[Columbus OH] Police are searching for the driver of an SUV who chased and fatally shot a 14-year-old boy he thought had thrown an egg at his vehicle early yesterday.

Danny Crawford, of 3217 Valley View Dr., died of a single gunshot wound in the upper body, according to Franklin County Coroner Brad Lewis.

Danny’s body was found in an alley behind 28 N. Terrace Ave., on the city’s West Side. The shooting took place about 12:30 a.m.

He died at the scene, Lewis said.

Danny’s house is about a mile from the alley where he was shot. A woman who answered the door at the house yesterday said Danny’s father did not want to comment.

Sgt. Dana Norman said the driver fled in the SUV. Police located the vehicle a short time later nearby on Burgess Avenue.

Living in a society that believes passing laws solves everything, which law do we pass, now?

One that says 8th-graders shouldn’t be roaming the streets at midnight? Or one that bans having a gun in your car?

  1. bs says:

    Ban eggs.

  2. Dallas says:

    Nobody likes to see young children shot dead but what’s this kid doing out at 12:30AM? Exactly.
    IMHO, the parents should be prosecuted along with the shooter.

  3. me says:

    Give me a break. I was out that late a few times when I was that age and my single mother hardly should’ve been prosecuted because of it. Kids do things they shouldn’t do sometimes. Parents are imperfect. There is only one person who is too blame for this. The psycho retard that thinks shooting someone for egging his car is a reasonable thing to do. I guess he felt dissed.

    Something tells me the murder of their child will trump any discomfort a judge could throw at them.

  4. Blues says:

    I think they should lower the age at which you can own a gun. If the kid had had a gun he could have defended himself.

  5. Reality says:

    You don’t shoot a kid for throwing an egg. You pick up a rock and throw it at him. Our society has gone crazy!

  6. Hugh Jass says:

    NYPD should hire this guy and teach the police how to shoot. Sure this is bad but it should be a lesson to other kids that want to vandalize. If a few more died of lead poisoning maybe they’d learn.

  7. JimR says:

    The right to bear arms is archaic. In the USA you enjoy 14.5 times more murders per capita with handguns than Canadians do. Every gun related statistic in the USA shows that it is a stupid idea. Brains will always trump brawn.

  8. John Scott says:

    eggs don’t kill people, people do. Oh wait, thats what happened… next.

  9. tallwookie says:

    Hey!! its past halloween, this kid should been throwing rocks. If he wasnt worm food, he should be sent to the kids jail for being a bumbass

  10. RTaylor says:

    Do we have to turn this site into another fark.com? I was hoping it would evolve into something with a bit higher standard. This was a senseless act of violence that resulted in a dead 14 year old. Nothing the child could have done to a damn car warrants even pointing a weapon at him.

  11. Elwipo says:

    Why was that kid out at 12:30am? Hi parents need (needed) to keep better tabs on their kids, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that one more idiot with a gun ended some kid’s life.

    I don’t understand the Right to Arms in the constitution. I think it’s something that applied in the 1700s, not 2006. Government needs to get involved and take that amendment away and gun crimes will go down.

  12. Scott Gant says:

    So let me get this straight. You’re a parent and you go to bed, you see your child go to bed. You fall asleep and your child wakes up, and sneaks out of the house without waking you up. So that’s the parents fault? You’ve tried to raise them right, yet for some reason…these are kids remember, random/chaotic creatures that they are….and they sometimes go and do stupid things. I have a 13 year old and for the most part he’s a good kid. But once in a while he does stupid things. I did stupid things when I was that age. We all do. When I did a stupid thing growing up did that mean my parents were bad and should be blamed? What about all the stupid things YOU did as a child, yet maybe weren’t caught. Do you blame your parents or yourself?

    What’s next, pad-lock them in their room at night just so you’re sure they’re not sneaking out? Maybe we should if we’re going to have idiots shoot them for throwing an egg at their car.

  13. tallwookie says:

    #11 – good luck getting that passed – the gun lobbyists & the weapon manufacturers have a hella-powerful lobby in washington.

  14. Tom 2 says:

    Maybe it should be mandatory for everyone to carry a gun. Because we cant reverse the constitution because of crazies, and we can’t get good laws because of lobbyists. So it only seems logical, to just have a free for all and see who survives.

  15. Joe says:

    Yes, as a child (kinda still am a 20 something child) i would often sneak out of the house to egg cars, houses, and people and to smoke weed. BUT i was always armed. HOWEVER, there is more to this story because kids are always are up to something. In CONCLUSION the shooter needs to get jailed.

    Link to Location of the Shooting :
    [edited: pls use tinyurl]

  16. Mikey Twit says:

    Shooting the kid is extreme but I have to agree, what the hell is a 14 year old doing out at that time. Sorry but if you have kids, you are responsible for a bad egg (pun indented) or not. I remember being out until 2am once when I was 16 and I was doing nothing mischievous but man did my folks lay in to me.

