I think it’s about time that Apple got a personal restraining order against Sony!

  1. Snarky says:

    The Vaio chick says:

    The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a ‘mouse’. There is no evidence that people want to use these things.

    * San Francisco Examiner, February 1984

    # The Noisiest buzz in the industry lately has been over the emerging use of cable TV systems to provide fast network data transmissions using a device called a cable modem. But the likelihood of this technology succeeding is zilch.

    * PC Magazine, Sept. 1995.

  2. Odyssey67 says:

    from Lauren: “You remind me of the teenage shitheads I knew in my youth who just KNEW their hot-rodded Camaros and Mustangs were better than any of those faggotty, fancy-schmancy Ferraris and Mer-say-deez. Loud, crude, couldn’t pull 0.8g in a corner, but wow! you could adjust the carbs right there in the parking lot! (Sorta like you and your “I can overclock my vidcard!”) Big fucking deal. Some of us have other, more adult criteria for choosing cars and computers.

    In later years, those same clowns quietly dumped their IROCs and T/As for 540is and SL500s. IOW, they shut up and grew up. Maybe one day you will too.”

    So good it bore repeating 😉

    Anyone trying to rundown the Mac OS these days is simply ignorant of what the current state of OS technology is. It may swing back to Windows’ favor someday, but for the forseeable future it’s really no contest. And since the hardware is 100% identical between both (except for the bios – which also is more advanced on the new Apples), there’s really nothing left for any PC fanboi to do but put up video clips of some fratboy dissing about stuff that wasn’t even accurate when it WAS current.

    Whatever, Dell dude.

  3. Tom 2 says:

    Ya i dont think so i agree with SN, the fact that i cant build my own mac keeps me from owning one, becuase well its all about choice, and i think there is a little truth to the joke about Mac people being computer illiterate becuase they have their mac daddies to make it for them, leaving them clueless to what a computer really is and the one of the many reasons why the PC has majority over the market and why it will always be this way.

  4. Scott Gant says:

    #33. So this means that the vast majority of PC users have their “PC daddies” to make it for them as well.

    The people that build their own computers are a VERY small minority. I happen to be one of them. Our options of the build-it-yourself brand are kind of shrinking though…at least to stay cheaper.

    Hell, I’m getting to the point of just buying a computer from a manufacturer because I’m tired of doing it myself and I don’t save any money anymore from doing it. I recently priced out a new dual core Xeon 5050 and found I could get it cheaper at Dell…and even slightly cheaper at Apple. (this was going with most of the components bought at NewEgg if I were to build it myself) I was amazed by that right there. And since I can dual-boot OSX or XP with it, I’m thinking long and hard in getting a Mac. Talk about choice? There’s 3 OS choices right there on a Mac…OSX/XP/Linux. Gee, the PC seems so limited now….

    Anyway, building it myself used to be a way of getting something more powerful for less money…but that just isn’t the case anymore with volume discounts and such that the big manufacturers are getting from buying components in bulk. Sure, it was fun to build them when I was younger…but I’m just tired now and not really getting anything out of it anymore that I used to get.

  5. JoaoPT says:

    Xeon 5050 and found I could get it cheaper at Dell…and even slightly cheaper at Apple. (this was going with most of the components bought at NewEgg if I were to build it myself) I was amazed by that right there. And since I can dual-boot OSX or XP with it, I’m thinking long and hard in getting a Mac. Talk about choice? There’s 3 OS choices right there on a Mac…OSX/XP/Linux. Gee, the PC seems so limited now….

    You’ll regret it… Dunno what you’re using it for, but there are memory issues.
    read this:

  6. JoaoPT says:

    Hell, I’m getting to the point of just buying a computer from a manufacturer because I’m tired of doing it myself and I don’t save any money anymore from doing it. I recently priced out a new dual core Xeon 5050 and found I could get it cheaper at Dell…and even slightly cheaper at Apple. (this was going with most of the components bought at NewEgg if I were to build it myself) I was amazed by that right there. And since I can dual-boot OSX or XP with it, I’m thinking long and hard in getting a Mac. Talk about choice? There’s 3 OS choices right there on a Mac…OSX/XP/Linux. Gee, the PC seems so limited now….

    Yuo’ll regret it! Dunno exactly what you’re doing with the machine but there are memory problems…

    read this:


  7. mesteve says:

    #34 What memory problems?

