I think it’s about time that Apple got a personal restraining order against Sony!

  1. Central Coast says:

    “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”

    To imitate someone is to pay the person a genuine compliment, often an unintended compliment. Looks like the case here. No biggie…

  2. Jägermeister says:

    What’s Sony implying? That VAIO is for street hookers? I’ll give them that they’ve managed to find a new target audience …

  3. Donald says:

    I hope it still comes with Clock.

  4. Tom 2 says:

    Ok ya this is really starting to bug me. Oh i’m a mac and i can make a picture album, oh im so special, oh i think il make a podcast, oh so much fun, oh i can emulate microsoft office, oh im so special. Tell me this sucker, can you play the newest video games? Can you overclock a video card to the point where you can see the glint of your enemies eye right before you frag him in the head? I think not, go head and make some pretty photo albums, go write a poem or something you fairy.

  5. Random Thought says:

    If somebody has to tell you they are cool, they probably are not. Apple was snarky. Sony is just sorry.

  6. Reality says:

    I actually thought that was funny except Justin’s character should have said, “oh, I like that”. haha

  7. Bill says:

    “Ok ya this is really starting to bug me. Oh i’m a mac and i can make a picture album, oh im so special, oh i think il make a podcast, oh so much fun, oh i can emulate microsoft office, oh im so special. Tell me this sucker, can you play the newest video games? Can you overclock a video card to the point where you can see the glint of your enemies eye right before you frag him in the head?”

    Wake up Tom, Microsoft has always written Microsoft Office for the Mac. And to your gamer question, yes, a Mac is now a Windows computer and can run those games on Intel chips just like any other Intel powered computer. The exclusive advantage Mac’s have is that they are the only “Windows” computer that can also run all of the great Mac software. Get your head out of the games and wake up!

  8. Max Bell says:

    Y’know, it occurs to me — the “PC” is NOT necessarily a Windows box.

    See if THAT doesn’t set your teeth on edge.

    “Hi, I’m a Mac…”

    “And I’m Ubuntu…”

    Maybe if you replace the little dude in the suit with Samuel Jackson…

  9. Improbus says:

    Who’s the Linux distro with all the chicks?


    Damn right!

  10. Tom 2 says:

    Do they ever say that on their assanine commercials? No oooo they have intel chips, you need high end video cards too, im sorry but dont upgrades like cost money on macs? the mac software is crap, their user interface is like a trip into disney land with all the colors and bs, PC are better because they give you more optimization for upgrading hardware, you have a choice, macs dont give you a choice, its either take it or leave and id rather leave it to snooty people like justin to create an operah or something, not the convienence the pc has to offer. like not having to emulate things, where you can actually run linux, or unix,.

  11. Tom 2 says:

    why macs suck.

  12. bill 2 says:

    Who runs Sony now dayz? Why are theey still there?

  13. JFStan says:

    Have you followed the link to the Sony site??? If you mouse over the little “I’m a Viao” girl you get to pinch her on the ass! How sexist is that? What’s next, will Jimmy and Adam become their spokesmen?

  14. SN says:

    #14 “How sexist is that?”

    Which is really ironic as only a woman would care that their laptop was available in multiple colors!

  15. ziggyonice says:

    hey #12

    your video is close to ten years out of date.
    that’d be like me posting a video of windows 3.1, comparing it to today’s macs, and calling it pathetic.

    get your facts straight

  16. Tom 2 says:

    hey #16

    Why aren’t more Mac owners computer literate?
    They would be, if they had a computer.

    How do you make your Mac go faster?
    Drop it from a higher window.

  17. tori says:

    The software box said requires Windows 98 or better , So I got a Mac

  18. Tom 2 says:

    Ok I finally got my facts, so this will be my last discussion on this issue. Quotes are taken from this website http://tinyurl.com/8nc62.