    Like I said shooting the kid is extreme, but todays society let these young troublemakers get away with too much. Case in point: in my area the A guy found a kid hiding in his basement and being freaked out with his wife and 2 young children at home he grabbed this kid by the throat and threw him down on the concrete. Can you say you wouldn’t do the same if you felt your family was threatened? The kicker; the police WILL NOT charge the kid with break and enter but might charge the homeowner!! The kid was just charged with being intoxicated under age. Apparently there was a house party in the nieghbourhood and the kid claimed he was just in the wrong house. Shooting extreme, but these kids need to feel some old fashioned fear!

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, It doesn’t matter what this kid was doing out at midnight. It was Saturday morning and there wasn’t a damn thing on TV.

    The assailant hunted him down and shot six times. He is a premeditated murderer who deserves the death penalty. Would the victim have deserved to be killed if he was selling a bag of weed or was a hooker trying to turn a trick?

  18. JSFORBES says:

    Sounds like a good use of capital punishment to me.

  19. Blues says:

    I guess the weird thing about reading the American points of view in this thread is just how looney you guys are. Even the moderates among you seem to feel that the kid at least partly deserved what happened to him.
    Truly, the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you guys are way scarier than any islamic terrorists. They’re just your run of the mill religious fanatics. You guys are completely deranged.
    And Bryan P. They already took away your right to free speech, freedom of assembly, free press, speedy trial, and religious freedom, to name just a few, and all your millions of guns made no difference whatsoever.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #18,19 – Agreed.

  21. vaspersthegrate says:

    Kill a kid for throwing eggs at your dumb ass Riding With Bin Laden SUV?

    Those SUV drivers, you know how THEY are. They are all chumps who guzzle gas that our troops have to go and die for. Bastard big vehicle traitors!

  22. Scott Gant says:

    So #17. You were 16 and out at 2 A.M. I guess your parents failed you as they didn’t raise you right. I mean, you WERE out till 2 A.M. right? Sure, you got caught by them, but what if someone shot YOU when you were out that one time. Would it have been your fault of your parents for the way they raised you? Looking back now, did they raise you right and you’re taking responsibility for your actions that you did at 16? Or again, was it their fault that you stayed out that late?

    What if this was this kid’s first time out late at night, after sneaking out, but he just happened to get killed?

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – Even the moderates among you seem to feel that the kid at least partly deserved what happened to him.

    Did you read the posts or just skimmed them?

  24. Smartalix says:

    Those who actually defend this piece of shit for shooting a defensless kid on some wierd “the kid had it coming” philosophy have deep mental problems, IMNSHO. Even so, I hope a tragedy like this never happens to one of yours.

    America has serious issues with empowerment and righteousness based on who has the might to force their beliefs on others. By the logic of those individuals, I can come over and shoot you (and your wife, mother, father, sister, brother) dead because I have the ability to do so and I don’t like your ideas.

  25. Dallas says:

    #20.. Yeah, sure. Some of us question if a 14 yr old should be out on the street at 12:30AM. Like a good a republican puke, you jump to the far reaching conclusion that we think he partly deserved to die.

    That’s what’s truly sick…eh ‘loony’. As if the abhorrance of hunting and gunning down a child is a even a topic of dispute.

  26. curmudgen says:

    Those who actually defend this piece of shit for shooting a defenseless kid on some weird “the kid had it coming” philosophy have deep mental problems, IMNSHO. Even so, I hope a tragedy like this never happens to one of yours.

    Wish I had said that.

    Or this

    That’s what’s truly sick…eh ‘loony’. As if the abhorrence of hunting and gunning down a child is a even a topic of dispute.

  27. Mikey Twit says:

    I’m no conservative but I’m no “let it all hang out” liberal either. Call me all the names you want (if it makes you feel better about yourself) but a 14 year old out that late doesn’t deserve to be shot, but he shouldn’t be damaging other people’s property and possibly putting him/herself in this sort of nutty situation with this gun toting loon. It may be cynical but never underestimate the craziness of another human being (including me!HAHAHAHA!)

  28. Arbo Cide says:

    >on some weird “the kid had it coming” philosophy have deep mental problems, IMNSHO.

    People say this all the time with regards to Israel, or America after 9/11.

  29. Eddie says:

    “It may be cynical but never underestimate the craziness of another human being” Right on #28.

    A lot of kids are very trusting. When they start trouble, they trust the other party to dial down the response. People should treat each other with respect, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because you don’t know who is one straw away from cracking.

  30. sdf says:

    I’m surprised there wasn’t a PS3 involved.


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