There cannot be much good in bad sex, unless maybe it wins you a prize.

Two authors put on a brave face at being recognized for one of literatures most dubious accolades — the Bad Sex in Fiction Award — in a ceremony at London’s In & Out Club in upmarket St. James’s Square late Wednesday.

The prize was presented by American singer Courtney Love.

What organizers call Britain’s “most dreaded literary prize” went to first time novelist Iain Hollingshead and “Twentysomething” for the “passage considered to be the most redundant in an otherwise excellent novel.”

The award sponsors at Literary Review magazine said it was Hollingshead’s “bulging trousers” which put him ahead of runner-up Tim Willocks for “The Religion.”

Now in its 14th year, the prize aims “to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it.”

I wonder if they’ve considered bad writing — or good writing — about no sex?

  1. Reality says:

    Courtney Love has always made my Mr. Wiggles crawl back in his burrow. She’s more effective than sitting in ice water. Ick!

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I wonder if they’ve considered bad writing — or good writing — about no sex?

    There is no such thing as writing that isn’t about sex. 🙂

    btw – Courtney Love typically looks worked over and haggard, but that almost cross-eyed shot is priceless.

  3. SN says:

    “Courtney Love has always made my Mr. Wiggles crawl back in his burrow”

    I’d do a clone of Hitler before I’d do Courtney..

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #1 … *LMAO* 😀 That one will bring me through the day… 🙂

  5. Tom 2 says:

    courtney love is disgusting.

  6. edwinrogers says:

    Courtney Love is a lovely, fuzzy bunny wabbit. I go all warm and silly just hearing her name. How nice of her to take time away from caring for her ailing mother, raising six lovely girls and charitable work for the worthiest of good family causes, to MC this veritable learned conference on human congress. I honestly can’t understand the weight of negativism surrounding this young, accomplished female writer, singer and actor. I think of Ms. Love as like a bohemian Nicole Kidman, who chooses not to wear underwear. Perhaps if she were introduced to Tom, no perhaps Keith, maybe then we would be able to see and appreciate the good that is in Courtney.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Yes, I can honestly say, I have had many similar experiences.

  8. Arbo Cide says:

    That’s one way to do it. Why does every novel written nowadays have to have sex scenes in them? It’s like the publishers take the draft you give them, and then send it back asking for these scenes, or maybe they keep interns on hand to write those for you.

  9. Rich says:

    Somebody has been beating that woman with an ugly stick!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, AB CD,
    Not every novel has sex in it and the publishers aren’t sending back manuscripts asking for sexual content to be added. As an FYI, male / female interaction is a very prominent part of life. Part of that interaction is the sexual attraction between men and women, or what ever turns your crank. To include some attraction and interaction is almost as common in telling a story as is story telling.


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