    “It’s amazing! Apple has invented a program called iPhotos that will revolutionize the way we look at digital photos. Hear what they have to say: “Simply drag your mouse, and iPhoto magically grows or shrinks your photo thumbnails. So you can view individual shots in detail or see hundreds of photos on the screen at once…”.
    Maybe mac users are new to digital photos on the computer but on the pc we have a huge variety of freeware that does the job of iPhoto and more, to choose from. So when Apple says that they are “the missing link in digital photography” maybe what they meant was that iPhoto is the missing link of the Mac.”
    Mac user
    “The transition to a Mac is easy in part because you’ll continue using the same applications you already know”
    Ask yourself this: Why would I switch when It’s the exactly same on the mac?
    Myth: Macs don’t crash
    “Yes it does! And it does it alot. The difference between a pc based on Windows crashing and a Mac is that on the pc the crash is in 99% of the cases caused by badly coded third party software, when the Mac just has a faulty operating system. Why else would Apple themselves run their india site (http://tinyurl.com/ykzzjc) on Linux RedHat?”
    Myth: its built for the internet
    7. It’s built for the internet

    “Apple makes a huge point about the easability of configuring an internet connection on a mac. All new Windows versions come with just as easy to use guides for connecting to the internet with modem, lan or anything else. They also brag about such obvious tools of communication like email, favorites and contacts. Yes Apple, this is really new and hot stuff, you are indeed innovative. Or maybe not.
    The worst part might be that they lie about their under average video-plugin Quicktime. This might be one of the worst programs ever to install. Actually if some students at a university needed an example of a really poorly written program, this would be a perfect opportunity for Quicktime to step into the limelight.”

    Mac users should get off their horse and at least acknowledge that PC’s have their advantages.

  19. Ed Glasheen says:

    Isn’t a Sony Vaio a PC? Dumbasses.

  20. Scott Gant says:

    Notice how everyone is ignoring the obvious troll from Tom 2? Yet he keeps on trying? Classic.

    Oh, and Ed is right, the Vaio IS a PC, so I don’t get their ad. So you have PC – Mac – PC. Only a PC dressed as a street hooker yet still runs XP/Vista?

  21. Elwipo says:

    Wow, that web site sucks! I’m just glad my pc didn’t catch on fire just for visiting it.

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Y’know, Tom 2, professional help is available for people who suffer from the sort of mental illness that compels a person to relentlessly, bitterly rail against an inanimate object as if it had somehow done him harm.

    What happened? Did a Mac fall on your foot? Was your momma scared by a Mac when she was carrying you? You see the Blue Screen Of Death one too many times? Or is it just that you can’t stand the idea that Macs are superior, always were and always will be?

    Your box can run Win & *nix. Ja? Und? My box runs ’em too, plus the Mac OS. So mine box ain’t the inferior one. Get over it.

    You remind me of the teenage shitheads I knew in my youth who just KNEW their hot-rodded Camaros and Mustangs were better than any of those faggotty, fancy-schmancy Ferraris and Mer-say-deez. Loud, crude, couldn’t pull 0.8g in a corner, but wow! you could adjust the carbs right there in the parking lot! (Sorta like you and your “I can overclock my vidcard!”) Big fucking deal. Some of us have other, more adult criteria for choosing cars and computers.

    In later years, those same clowns quietly dumped their IROCs and T/As for 540is and SL500s. IOW, they shut up and grew up. Maybe one day you will too.

    So Sneereth The Ghoti

  23. Tom 2 says:

    I just think that their marketing strategy is smug, and they cant market on their strong points, if they have any, so they attack PC’s, sort of like republicans, and this in heart is my main argument. Like #23 who can only attack me and not argue my points on merit.

  24. SN says:

    #23 “Y’know, Tom 2, professional help is available for people who suffer from the sort of mental illness that compels a person to relentlessly, bitterly rail against an inanimate object as if it had somehow done him harm.”

    Is help available for those who relentlessly come to the defense of inanimate objects?!