  8. Tom 2 says:

    i said it was one of the many reasons not the only one. I big reason is that PC has been doing what mac just started doing but they claim they were the inventors, and that is bs. Mac will never be on any breakthroughs, just hoping that they can market the right technology and hit a niche at the right time. Which the odds of that are so damn improbable, and ipod is the only example of that. PC’s are the medium for great technology they always have been.
    So good for you Apple, you put some sparkles on the wheel and hoped it would sell, great job.

  9. Scott Gant says:

    He’s talking about latency problems depending on how you configure the memory slots. Something that the article he pointed to twice at AnandTech didn’t even mention in their summery of the Mac Pro…in other words, it’s a non-issue. And he used two posts to point to the same thing and say the same thing.

    Only he knows why.

  10. The other Tom says:

    Hey Tom 2

    Stop sullying my good name.
    Like you said, “its all about choice”. Stop being an asswipe and trying to convince people that there choice is wrong because of your antequated and hateful opinions.
    You can do the same crap on OS X as on Windows as on your local Linux variety as you (for the most part) can on *BSD.
    Get over it.

    And for those saying that (rightly) a Vaio is just a PC: Sony is marketing the Vaio as the “non-PC PC”. Whatever that means.

  11. Tom 2 says:

    I am over it. I just dont like their commercials, which state they are better than pcs, so i make fun of them, becuase their marketing needs to stop bashing pcs, or i will bash them, wherever i see fit.
    And I wont even waste my breathe on viao, cause I feel sorry for them.

    Dont be an shitface and call dibs on a name, thats just aint right.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 1. iPhoto. When iPhoto came out, there wasn’t all these freeware applications out there that did what it did. Sure, there are now, but not back then. Also, name one. Picasa is one, but that only came out in like the last 2 years and it wasn’t free when it first came out.

    When did iPhoto come out? Because I was using freeware and shareware photo tools in 1996 and I don’t think iPhoto is that old.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #41 – Hey Tom 2… It’s just advertising… You know Colgate doesn’t actually get teeth any whiter than Crest…

    On the other hand…

    Building your own PC isn’t to save money. It’s to be better. It’s been 6 months since I looked at a proprietray PC but HP, Dell, Sony, Compaq, etc… all build roadblocks in to block the upgrade path or limit your upgrade options… It’s understandable, and for mom and pop it don’t matter… But I need a truly extensible machine with options because I like to do something very very adult with my machine… Yes… I’m talking to you Lauren… 🙂

  14. Scott Gant says:

    #42 I was referring to the features of iPhoto…which you could NOT do in 1996 such as sync with a photo web site, or directly link to a service to order prints of your pictures etc etc. Picasa can do that now also.

    I mean, we can look back all the way to the Amiga for freeware and shareware photo applications also from like 1989 if you want to be technical.

    And actually, building your own computer is to save money as you just proved your own point as you’re claiming about Dell and others limiting your upgrade path. You build you own to upgrade it…which is cheaper than buying a whole new computer. So in essence, to save money. I suppose if you look at it that way, it’s “cheaper” in the long run. But I’m old and I’m tired of doing all that crap. Just give me a fricken machine and turn it on. It’s like buying a car. I don’t go under the hood and upgrade the engine or put different things on like I did when I was 18. Now, I just get in the damn thing and drive to where I want to go.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #44 – Okay… I see the point of your point 🙂

    Those features were not built in or easy for the avergae user… Of course, back then the early adopter was the average user.

    I was simply thinking about the functionality of the core features. Personally, I think those publishing features are more gimmick than feature… after all, instead of posting to Flickr I could just make a web site and be in control and instead of ordering prints I can make prints and be in control…

    But as non-geeks outnumber geeks now, I see the importance of having these services…

    On your other point, it might seem like I save money over time through the upgrade path, but when you are the guy who spends $600 on a video card (a price that will, today, fetch you a modest laptop) I’m not sure how much I really “save” 🙂

  16. João PT says:

    #37 #39
    Sorry the blog software crashed on me so I posted twice. A glitch.

    The memory thing: MacPro uses intel server chipset, so they have to use Fb-Dimms. These are more expensive, and have special requirements in order to achieve max bandwidth: ie. you need to populate at least 4 memory slots to achieve it. So you’re looking at $1100 apple price for 4x1Gb FB-dimms (or $676 at newegg for Kingston memory). That’s it. But anyway, if you spend $2000 plus on a workstation, what a mere $1100 for you?

