statistical inference is used to derive evidence for a hypothesis to promote it to a theory. This works for deep space astronomy, subatomic physics and healing prayer. But it doesn’t work for “evolution of man.” The confidence factor is based upon the number of incidences. The “evolution of man” has less that one, considering all the plaster of Paris that has been put on the bones to make them fit their preconceived ideas!

    Why should Kenya put on display paintings depicting a tenet of faith for a religion (Humanism) and pretend it is science?

  19. J says:

    #20 Timbo

    Your lack of understanding about science and the methods used are monumental


    I don’t need to point that out because you have demonstrated it perfectly.

  20. tallwookie says:

    I just love how the religious-nutzo-christian-types keep refering to their bible as being the “whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, but always gloss over the fact that even the earliest versions of the christian bible werent written until several generations AFTER all these events supposedly took place.

    It’s fiction, theres a possibility that it’s at least partially based on some truths, but its still a work of fiction.

  21. ECA says:

    there is a solution to Mad cow… Its a known desease…Its called canabalism..We feed cattle Dead animals. We put it in their Feed, as the hormones are Still in the cattle when they Die, they feed it back to other animals.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    I was going to suggest feeding the Christians from this side of the pond too, but I’m affraid they would be undigestible to the Lions.

  23. ie9ksphnqd says:

    md2ooin3ltvf6eep1 k60m2kel08bl 628u1glj5k

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, good question,

    I was going to mention other groups of people that had been killed and maimed in this century alone but I thought it not right. I hope it was a bad choice in humor on your part.
    Comment by jerry — 12/4/2006 @ 4:26 pm

    So where was God when all these people were dieing in genocides? Isn’t this the God that so loves his children that he gave his only begotten son so that all the bastards may live? Did God have a hand in these genocides or was he just responsible for creating the murderers in the first place?

  25. ECA says:

    How about this idea/concept.

    god raised us to Be his children..He also raised us to be Adult.
    As an adult, we are responsible for our Own actions.
    God is there to back us up, if we make a Good choice and get screwed, but he is NOT there if you did a bad thing, and got caught.
    He will always be there, but he wont support your BAD choices, you have to live with them.
    Teach your kids to be Adults, dont teach your kids to be kids.
    When you get that phone call, you want to hear good things, or if you can assist them in something with good meaning.. You dont want to hear that he was arrested for Distribution of drugs and alcohol to minors.

  26. Josh P says:

    Everyone please rememeber how to spell:
    Your = belongs to you
    You’re = you are
    There = a place
    Their = belongs to them
    They’re = they are
    #19 “Your an idiot!” made me post this.

  27. J says:

    #29 Josh P

    It is a blog.

  28. jerry says:

    Mr. Fusion… why don’t you ask Wong??? He’s the one that wants to kill people! What drives to hate and want to kill people?

    You also miss quoted…
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Your right, God does love everybody and offers salvation if you chose to believe. If you chose being the key. God offered perfection but man chose to do his own thing… I guess we are like kids some times we do stupid things and think we really have a handle on things. I don’t know how old you are but I’m old enough to realize that if made some real mistakes in my life and hopefully I’ve learn and will make less in the future. I also have kids that I know will disappoint me but I still love them enough to die for them no matter what they decide. They have to make their own decisions and choices as they grow up; like we do.

    The choice is yours, it’s your life and you get one shot at it. Make it count.

  29. J says:


    “I also have kids that I know will disappoint me ”

    Man you must be a great parent.

  30. grant says:

    more or less, the same tribe that came up with the torah produced the four gospels of the so-called new testiment.

    why not do like mythologist joseph campbell, take it all with a grain of salt and follow your bliss.

    some great gems of wisdom and sound philosophy plus a great basis to raise children. good and bad, personal sense of identity, and so many other values and traditions serve to guide a society.

    concentrate on the positive and try to understand how humanity needs a stout tether to avoid flying apart and killing each other. you think?


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