  25. Scott Gant says:

    Ok, we’ll take on your points Tom 2. And remember, this is coming from someone (me) that doesn’t even own an Apple product.

    1. iPhoto. When iPhoto came out, there wasn’t all these freeware applications out there that did what it did. Sure, there are now, but not back then. Also, name one. Picasa is one, but that only came out in like the last 2 years and it wasn’t free when it first came out. But it’s out now and it’s nice and all and does many of the things that iPhoto does…well, did 3 years ago. So iPhoto has some competition. Good. So what? What’s the argument again? Oh, straw man…never mind.

    2. All computer OS’s crash. OSX, Windows, Linux, the other BSD’s…they all crash from time to time. None are immune. It may be a myth put out by some people that OSX doesn’t crash, or perhaps it doesn’t crash as often (and how would you know anyway since you don’t have one I’m assuming…and if you DO have one and you use it all the time, why? If you hate it so much why run it? But I digress), but Linux crashes quite a bit too if you’re trying to run cutting edge things. XP for me has been rather stable, but I do get BSOD once in a while. It’s a fact of life….computer OS’s crash.

    3. I skipped one, about the transition. Yes, you can run your popular programs on the Mac blah blah blah, but why switch? Perhaps there are other reasons to go to the Mac for someone. Or does it have to be your way or the highway? It’s a fricken advertisement. Haven’t you learned by now not to listen to advertisements from ANYONE? Everyone plays fast and loose with the facts. Not an excuse, but come on. Also, those penis extension pills you bought don’t work either.

    4. Ok, this is just plain stupid…you go to talk about hooking up to the Internet and then it turns into a rant about Quicktime? It’s like “yeah, they talk about ease of hooking up to the net but HEY! LOOK THERE BEHIND YOU!” Um…what is that all about?

    And PC’s have no more advantage than a Mac and vice-versa. They’re both computers and you do the same things with both. Big deal. Both sides should grow the hell up and move on with their lives. It’s not a fricken religion and shame on you too for trying to stir up this crap again.

  26. V says:

    You know… I honestly don’t care about the Mac PC debate anyone, the market share speaks for itself: 10% of people are convinced for their reasons, 90% aren’t for their reasons, but this campaign makes a point.

    VAIO is a kind of PC. But it’s also a bit different than the other PC. And this makes sense. In the PC world, we build machines for different purposes. There’s business machines and gaming machine and media centers and all sorts of different software and hardware combinations for anyone’s individual needs.

    There’s only one kind of Mac.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Funny! 🙂

    Here’s the Wii, PS3 and Xbox trends

  28. SN says:

    “And PC’s have no more advantage than a Mac and vice-versa.”

    PCs have one HUGE advantage that’ll keep me from ever switching. You can build your own PC but not your own Mac. To me paying someone to build your computer is like paying someone to sleep with your mistress. What’s the point of paying more AND missing out on all the fun?!

    Hopefully Apple will eventually sell their OS separately so everyone can try it out. I know I will!

  29. JoaoPT says:

    I supposed the thread was about SONY. And how SONY continues it’s pathetic imitation of Apple.

    Funny. I’m convinced that it’s the other way around. Apple followed closely SONY’s footsteps. I mean, SONY made TV and HiFI and Video, etc… you know: appliances, and Apple made Computers, and more than that, Lifestyles. But recently Apple is doing what SONY does. Re-invented the Walkman, It’s into media, It will bring out a PHONE, and a Video Streaming Device (that I suspect will go Betamax on us…), has HiFi loudspeakers. Seems so natural that Apple fans are all asking for the Apple TV.
    And suddently it’s clear in my head. Apple is avenging the fall of the American pride, on 70s and 80s when Japan was calling the shots in technology. It makes sense for me that the rise of Apple is inversely connected to the fall of SONY.
    Well, these companies are connected to personality people. Morita and Jobs. Guess where they’ll be in 20 to 30 years time.

    (on a “whatever happened” issue here on DU)


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