    Be sure to read the next articles too

    read page 11-memory performance


    Decide for yourself… no big trouble, just bang for buck… but that’s subjective too…

  17. rich says:

    lol @ mac users getting all upset. what a bunch of fags.

  18. Luc says:

    I find it very weird how angry Windows users get at the idea of Mac users enjoying their computers. Very strange.

    I’ve also noticed that Windows users tend to make great leaping points without ever using a Mac computer.

    Take, for example, the “why macs suck” video posted up there. That video is exceedingly old; I’d even venture to say it was likely made about Mac OS 9, which really did suck. But Macs don’t do any of those things anymore. Software rarely crashes like that (and by rarely, I mean about a quarter as often as it does on my XP machine), you drag files directly to the desktop instead of aliases, and the interrupt sequence is almost identical to Windows’ Ctrl+Alt+Del. But here people are, posting it in 2006 as if it were a current list of woes. If I started making a video of all the things wrong with Win ME, I’d have to make a 4 DVD boxed edition.

    Market share? Don’t be stupid. Windows has a decade advantage on the popular market share, not to mention the fact that Windows PCs are manufactured by anybody and everybody who can pull the parts together. Windows boxes are bound to have a larger market share. iPods have a greater market share by far than other media players, but I’m guessing that will be completely overlooked by Microsoft fanboys when discussing Zune/iPod advantages.

    Market share is a ridiculous measure for reasons in such great quantity that I can’t list them here.

    Only one kind of Mac? That’s just ignorant. There are entire tiers of Macs designed for everything from email to high-end video processing. Yes, I pay more for a premium Mac that does everything well than I would for a similar-spec’ed Win machine, but Mac users also get 25% longer usage out of their machines. And yes, we can upgrade.

    This is what I’m talking about. Windows users just spouting off stuff without bothering to check if it’s true.

    I have used, and currently use, both XP (blech) and Mac OS, both similar in specs. I avoid using my Win computer whenever I can, not because I don’t know how (I was a Win guy for years and years before Mac finally released an operating system I could dig), but because my Mac is more intuitive, crashes less often, and is – let’s face it – a much prettier interface.

    And as for the joke that Mac users are computer illiterate… I understand that Windows users need SOME thing to feel superior about, but this is just stupid. First you say Windows has a larger market share, and then turn around and talk about the number of computer illiterate users using Macs? You folks have like 9x the number of computer illiterate users Macs do.

    And using user-friendliness as a point AGAINST an operating system? That’s sublimely dumb.

    An educated Mac user has tons of opportunities to tweak and poke and prod; it just happens that Macs work well out of the box, as well. Seems like a good thing for an operating system to do, not a bad thing.

    Windows machines have their advantages, and Mac users are aware of them: more software, quicker game releases, uh…. minesweeper? But many of us have actually USED both, and prefer Mac because it’s just better for us. If you’re a Windows fanboy, great. But do me the favor of actually knowing what you’re talking about if you’re going to piss all over another operating system just to feel better about your ugly start bar.

  19. JoaoPT says:

    Yeah, and what about SONY?

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Nice sum-up, Luc. But the M$ fanboiz also studiously avoid the 22-year-old fact that the only personal computer users who prefer Windows are those who have never used a Mac. The majority of users of all levels of sophistication who HAVE used both platforms have always prefered the Mac – for the same reasons that far fewer crashes, a consistent UI and HW/SW integration result in a Mac user being significantly more productive, with less training and support overhead. And also for the last 20+ years, users who switch platforms go in one direction – the Win to Mac, virtually never the other way. Gee, I wonder why that would be?

    …and OFTLO – I’m really curious about just exactly what “very adult” things your homegrown PeeCee is capable of that my “unupgradable” Mac isn’t…

    …I’m proud to say my next box, within 6 mo., will be on the order of a dual 3GHz XServe with 16G RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, 10.2 channel 192/24 digital audio I/O, a couple terabytes of striped & mirrored 10,000RPM storage and 2 30″ Cinema monitors, running under OS X and Solaris. For starters. So what exactly might I not be able to do with it, prithee tell? (Beside downloading Windows security updates)

    So Asketh The Ghoti (onetime ’69 1/2 Camaro driver, now older and wiser BMW driver, so there!)

  21. JoaoPT says:

    Not true. I’ve always had Macs, and own 3 relics…Now it’s PC only. And, mind you I work on printing, which is Mac territory.
    I’m just fed up with all the PR and Jobs distortion field.
    And because I can judge by myself, the hardware, I choose PC.
    Nice car choice though.

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #51 – I’m going to assume that you’re a liberal, since the logical fallacy you’re using is a favorite of libs who can’t or won’t face reality.

    You went from Mac to PC? Fine.That places you in the 2 or 3 percent who, for whatever bizarre reason, go the other way – but one (or two or ten) counterexamples do not invalidate my point.

    When I say that 98%+ of rapes are committed by men, there’s certainly someone out there who will say, “Not true. I know a woman who raped a man.” So what? It’s a non sequitur. Citing an exception doesn’t invalidate the rule.

    People leave Merc & BMW for Lexus in droves. Goto any Lex delaer and look at all the fancy German iron that’s been traded in – then go see if you can find a Lexus that’s been traded in on a German car. If you DO manage to find one, please don’t try telling us that that “disproves” that virtually all the switching is from Germans to Lexus

    Virtually no one leaves the Mac platform for Windows. Plenty of Win users switch to the Mac. Mac users enjoy their machines much more, have far fewer problems with them, get more acutal work done with them in less time – and then they get on with their lives. Incontestible, time-honored fact which ain’t gonna change.

    So Smugly Reiterateth The Ghoti (who’s getting an LS460 – but not parting with his BMer)

  23. JoaoPT says:

    Ok, ok ok. Don’t get me wrong…Mac is a mighty fine average spec. machine, extremely well built. The OS is Superb.
    I can tell the difference and I’m not blind.
    It’s just the way I use computers. I’m a tinkerer. I like to revamp and replace components whenever there’s a good deal. And also I like to use some tools that are just not available for mac. Notably on the video compression.
    On the hardware side I can do with a PC box so much more stuff. First of all, there’s the platform choice. Except the Mac Pro, all of the rest are basically laptops. No standard chassis, and no expansion slots other than memory, and these come in So-dimm form factor. All the tech specs refer the Core2 Duo processor, but none says which one it is. And no reference of the exact chipset, but Mac users don’t need to know this, because they are not supposed to tinker inside. So, once you buy it, you are stuck with it. You can swap the drive and put some memory, but that’s it. Which is fine for the average user. Then there’s the Mac Pro. Real cool machine, except it’s too professional. Server intel 5000 chipset, and Xeon processors. And FB-dimms. It’s tailored for the Video editor, 3D artist or the Photoretoucher. But again, no luck if you want to mix and match components. It won’t accept regular expansion boards because of the Bios thing. So what basically is at stake here it’s a machine that has less expansion options to choose from and the few it has, tipically will be more expensive.
    I’m no gamer, but even though you can play PC games on it, Macs are for the casual gamer. At least, there’s not much Mac turnout at LanPartys. It’s easy to explain: Unless you got a MacPro, there’s no way to cram the latest video board on a iMac. And who would chug a MacPro to such an event?
    Of course it’s a good looking machine to display if you’re at a fancy Art department. It blends well with designer furniture. And it get’s the job done too. No question there. But if you go to a 3D production house, you’re more likely to find regular PCs and SGI workstations than Macs.

    There’s a couple of situations I would admit buying a Mac: A Mac Mini for media center, and a 20 inch iMac for SOHO use. These come close of having a good price/performance/usability ratio. Once I started running some price/specifications comparisons, I shunned both. Mac Mini lacks the tunning/digitizing hardware. So it’s no more than a good looking DVD/Media player. If I want to record programs or do some time shift, or even see one channel as recording other, I’m with no luck.
    The 20inch, it’s ok. But it wont last me more than two years before feeling cramped. No way to do a core system (mobo/processor/ram) upgrade. The all in one computer inside a monitor is a nice concept, but the useful life of the monitor greatly exceeds that of the computer. So after 4 years you still have a fancy LCD but stuck with a pokey machine.

    Maybe I can’t face the reality, but, then again, what is that reality? Can you face it?

    PS. note that I haven’t really touched the Price issue…

  24. JoaoPT says:

    There’s another thing too.
    Take a room with 100 people. All using computers. 10 use Macs. and 90 use PC.
    Let’s say 10% convert to Mac. So 9 people change for Macs. and at the same time 10% of Mac users also convert to PC. So 1 person starts using PCs.
    Of course a Mac user would say that for every Mac user that changes to PC there’s 9 PC users that change for Macs. And smile.

    Reality? It depends on the point of view.


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